11:03 am, December 31, 2016
BuddyUp Rewards ExCHANGE Campaign 2017
Hello guys,
Re: Start date - 1st January 2017*
Background of the need for this campaign
As you all know, in TERA, we have a BuddyUp system designed to attract and support new players with welcome gifts as they level up if they've used a code provided by an existing player who becomes sort of a mentor to the newbie, rewarding both sides in the process.
For a more detailed explanation, please watch:
With all that in mind and seeing how feedback simply gets ignored by our publisher, I've decided to start this player-driven initiative in an attempt to counter the negative impact of how Gameforge have been neglecting the BuddyUp system for years now.
What can we do as a community
The idea of this group effort is to make new players feel actually welcome - something Gameforge have been failing to do in recent months, or shall I say years. And how to do that? By giving up our best L65 BuddyUp reward and adding a bit more to it, to show prospective players that we want them to come and stay, and play together in the world of TERA.
So, to set an example and demonstrate that united we're stronger, I've collected BuddyUp codes from some of our guild members (contained in the spoiler below). Note that only one of them, apart from me, has ever posted a code on the forum before. Everyone's supporting this initiative though and has personally provided their code(s). See Conditions below for... conditions.
Desired outcome (Campaign's goals)
Ideally, we'll soon see BuddyUp packages that are liked by both mentors and newbies and a system that's properly advertised on the main TERA EU website.
What's in it for new players
I've put together this L65 BuddyUp Bonus Gift (in addition to currently received Token of Friendship: Level 65):
I believe this is the bare minimum Gameforge must do, and do so ASAP. Until this time has come, we'd continue to sacrifice our personal resources for the benefit of new players.
For new players:
If you support the campaign, please post your BuddyUp code(s) in this thread. Make sure you clearly state "I support the campaign and accept the conditions" and do include your server name.
And if you don't support the campaign, you can just use the regular threads: BuddyUp! Codes and BuddyUp! Codes.
If French or German players are reading, I apologise but I can't translate this even with Google Translate . Feel free to open sister threads on your respective forum sections if you think more people will get involved.
In the event of forum administrators trying to silence us, this campaign will continue for as long as necessary, with or without moderators' support.
*Newbies recently used (in December 2016) a code of mine can approach me and ask for an L65 BuddyUp Bonus Gift via forum or in-game private message.
Thank you all and have a happy and healthy New Year! :beer:
Re: Start date - 1st January 2017*
Background of the need for this campaign
As you all know, in TERA, we have a BuddyUp system designed to attract and support new players with welcome gifts as they level up if they've used a code provided by an existing player who becomes sort of a mentor to the newbie, rewarding both sides in the process.
For a more detailed explanation, please watch:
With all that in mind and seeing how feedback simply gets ignored by our publisher, I've decided to start this player-driven initiative in an attempt to counter the negative impact of how Gameforge have been neglecting the BuddyUp system for years now.
What can we do as a community
The idea of this group effort is to make new players feel actually welcome - something Gameforge have been failing to do in recent months, or shall I say years. And how to do that? By giving up our best L65 BuddyUp reward and adding a bit more to it, to show prospective players that we want them to come and stay, and play together in the world of TERA.
So, to set an example and demonstrate that united we're stronger, I've collected BuddyUp codes from some of our guild members (contained in the spoiler below). Note that only one of them, apart from me, has ever posted a code on the forum before. Everyone's supporting this initiative though and has personally provided their code(s). See Conditions below for... conditions.
BuddyUp codes of [never dodge] members on the Mystel server:
Soul.Cc#1071 | soul.red#2537
Menowar#2806 | Poison_Ivy#1236 | Wolfles#6892 | Zaizle#5133
Chronno#2862 | Chronnno#1083 | Chrono.Jutsu#7696 | Chronocross#2921 | Kaliopi#4260
Cleavage#8976 | Hatenchi#4028 | Challenger#3210
Oraoraora#3534 | Decoy.Jutsu#1900 | P.X#3348 | S.T#5704 | Serious#1860
Iviperkiss#7402 (capital 'i') | lviper#7450 (lowercase 'L')
Arantis#4101 | Narasint#3676
kushking#0603 | kushheal#8696 | mysticalkush#8788 | spnnn#0671
Zorex#0847 | Zorexa#9295 | Zororo#1187
Yianis#7552 | Verrinne#4559 | Viyor#7692 | Yewfelle#0713
Ashuwh#7046 | Orinias#8360 | Zographix#4251
who#0598 | what#9069 | you#0520 | someone#2369 | anyone#5731
Injan#1492 | Inajn#9592 | Nijan#8207 | Najin#4495 | Nijna#3486
Manoah#6354 | Chlorotoxin#6383 | Magritte#2918
imthebox#9597 | Iamthebox#2533 | thebox#1379 | theboxman#7321
Alviel#5466 | Aqil#2049 | Algariel#7807 | Miraclianeth#4854
Sunflarin#5191 | Sunflarine#8817 | Sunflare#1626 | Sunflares#2277 | Sunflair#5224
Note: Capital/lowercase letters do matter. A code can be used up to 3 times within 1 month. Usage counters will next reset on 16th January 2017 when all unavailable codes will become usable again.
Soul.Cc#1071 | soul.red#2537
Menowar#2806 | Poison_Ivy#1236 | Wolfles#6892 | Zaizle#5133
Chronno#2862 | Chronnno#1083 | Chrono.Jutsu#7696 | Chronocross#2921 | Kaliopi#4260
Cleavage#8976 | Hatenchi#4028 | Challenger#3210
Oraoraora#3534 | Decoy.Jutsu#1900 | P.X#3348 | S.T#5704 | Serious#1860
Iviperkiss#7402 (capital 'i') | lviper#7450 (lowercase 'L')
Arantis#4101 | Narasint#3676
kushking#0603 | kushheal#8696 | mysticalkush#8788 | spnnn#0671
Zorex#0847 | Zorexa#9295 | Zororo#1187
Yianis#7552 | Verrinne#4559 | Viyor#7692 | Yewfelle#0713
Ashuwh#7046 | Orinias#8360 | Zographix#4251
who#0598 | what#9069 | you#0520 | someone#2369 | anyone#5731
Injan#1492 | Inajn#9592 | Nijan#8207 | Najin#4495 | Nijna#3486
Manoah#6354 | Chlorotoxin#6383 | Magritte#2918
imthebox#9597 | Iamthebox#2533 | thebox#1379 | theboxman#7321
Alviel#5466 | Aqil#2049 | Algariel#7807 | Miraclianeth#4854
Sunflarin#5191 | Sunflarine#8817 | Sunflare#1626 | Sunflares#2277 | Sunflair#5224
Note: Capital/lowercase letters do matter. A code can be used up to 3 times within 1 month. Usage counters will next reset on 16th January 2017 when all unavailable codes will become usable again.
Desired outcome (Campaign's goals)
Ideally, we'll soon see BuddyUp packages that are liked by both mentors and newbies and a system that's properly advertised on the main TERA EU website.
What's in it for new players
I've put together this L65 BuddyUp Bonus Gift (in addition to currently received Token of Friendship: Level 65):
- 1x Token of Friendship (one permanent item of mentee's choice – a kumas or tiger mount, scarf, helm or headphones);
- 3x Emerald (or 3,000 gold);
- 3x Semi-Enigmatic Scroll;
- 5x Master Enigmatic Scroll;
- 50x Masterwork Alkahest;
- 3x Complete Crystalbind;
- 300x Tier 9 Feedstock;
I believe this is the bare minimum Gameforge must do, and do so ASAP. Until this time has come, we'd continue to sacrifice our personal resources for the benefit of new players.
For new players:
- To qualify, you need to use a BuddyUp code from the ones provided in this thread;
- The L65 BuddyUp Bonus Gift is available from your mentor upon reaching level 65;
- The 30-day regular BuddyUp limit also applies unless you've agreed with your mentor to extend the time due to personal reasons such as school or other real life commitment;
- By signing up to supporting new players under the current initiative, you agree to unconditionally gift the L65 BuddyUp Bonus Gift items to any newbies using your code(s) until this campaign has achieved its goals and has thus been suspended;
- If you no longer wish or are no longer able to participate, you can withdraw your consent at any time. Please make sure you let me know or ask a moderator to remove your code(s) from this thread. Obviously, if you do this while someone is using your code(s), you have to fulfil your promise and deliver the L65 BuddyUp Bonus Gift first, then terminate your participation.
If you support the campaign, please post your BuddyUp code(s) in this thread. Make sure you clearly state "I support the campaign and accept the conditions" and do include your server name.
And if you don't support the campaign, you can just use the regular threads: BuddyUp! Codes and BuddyUp! Codes.
If French or German players are reading, I apologise but I can't translate this even with Google Translate . Feel free to open sister threads on your respective forum sections if you think more people will get involved.
In the event of forum administrators trying to silence us, this campaign will continue for as long as necessary, with or without moderators' support.
*Newbies recently used (in December 2016) a code of mine can approach me and ask for an L65 BuddyUp Bonus Gift via forum or in-game private message.
Thank you all and have a happy and healthy New Year! :beer: