Tera Online Fan Site

TERA The Exiled Realm of Arborea




Buff Chests And Boxes

9:03 pm, March 21, 2016 After DS got released noone is buying strongboxes/sea chests anymore causing server inflation and dried brokers... its sad to see and an evil circle were getting into. But I recon its not something th [..] View

Can we get a Strongbox Event?

11:03 am, March 7, 2016 Everything that has been cheap for years is getting more and more expensive Godess Blessing 1,8k ( Previously 50g) Divine Infusions 60g ( Previously 3g) Rejuvenation Potions 400g ( Previously 50g) Har [..] View

Feedback of mwa situation of gunner patch

10:03 pm, May 8, 2015 Here is my feedback. LoT: good in my opinionMasterwork alkahests box in Vanguard initiative quartermaster: Average in 20mwa/box. The rate is not too good, in theory the target price could be 50 golds [..] View

Earning coupons as low-level potato.

10:03 pm, September 11, 2014 I AM SORRY but I could not find information I was looking for so instead I will use these forums. Are all costumes permanent or only 5k coupons ones? When will the event end? Is there a better way to [..] View

Tera club Key

10:03 pm, August 29, 2014 Hello guys, again me. I've made a quick research and didn't find anything about it (probably not searched enough? ) So, a friend told me that now you don't get 10 key of each when you get TC, but only [..] View

New Annoying Strongboxes

10:03 pm, May 28, 2014 As you guys also know, they removed strongboxes and now we have 2 kinds of strongboxes named Locked Enchanter's Coffer and Locked Soulbinder's Coffer. Idk why but they are superior and when people loo [..] View

The new Alkahest boxes...

12:03 pm, May 28, 2014 Have worser RNG than the normal Strongboxes :*) I just opened 20 because I wanted to check hows the ratio and yeah, WP GF. Yeah you had more trash on the normal strongboxes, but at least There I had A [..] View

New Strongboxes, Opinions

10:03 pm, May 20, 2014 So, the news are from here Next patch, even more magic! . Only comment after you read that. Ok, it's a nice initiative but we don't know the drop rates. Also, half of the possible drop list is totally [..] View


New Strongboxes, Opinions

Jan 27, 2015, 6:27 pm So, the news are from here <a href="http://board.tera.gameforge.com/board2-tera-en/board681-news-announcements/201342-next-patch-even-more-magic/#post2815969">Next patch, even more magic!</a> . Only c[..] View

New Annoying Strongboxes

Nov 29, 2014, 7:29 pm As you guys also know, they removed strongboxes and now we have 2 kinds of strongboxes named Locked Enchanter's Coffer and Locked Soulbinder's Coffer. Idk why but they are superior and when people loo[..] View

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