Tera Online Fan Site

TERA The Exiled Realm of Arborea




Idea for making a better game

9:03 pm, February 11, 2017 Hello everyone! My name is Sergiu, I play Tera on Mystel (PvE server - Kathuzo is my ingame name) for a good period of time. I want to say something! Since is first time I post on Tera Forum, I hope t [..] View

+12 Scroll from Vergo's Chests. How does it work?

9:03 pm, January 5, 2017 Has anyone ever used one of these? Or perhaps even +15 scrolls? Do I have to masterwork the item first or can I instantly use it on the raw item? I am guessing the item is automatically masterworked a [..] View

How to masterwork guile?

9:03 pm, January 2, 2017 Hi I am new player on EU TERA, I played on NA TERA before so I know how to play this game, but I have a problem with masterworking guile ,usually I would use blessed enigmatic scrolls these are 300g e [..] View

BuddyUp Rewards ExCHANGE Campaign 2017

11:03 am, December 31, 2016 Hello guys, Re: Start date - 1st January 2017*Background of the need for this campaign As you all know, in TERA, we have a BuddyUp system designed to attract and support new players with welcome gifts [..] View

Island of Dawn - MWA boxes?

10:03 pm, October 19, 2016 Island of Dawn A chest of Masterwork Alkahest has been added to the new token shop. Is price of this chest scaled based on tokens tier? ie for 15 top, 20 mid and 25 low? or same price as it was before [..] View

Last Event

12:03 pm, August 30, 2016 Hello all, I started this thread in the german section yesterday and I got only positiv feedback about it. In my opinion GF should leave the Spellbind-chest permanent as dungeon drop. It was a good id [..] View

How do new people Masterwork their gear

10:03 pm, July 11, 2016 I just recently leveld up to 65 and im having hard time masterworking my tier9 Slaughter gear, and the broker is not an option since im already broke, so im asking how i can progress my gear now? In N [..] View

I think my enchanting RNG is bugged...

10:03 pm, July 5, 2016 Bought some T9 Feedstock in a desperate attempt to advance in my slaughter armor. I have to say, this one is not exactly cheap (plus the alkahest), but it's the only choice I have when you only get li [..] View

VMWA into PERSONAL alkahest how??

10:03 pm, June 24, 2016 This thread says the Little transformation box converts 10 VMWA into 10 personal alkahest: VMWA into Personal Rare Alkahest? How? I just tried it, and it converted 10 Masterwork Alkahest into 10 VMWA. [..] View

Slaughter weapon vs. Conflate weapon for pvp

10:03 pm, June 22, 2016 Slaughter weapon has increased pvp attack by 40 Conflate weapon has increased pvp damage by %20 both masterworked, looks like slaughter gives more pvp damage imo but a pve weapon having more pvp dama [..] View

Server Merge Official Thread

10:03 pm, June 22, 2016 I've seen many threads going about when it comes to this issue. I decided to make this thread on my own to encourage you all who are readings this to make that happen. We have about 4 different Engli [..] View

Rerolling VM6 Weapon Stats

10:03 pm, June 12, 2016 What is the better way? Using MES until you get all 5 right stats? Or waiting for 3-4 right stats and then using Spellbind + MES? And if so, should the primary stat be saved at all? Or only the 3-4 bo [..] View

Why can't Awaken weapon

10:03 pm, June 11, 2016 Help me please !!! I have +12 Masterwork Shotbucker , 1000 masterwork Alkahest and Tier9 Feedstock = 3258 pcs. but can't Awaken my weapon What is wrong Edited by Frozentear: Cleaned random letters bes [..] View

VMWA into Personal Rare Alkahest? How?

10:03 pm, June 7, 2016 Arun's Little / Large Box of Transformation only says for me "Transforms 10 / 50 Masterwork Alkahest into Veteran Masterwork Alhahest". (Both in the Vanguard Shop and the Elleon Token Shop) [..] View


10:03 pm, May 31, 2016 Ok there was a bug with veteran masterwork, why do I have to spend vanguard points or even Elleon Marks which I've earned, to "FIX" your bug? Please explain, because if theres a bug, I expe [..] View

Please fix the VMWA problem

10:03 pm, May 30, 2016 The patch has been out for a week and veteran masterwork alkahest still doesnt work, at least not on killian. I have new gear, more than 800 vmwa and I cant afford enchanting my gear above +9 because [..] View


12:03 pm, May 25, 2016 I wanted to start farming for MES to masterwork my slaughter and noticed that I have no idea where should I get them from now. I guess some MES still drop in GG but for example - what about T9 MES ? G [..] View

Patch Notes 42.06 - YAY!

10:03 pm, May 20, 2016 http://en.tera.gameforge.com/news/detail…ominous-shadows Well, i had a few little questions to those Patchnotes and it would be nice if atmorph or anemsalok would be able to answer them &am [..] View

The most efficient way to roll VM gear?

12:03 pm, May 15, 2016 What is the most spellbind-friendly method to roll a VM weapon? It's already masterworked so CES + Noble is not an option. Get 4 stats and roll for the missing one with 112 spellbinds per attempt (1/8 [..] View

Egg event - about enchant scrolls.

11:03 am, March 23, 2016 Hello there, i have question about enchant scrolls in Eggs... Not sure what is "1x Massive Enchantment Blessing" ?? It's in description for "Easter Bunny's Runestone"... Easter [..] View

Nexus Dreamstorm , Masterwork Alkahest farming , bamarama.

9:03 pm, March 22, 2016 Hello after the patch of " The Lost Isle" there has been some Nexus Called ( Dreamstorm ) i don't see anyone posting about this i wonder why so i decided to make one. However if TERA EUROP [..] View


11:03 am, March 22, 2016 I guess this has been discussed alot but I just wanna complain abit, RNG in this game is really frustrating. I used to play this game when it was first released but stoped, Now I am back again, levele [..] View

Vanguard Rewards next Patch?

11:03 am, February 22, 2016 I just read an Post about the Vanguard Reward Changes in the Dreadspire 2 Patch and I just want to ask/want to adress if we get the same 1:1 Changes?http://puu.sh/nglDD/23d3eea8f0.png As you can see, [..] View

Kalivans Dreathnaught Bugs & Difficulty

11:03 am, February 6, 2016 Hi, i was wondering if you please can do something about a few bugs in this dungeon? - Resurection with gold doesn't work anymore for most players, this realy sux. (other dungeons affected to like bat [..] View

Iritating translation bug.

9:03 pm, January 6, 2016 I just realized this thing today I bet lots of players already know about it but want to just inform the ones that doesn't know. For example dreadnaught gloves. I dropped them once and I was 100% sure [..] View

More Q about 'Patch Notes'

9:03 pm, December 15, 2015 Hi, Your 'Patch Notes' seems kind of poor in compare to the K-TERA's, so I'm not sure what we're getting right now... is it the very same 'Patch 37' ? Why wasn't there mentioned any changes to UI and [..] View

Veteran Masterwork Alkahest

11:03 am, December 15, 2015 I would like to ask other players if Veteran masterwork alkahest has any difference compared normal masterwork alkahest other than it can't be traded. Does it have bigger chance to enchant or somethin [..] View

New boxes on Vang merchant

9:03 pm, December 14, 2015 "Added Arun's Little & Large Box of Transformation to Vanguard Initiative Merchants -These boxes transform 10 or 50 Masterwork Alkahest into 10 or 50 Veteran Masterwork Alkahest" Can [..] View

endgame - grind MWA - solution

11:03 am, December 2, 2015 Hello all active and inactive players, Still reading topics etc etc etc, NA is better than Eu, GF not care about players, MWA and MES grinding is all etc. So summary as I understand, and maybe where [..] View

Protest, let's change

11:03 am, November 29, 2015 Some of you may know me in game, some from forum. I've tried multiple times to help improve the game, but my efforts were in vain, it was not in my power to make changes, and this is my last attempt, [..] View

WTS +15 Intense Generation Twin Swords

9:03 pm, November 18, 2015 As the title says, I have these up for grabs if anyone wants them. I would hate to just dismantle them... As you can see, they come with a Keen III etching and 3% masterwork. Note that I don't current [..] View

Awaken system Need answer form GM please...

12:03 pm, October 11, 2015 Update form this What happen with Awaken system ? My friend Pomzy he spend more 6k MA but still +12 lucid awakened.He Enchant 43time total 6.540 Masterwork AlkahestHis email rujgld@hotmail.com check p [..] View

Masterwork 1-3%bonus questions..help

10:03 pm, October 5, 2015 Hi, if anyone know.. i know when an item is MW, there is a chance to gain 1% / 2% / 3% bonus damage (weapon) I am assuming for gear, will be bonus% on defence bonus% is talking about the (+xxxx), the [..] View

To fellow f2p players: my new perspective

10:03 pm, September 8, 2015 Who should read this? This text is targeted at typical free-to-play players (as opposed to cash-shop players and market players, although any of you interested are of course welcome to read it) who ar [..] View

Masterworking from a new player perspective

12:03 pm, August 19, 2015 Hello, New player here, I have been enjoying the game for a month now, bought a Veteran account and subbed. Everything was perfect until a week ago when my progression was brought to a halt by, to put [..] View

Masterworking with CES

12:03 pm, August 16, 2015 Hello there, I got a Schisma weapon and now I need to masterwork it. Is it still possible with CES? Also I found out that there are 4 different rollable stats on +0 and 11 different rollable stats on [..] View

Coming back, where to get MWA/MES now ?

10:03 pm, August 3, 2015 Hello ! If I remember well, 15 monthes ago I was used to solo farm masterwork alkahest from LoT, and master enigmatic scrolls mainly from Nexus/LoT/ET. Now I've heard that MWA was nerfed in LoT, Nexus [..] View

End-game PvE gear progression

10:03 pm, July 24, 2015 As we have a quite new update and nobody has not written any guide about the new PvE gear yet I will try to explain it here.Old PvE gear progression: Idoneal < Ambit < Discovery < [..] View

Next Patch P2w or not, and why not 7.7.15

12:03 pm, July 10, 2015 Hey evry one. 100% next week comes the patch, and two data are possible. 14:07:15 do not think so, because Gameforge has a plan. 16:07:15 why at this date and why not the same as Tera NA. Because the [..] View

Mes Problem- Still Not Fixed!

12:03 pm, June 26, 2015 LET'S FACE IT! MES PROBLEM hasn't been fixed yet! the prices are way too high and new players can't affford to masterwork their gear and later on +12 it. NOTICE: the new Nexus won't fix the mes proble [..] View

KTERA VM6 no downgrade +15+correction, remove MWA from 60lvl instances etc

10:03 pm, June 19, 2015 Quoted Apparently in Ktera for VM6 there is no downgrade from failing from 12-15 and you get enchantment correction for it. There is also addition stats on 12-15 line. There will [..] View

There are so many things wrong with TERA

10:03 pm, June 12, 2015 Hello. I'd like to give my personal opinion on some things I consider awful about this game. I am a highly competitive gamer who has reached Supreme Master First Class in Counter-Strike : Global Offen [..] View

Message to Gameforge

10:03 pm, June 12, 2015 Dear Gameforge Team! The action what you guys just made was right? What do you think? More players will come to play at the EU server if you flag all country at EU and ask steam to restrict them to pl [..] View

New patch tommorow :D

10:03 pm, May 27, 2015 Battlefield Jackpot The jackpots in Fraywind Canyon (equalized and non-equalized - battleground matching for 1-5 players) will be changed as follows for a trial period. They will then be reset to thei [..] View

Crusade Rewards

12:03 pm, May 21, 2015 Kudos to Yosha (>> LINK << ) In short - when we get the new 5-man HM the 10 top guilds will get actual rewards (not useless castles or mounts) for PvE/PvP leagues.PvE Crusa [..] View

Just hit lv 65.

12:03 pm, May 19, 2015 So, i just got lv 65 and now im wondering what i should go for. Atm i still have the tier 4 stuff from the quests. Ofc im aiming for the tier 6 stuff, but at first i think i should get the tier 5 stuf [..] View

Noble enigmatic scroll + stats

10:03 pm, May 14, 2015 Hello everyones, I wanna ask, if i have noble enigmatic scroll and wanna make masterwork on my weapon current +9 without loosing stats, how to use? I must lock with spellbinds or no needed and noble s [..] View

Feedback of mwa situation of gunner patch

10:03 pm, May 8, 2015 Here is my feedback. LoT: good in my opinionMasterwork alkahests box in Vanguard initiative quartermaster: Average in 20mwa/box. The rate is not too good, in theory the target price could be 50 golds [..] View

More info about how you are "monitoring" whats in game

10:03 pm, May 4, 2015 Quoted from "anemsalok" Hello to all! As promised, here is an update about what is going on and what is been discussed in the Team right now. Firstly, if you hav [..] View

Here come the MWA details :D

10:03 pm, May 4, 2015 Our much awaited MWA changes VMWA sounds intereseting Spoiler More Masterwork Alkahest! With the Patch 31.04.02 on Tuesday, May 5th 2015 we’ll be makin [..] View

Feedback on recent MWA changes

10:03 pm, May 4, 2015 Hello, i was reading the announcement and i would like to give you some feedback on it. Quoted The Labyrinth of Terror, its first three officers as well as other monsters within t [..] View

anemsalok - More info about how you are "monitoring" whats in game

12:03 pm, May 4, 2015 Quoted from "anemsalok" Hello to all! As promised, here is an update about what is going on and what is been discussed in the Team right now. Firstly, if you hav [..] View

Fraywind Canyon changes

10:03 pm, April 30, 2015 I love the new changes announced by our CM, but I must disagree with equal rewards in equalised FWC and non-eq one. those in equalised should provide less rewards but at the same time allow low geared [..] View

Official statement - brain damage

12:03 pm, April 18, 2015 "Our PvPers will finally be getting Masterwork Alkahest from Fraywind Canyon (non equalized)." Oh, really? And how it going to help the people whose does not have gear to get it? While to pl [..] View


12:03 pm, April 16, 2015 Quoted "Listen up enchanters – the amount of Masterwork Alkahest in the Master Enchanter's boxes and chests are being drastically increased today! Master Enchanter' [..] View

MWA IN FWC...here's amount =')

10:03 pm, April 15, 2015 Introduction of Masterwork Alkahest in the Fraywind CanyonLevel: 65Type: Battleground Matching for 1-5 playersEquipment: not equalizedWinner: 3 Masterwork AlkahestLoser: 1 Masterwork Alkahest well tha [..] View

If u want to encourage ppl to do more end-game dungeons, plese do this.

10:03 pm, April 14, 2015 If Gameforge want to encourage players to run more end-game dungeons, please do not force players by removing their ways to farm important materials such as Masterwork Alkahest or else. But, please m [..] View

About what we "need"...

12:03 pm, April 13, 2015 This isn't another QQ about the current situation. I wanted to do a post in a fresh thread about what we really need. I'm only aware of Killian's economy so everything you're about to read may not app [..] View

Dear Phelan, my feedback regarding recent changes.

10:03 pm, April 11, 2015 Before I say anything, I’d like to politely ask people from either PvE & PvP servers to not raise any drama or hate between Gameforge staff & players,as much as possible, sin [..] View

Now for lucky I have masterwork gloves on my mystic.. how can I up t withouth gold TERA EXPERT? o.o

12:03 pm, April 10, 2015 Now, I have masterwork my mystic's gloves.. now I must watch screen of pc for up them? '-' Tell to me Tera expert, now my party isn't online, someone rage quit. Help me to up my gloves for have a col [..] View

This is why they are not doing anything about it, in their vision everything is ok and we are stupid!

12:03 pm, April 7, 2015 You are caring about the wrong numbers gameforge! gameforge: There is enough mwa in game!!!! If not, then why aren't prices higher? Well gameforge, let me tell you why... You keep raising the behind [..] View

For Anemsalok - Constructive letter to ~PD

12:03 pm, April 6, 2015 This is mainly to [CM]Anemsalok, where I ask to forward this to Product Director. // Dear ~PD, I would like to know the reason behind changes which took places in TERA. What was the reason to remove M [..] View

A Letter for Gameforge

10:03 pm, April 1, 2015 Dear Gameforge, I write this letter because i need a place to type my opinions about how the game is going day after day and patch after patch... I'm reading the forum all days, though i'm not posting [..] View

Gameforge kicked me from Tera EU

10:03 pm, March 31, 2015 Dear Gameforge, Your recent changes to MWA farming in game had a tremendous impact on all free-to-play players. Considering the changes now any "free" players can't get their gear upgraded, [..] View

Help me to understand if I wrote something wrong about mwa

10:03 pm, March 30, 2015 Hello. My english is so bad. I would like to copy and paste what I write on fb page. And know if I tell something wron about the answer: Mwa aren't disappear, you can get it. I musted added that now i [..] View


10:03 pm, March 30, 2015 Quoted However, in light of recent discussions we’re already going to announce it (quietly!) today. So what does this event have to do with Masterwork Alkahest? That&am [..] View

Our publisher is trying to stimulate us indeed

10:03 pm, March 30, 2015 Hello i think you need to reconsider gameforge's decisions and try to think out of the box.Gameforge works hard to entertain us, to keep us motivated as well. You really think they reduce mwa to bothe [..] View

Wait for a event?

12:03 pm, March 30, 2015 "Official statement Dear TERA Community, We’re well aware of the worries that the latest changes to the game have caused, and we would like to take this opportunity to give you an insi [..] View

The Anti-Thaler Alliance Thread

10:03 pm, March 29, 2015 Hello people, im sure everyone knows whats going on ingame and with gameforge recently, and its quite sad the company gameforge destroys tera by their infinite greed and milking of their customers. T [..] View

Masterwork alkahest and other important drops in the world map

12:03 pm, March 29, 2015 I want to voice out my side as a regular player in Tera , I have a veteran account and had buy some stuffs too like skin and mount so I'm not purely a free to play gamer .. but in the other hand I'm [..] View

Perhaps its time to have a reflexion, start to think and open your eyes

9:03 pm, March 28, 2015 Dear players, Dear Gameforge, Where to start? There is so much chaos at this moment, people cancelling their subscriptions, Gameforge making official statements, even some petitions to revoke the game [..] View

Gameforge Staff FEEDBACK Part 1

9:03 pm, March 28, 2015 - Carsten van Husen [CEO of Gameforge] - Tomas "Phelan" Burck [Vice President Costumer Communication]- Rondalf [Team Leader Community Management] - DragonGun [Community Manager] - BlackVelve [..] View

10/10 would read the official statement again

11:03 am, March 28, 2015 In recent months, specifically since the introduction of the new level cap with Fate of Arun, we’ve seen a very small number of players visiting the new top level instances. As a result, thi [..] View

A request to Gameforge.

9:03 pm, March 27, 2015 Greetings, i will adress this thread mostly to anemsalok, a most reliable person that cooperate with Gameforge company. People can write many topics with complaint, but they ignore us - players who su [..] View

Do You Joke With Us Anemsalok ?

9:03 pm, March 27, 2015 Today, 6:08pm Official statement Dear TERA Community, We’re well aware of the worries that the latest changes to the game have caused, and we would like to take this opportunity to give you [..] View

Gameforge, this is your last chance : Vanguard's Masterwork Alkahest Box

9:03 pm, March 26, 2015 Gameforge. With this last patch, you couldn't have been more wrong. I don't know who's the guys "balancing" this game in your company, but this guy doesn't play TERA for sure. And you should [..] View

Masterwork Alkhest

9:03 pm, March 26, 2015 ppl now am leaving tera and am searching in google for new game ! i have full disco set need to +12 i don't have unfinite gold to buy mwa now 192 for 1 in my server arcadia ! gameforge took our possib [..] View

MWA supply ... or not?

9:03 pm, March 25, 2015 So, few mins ago Anemsalok just posted: Quoted from "anemsalok" Patch 30.11, to be released on the 26th March 2015, will see the introduction of Masterwork Alkahest as loot [..] View

Ambit MW +10 VS Disco +9

11:03 am, March 24, 2015 Hi, I'm nearly a weaponsmithing master and I have my disco twin swords intense recipe. I have all the mats to craft it but I may have to use my actual ambit +10 weapon to craft the discovery weapon ( [..] View

Masterworking Tier 6 gear

9:03 pm, March 23, 2015 So talking to my guildys and general people on my server I've come to a conclusion that Master Enigmatic Scroll = gold down the drain (in my and many other cases). I've wasted, yes wasted 50+ MES per [..] View

to craft vm4 or not to craft

11:03 am, March 18, 2015 hey guys. so im a reaper and i have defincne set +9 and only the weapon is +9 and masterworked now my question is this: should i save my money for vm4? or should i stay with my defince set and to spen [..] View

Farming Masterwork Alkahest

9:03 pm, March 17, 2015 Hey Guys ~~ I made a video about I How farm MWA I hope some People Might find it Useful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78Hg83Yb9VY View

Is this a joke?

9:03 pm, March 5, 2015 Hi Everyone. I wanted to ask if lately you're experiencing nothing while using MES and BES. I crafted today Underturns (Reaper Weapom) Average broker sale 31000 gold. And I thought to myself lets mast [..] View

Masterwork question

11:03 am, March 5, 2015 Ok haven't been playing for a year and not sure what changes have been made but. if i for example am to masterwork my controvert when i get it, then after a while i want to upgrade it to defiance. doe [..] View

This is ridiculous (MWA related)

9:03 pm, March 2, 2015 I just spent almost 200 MES to masterwork my weapon, then 480 MWA to get +10. Think about this for a second gameforge, from BRNM and RG you can get like a maximum of 4 MES a day per character, if I wa [..] View

Exciting day on Icaruna!

11:03 am, March 2, 2015 Looking forward to spend 1k gold for 1 try of 3 % masterwork chance! Cheers! Icaruna in <3. p.s. 1) we need a merge 2) develop reliable sources of MES (no, ghili doesn't count, but nice try) [..] View

Discovery Masterwork rates

11:03 am, March 2, 2015 Hi guys, I'm just wondering whether we have some numbers on the masterworking success rate for Discovery gear. I've currently at 116 failed Master Enigmatic Scroll and additional 13 failed Blessed Eni [..] View

This is ridiculous

11:03 am, March 2, 2015 I just spent almost 200 MES to masterwork my weapon, then 480 MWA to get +10. Think about this for a second gameforge, from BRNM and RG you can get like a maximum of 4 MES a day per character, if I wa [..] View

Kelsaik Nest suggestion

9:03 pm, March 1, 2015 I think KN need refresh >.> because of Master Enigmatic price this is bs to have no chance to farm them like before .... 500gold per mes this is bs with a chance of masterwork simple ite [..] View

Availability of MES/MWA, reaching a critical point

11:03 am, February 28, 2015 I think a simple image speaks a lot louder, Fraya, image taken a few minutes ago. A lot of people have complained MES is an issue since the Wounded World patch, for good reasons as the main supply was [..] View

Production Points not regenerating

11:03 am, February 28, 2015 Sorry for making a new topic, but alas I couldn't find this kind of bug anywhere, so gotta put it here. My pp regenerates about 5 point an hour, and despite i don't usually use it for much, now I noti [..] View

My account got stolen

9:03 pm, February 26, 2015 My name is Yuriyann, i played Tera Rising EU on Killian with a warrior level 65 (nickname ilafae) and an Elin Reaper level 65 (nickname Yuriyann) The other day 015-02-24 around 11:15 pm i wanted to r [..] View

does any1 think these will be in the patch notes as well ?

9:03 pm, February 24, 2015 Added new items to the Vanguard Initiative Reputation Store:Ambit weaponsAmbit chest armorMasterwork Alkahest Boxand also this as well Blast from the PastIncreased crit rate on equalized gear. The in [..] View

Masterwork alkahest prices - future

9:03 pm, February 24, 2015 What do you think about MWA prices in game. They are more like 80 gold each in Fraya and I guess the price getting lower. What do you think about the future? I have more than 5k mwa and I don't know i [..] View

New Enchanters Boxes

11:03 am, February 18, 2015 Quoted An overview of the content changes to the Locked Enchanter's Coffers: New maximum amount of Masterwork Alkahest: 500 Greatly increased chance for alkahest present Reduced c [..] View

New patch, equipment

9:03 pm, February 9, 2015 Hello all, im pretty new to the game, just have a few questions with upcoming patch. 1) Will there be implemented defiance, renegade equipment? 2) If so, as i saw, the process of getting that equipmen [..] View

Warrior PVE Items Help !

9:03 pm, February 8, 2015 Can u give me the best pve items , i saw is Crafted Ambit , but matters if has Masterwork at the beginning of the item or not , i want to buy cuz i think i got enough farm to make some money for the s [..] View

Awakening Cost/+15 MWA cost halfed in NA, Will we get the same patch?

9:03 pm, February 6, 2015 Please we need a answer for this, if we will not get the same patch, I think at least half of the community will leave EU lol. Greetings! The upcoming Fate of Arun patch is bringing a lot to TERA. An [..] View

Awakening cost for western version of Tera

9:03 pm, February 1, 2015 Quoted from "Minea" Consumable Items Q: Consumable items such as spellbinds, alkahests, masterwork enigmatic scrolls, etc. that are commonly used at max level hav [..] View

Why non-equalized BGs ****

9:03 pm, January 23, 2015 I didn't want to make a thread specific for this post, however, due to Eve locking the Mystic Thrall thread for absolutely no reason at all, I just had to make a thread of its own with subject. Note, [..] View


Farming Masterwork Alkahest

Mar 17, 2015, 9:18 pm <p><iframe class='youtube' width='100%' height='400' src='//www.youtube.com/embed/78Hg83Yb9VY' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe></p>Hey Guys ~~ <br> I made a video about I How farm MWA I hope [..] View

Masterwork question

Mar 5, 2015, 11:17 am Ok haven't been playing for a year and not sure what changes have been made but.<br><br> if i for example am to masterwork my controvert when i get it, then after a while i want to upgrade it to defia[..] View

Discovery Masterwork rates

Mar 2, 2015, 11:05 am Hi guys, I'm just wondering whether we have some numbers on the masterworking success rate for Discovery gear.<br> I've currently at 116 failed Master Enigmatic Scroll and additional 13 failed Blessed[..] View

Masterwork alkahest prices - future

Feb 24, 2015, 9:16 pm What do you think about MWA prices in game. They are more like 80 gold each in Fraya and I guess the price getting lower. What do you think about the future? I have more than 5k mwa and I don't know i[..] View

Change bonus in Masterwork? Is that Possible?

Jan 16, 2015, 11:17 am Wel, I have a question: I recently had a drop in BR , ambit gloves, and after, i put it +9, and after that i used one enigmatic scroll and its a masterwork. What a luck <img src="http://board.tera.gam[..] View

Myth or truth? Masterworking low tier items

Dec 3, 2014, 5:45 am Hello The other day I was fooling around when I had the stupid idea to masterwork a Tier 2 weapon. Now,from what I've heard, low level items are easier to masterwork...is that true or false? :o And if[..] View


Nov 29, 2014, 2:45 pm OK before anyone starts harassing me about how randomness works - I used to teach inferential statistics at undergraduate level, so I am very familiar with how statistics and random systems work. THAT[..] View

Blessed Masterwork Scrolls chance % of masterwork

Nov 29, 2014, 1:40 pm So what's people experience on those so-called "High chance of masterwork" scrolls? Post your used scrolls in this thread and how many of them succeded in masterwork, so we can try to make an estimate[..] View

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