Just Viewed / Most Viewed
Just Viewed
- 482 Need pgc_v2.version' file
- 368 Got a little problem and I'm confused
- 645 EU vs NA , constructive thread
- 519 MP restorative IX
- 363 So I thought I'd reinstall the game...
- 1k+ Stuck on this Quest.
- 1k+ Huge lag and game freeze today (Jan 19, 2015)
- 401 Launcher Problem Need Help Please !
- 372 Small question, thanks in advance!
- 606 Waiting for another option for download @.@
- 557 Race changes question
- 2k+ KTERA Berserker & Warrior Buff(+ Berserker Tank introduced)
- 487 Several problems, refund etc...
- 523 Crusade rewards mess AGAIN - fix it fast
- 446 [Alliance System] "Stop this ****!"
- 320 Looking for some information.
- 328 Server lagging again
- 430 Some advices for a Newbie
- 1k+ Achievement : Movement of the Spheres
- 624 G.O Post KTERA 17/09/2015 - vanguard initiative change and dreadspire II info
- 874 What happened to Elleon!?
- 528 upcoming VM7 patch
- 817 Stuck at 85% (loading screen)
- 1k+ VoA (5man) under 1min
- 411 Hell yeah!
- 775 [DISCUSSION]: Patch Notes 30.09
- 482 Are You Fvcking Kidding Me Gameforge ?!?!?!?!
- 894 [KTERA] Brawler (New Class) gameplay videos
- 810 Rename the rank "Guild master" possible?
- 454 Computerleistung für Tera
- 1k+ You must run game with launcher
- 665 Launcher Already Running (Failed to initialize web browser)
- 404 Fusioneer chests
- 432 My Game is Crashing after character selection!!
- 327 The reality about TERA Europe servers.
- 506 Horrible performance, high end pc?
- 449 Unable to reinstall/fix Tera
- 335 Server merge what happens if...?
- 1k+ Lost Character
- 500 ctrl +1-9 keybindings not working anymore after update.
- 358 Laurels - confused
- 416 Livestream Preview Reaperpatch
- 1k+ Elin special Animal Costumes
- 430 Weird ping problems from yesterday
- 351 gpu
- 353 Mesage 2 All Forum Mederator
- 482 TC subscription with TT
- 384 Banned for PvP?
- 892 Launcher crashing
- 571 SOE/PSG divorce
- 504 we need templates back!!!
- 413 Game still alive?
- 742 Source file was currpted (patching log screenshot)
- 358 Network lag please help
- 1k+ Unable to download metafile (sigh)
- 499 Unable To Login to game from both the site and client
- 555 Masterwork Alkhest
- 414 Let's talk about the crappy state of the PvE crusade (yet again!)
- 431 FoA Archer PvP in Battleground(CS)
- 2k+ FOV Changing Guide
- 499 To INFINITUM guild
- 554 New mount?
- 585 Game Crashes a lot..
- 589 Account BLOCKED!
- 400 So WTH?
- 573 Question from an undergeared player
- 419 Stop this madness please
- 441 Remove this thing from my screen
- 636 About some exploits
- 818 "The Dungeon Raiders rewards "
- 524 CAN ANYONE Help..
- 322 What gear path should I take?
- 470 recipes for vm3 from vm2 are missing?
- 591 Multi-trouble
- 408 No me creo que no sea rentable
- 347 huge problems with downloading and installing
- 734 Gameforge removed Fashion Coupon functionality without notice?
- 519 Alice costumes
- 556 general questions
- 469 Crusades
- 456 After patch, fresh 60.
- 478 Problem :(Need To Fix Pls )
- 370 Retrieving manifest AGAIN and AGAIN???
- 412 Need Help With Download Pls
- 470 Patch progress erro?
- 1k+ Can't Find SSNL Error when i click PLay in launcher
- 461 Lag spikes after 12 to 1~ish at nights. WTF is this?
- 515 Game/ Window Sync problem
- 705 Ghilliglade necklace drop rate
- 376 Sorcerer guide for starters by Theus
- 754 Solved Launcher won't stop loading
- 577 Male and females
- 396 What is TERA client uploading to Dublin, Ireland from our PC?
- 521 Appearance change
- 496 The patch/launcher gets stuck at varying 100%
- 463 The "quest complete" screen pop-ups
- 459 What do you like and dislike about Tera?
- 564 The new GVG system- we are top 10 while others have more fame.
- 543 CS: Post your worst/best games
- 428 NA has test servers!
- 564 Unable to patch or re-install this game....
- 340 So now when i want to play i can't....
- 650 Solved Help Me Bellicarium Credits
- 845 Most usless kills I have ever seen
- 363 Explain This
- 733 Killian Gamers - pure hate -broken Keyboard
- 395 What do I need (hardware) to have the best experience ?
- 441 Class With Few Buttons?
- 439 Launcher Already Running
- 408 Make contests on monthly basis please :)
- 560 After new patch stuck on applying patch
- 815 Cannot play using VPN
- 290 Selling vm7 pve rolled Reaper wep
- 543 the lost Village atlas
- 631 Need help with playing warrior
- 1k+ "Unable to unzip manifest"????
- 452 "Destination file was corrupted" HELP!!!!!
- 307 Llama Mount! When??
- 405 Will Tera be worth playing again anytime in the future?
- 854 Popo Piper Pack
- 609 Weapon skins for Gunner!!
- 386 Question about VM7
- 265 Patch date :c
- 501 [HowTo] Tipps for Launcher Problems
- 519 Download the most recent patch version and Unable to determine current version p[..]
- 513 KTera 26.01.2016 Patch Notes
- 510 Brawler,Lancer + Slayer class changes KR yet to announce the slayer buffs and mo[..]
- 592 TexturedFonts.gpk need
- 450 VAULT: decreased drop rate?
- 373 Server Merge
- 458 Source file corrupted. please help me
- 429 Is the game dead?
- 408 Can you hide the "raid 2-4" windows?
- 448 Can some korean expert help me
- 797 (ktera) BG changes etc. + kicking if 80% of the raid accepts!
- 564 Help need SOUND_MAP\SNC
- 399 Launcher dosen't start
- 423 Launcher using insane amount of CPU.
- 1k+ Crash after character selection
- 877 cant login and blocked from tech support?
- 596 Wintrading in FW?
- 1k+ Solved How to direct download patches
- 1k+ Help in quest "Relic of a byone age"
- 492 Broker full of timeworns
- 735 Tera not starting
- 677 Fraywind replaces Nexus! 20:00 CET Join up!
- 500 About what we "need"...
- 387 Someone with authority please explain to me just one thing .
- 398 Earning money before 60
- 923 How to get rid of unwanted chat spam
- 432 just stupid
- 709 How many times will i have to re download same 2gb patch?
- 472 Blocked account and can't register for support
- 365 Major Lag after the new update
- 381 Are you for real tho?
- 336 Power or Crit Rate?
- 340 Server Merges
- 578 So I just PUG catacombs and...
- 311 An old player coming back.
- 388 Gridiron future change
- 278 Support ticket ain't filing.
- 2k+ Account blocked. Please contact support....
- 455 Patcher Problem (Sure it can be easily solved)
- 438 Current FPS issues on upper-class pcs
- 551 Transport soulbound items
- 444 Everything about anything thread
- 457 @Everyone- please keep in mind before posting
- 410 Enrage - how to see it on boss?
- 450 oldie
- 509 FOK loot decreased? & LAG
- 448 Tera Club codes
- 483 Kelsaik Nest - undocumented attack?
- 740 Powerful Master's Scroll (+12)
- 464 Getting Glyphs
- 589 Restoration Of Deleted Chars *sos*
- 437 What's the current gear progression with this new patch?
- 607 Error 500 On login/luncher
- 622 Comming back for lvl 65 patch.
- 406 I can't play
- 1k+ Tera unavailable in my country (US)
- 2k+ APPCRASH (Tera The Exiled Realm of Arborea has stopped working)
- 301 Patch installation error
- 1k+ What hapened to murderous intent?
- 501 Fastes lvling 50-58 right now
- 502 untradeable TT items
- 354 I feel alone on the planet of Tera "Request for a server merge"
- 341 Why so less dungeon guild quests today for small guild ?
- 411 temp heavy load
- 415 What is the most populated EU server?
- 431 Forsaken Island: The first 'donut' at Rokdos never loads.
- 573 Please Help! Tera wont work
- 638 Question about new gear
- 702 Hands of Velika Suspicious rank
- 458 AeroPeek and windows key not working since I reinstalled Tera
- 993 Mystic thralls in Blast from the Past runs - Can't use them?
- 520 Founder status, still possible to get?
- 376 KTERA patch day stream
- 520 Petition: GF Tera
- 432 Is having 2 accounts a ban reason?
Most Viewed
- 60k+ Steam fcking up logins
- 17k+ Enchantment Bonanza Box from BG credits on NA - can we get those, too?
- 13k+ KTERA changes publisher + flying mount(finally) + new elin class + new dungeons
- 11k+ Solved Retrieving Manifest - the old, but unfortunately ongoing problem [FIXED]
- 8k+ "source file was corrupted" FIXED
- 8k+ [KTERA] required material for enchanting vm4 from +12 to +15
- 7k+ My thoughts about the new underwear...
- 6k+ Generation gear stats and crafting guide
- 6k+ 65 lvl reaper glyph pvp build( just a little help for reapers although its easy [..]
- 6k+ Solved Unable to connect to login server
- 5k+ In-game obtained Underwear Box
- 5k+ Error code 8001:0001
- 5k+ Play button not responding after Fate of Arun
- 5k+ JTERA New Costume - Animals
- 5k+ New Achievement - Help please:)
- 4k+ Fixing the "applying patch 0%" problem without deleting files(Using CMD)
- 4k+ Tera Torrent Download
- 4k+ Tera shop update (not for EU version yet)
- 4k+ Veteran Dyes -- Are you kidding me??
- 4k+ cant registration
- 4k+ Error: Unable to unzip ManiFest
- 4k+ [FIX] Tera Rising Online Error 8001:0001 [Solution]
- 4k+ quest Never Let go
- 3k+ Saleron's Sky Garden's Achievement
- 3k+ Lay Hold to Thrallhold / Tower of Rubble Achievement
- 3k+ Security Code, Unknown Device
- 3k+ [jTERA] Luxury & Rich Silk Innerwear
- 3k+ vanguard initiative reputation
- 3k+ Fehler beim entpacken der Manifestdatei
- 3k+ Applying patch stuck on 92% after redownloading client (getting tired of this **[..]
- 3k+ Gameforge live - "No internet connection at the moment"
- 3k+ Elitist Meter Dps Meter
- 3k+ Won't Launch after pressing ''play''
- 3k+ "Unable to contact reliable source" How can I....
- 3k+ Help Gameforge Live Won't Open!
- 3k+ [Tera-Cn] Exclusive Outfit
- 3k+ New DPS Meter (With UI In-game)
- 3k+ Feedstock.. You gotta be joking
- 3k+ lvl 65 World Boss respawn time?
- 3k+ Bellicarium credits Cap and reset
- 3k+ vm4+15 vs vm5+15
- 3k+ Gameforge live launcher
- 3k+ "User Authentication Failed" - "Network error!" , anyone know fix it ? :(
- 3k+ im level 65 for first time... now... how can i get gold?
- 3k+ New class gunner
- 3k+ Problem with launcher again, "retrieving manifest" second "Unable to download ma[..]
- 3k+ TERA doesn't launch (nothing happens after splash screen)
- 3k+ Game Keeps Downloading [ Patch Progress : retrieving manifest] over and over aga[..]
- 2k+ TERA Launcher problems "ABORT: Pointer is NULL - (.\webbrowser.cpp/244)"
- 2k+ my TERA launcher won't open when i click play now!,i tryed to open launcher dire[..]
- 2k+ KTERA +15 enchant(awakening) & unbinding soulbound item
- 2k+ I cannot end the Bastion of Lok Quests
- 2k+ KTERA VM6 no downgrade +15+correction, remove MWA from 60lvl instances etc
- 2k+ Recording the Future (Can't complete)
- 2k+ Gameforge Live launcher stuck on empty window
- 2k+ Teamspeak Icon 16x16
- 2k+ Buddy-up Code?
- 2k+ Hidden Achievement Guide
- 2k+ Download problems - Destination file corrupted
- 2k+ New Fashion Coupon
- 2k+ file error mspcv120.dll
- 2k+ Scout out the Melgatol Portal ?
- 2k+ Baldera Undiscovered
- 2k+ This Gear isnt enough for RG ,good luck to us all^^
- 2k+ Estimated patch release?
- 2k+ A guide to Greedy Kushbars Gorge (10 person HM)
- 2k+ Solved Version.ini and pgc_v2.version [FIXED]
- 2k+ Abuse's guide to Timescape
- 2k+ The Reckoning(last part of the lvl 64 story quest) may contain spoilers, move fo[..]
- 2k+ [PLEASE HELP] Failed to initialize web browser
- 2k+ Solved Patcher stuck at 0%
- 2k+ CS Discussion: Is it really equalized ?
- 2k+ Master crafting test
- 2k+ Applying patch stuck at 0%
- 2k+ Launcher issues: Play button doesn't work
- 2k+ Press Play Button Nothing Happens !!!!
- 2k+ Which Underwear for Which Class?
- 2k+ Whats up with the weird names of all the new armor/crafted armor?
- 2k+ Help at lv 22 quest
- 2k+ FOV Changing Guide
- 2k+ KTERA Berserker & Warrior Buff(+ Berserker Tank introduced)
- 2k+ Freezing in Velika
- 2k+ Fashion coupon farming
- 2k+ Fail event, required public apology from Gameforge
- 2k+ Most memmorable TERA moments thread(happy stuff no bullerino)
- 2k+ Gear question. Archer/lancer weap/others.
- 2k+ Consumable & Entchantment Boon Boxes
- 2k+ Guild Competition and GVG
- 2k+ Guide into New Crafting System
- 2k+ Error -130
- 2k+ Got my story quest bugged
- 2k+ Account blocked. Please contact support....
- 2k+ Unable to determine current version
- 2k+ Solved Tera Launcher is too large !
- 2k+ Kuma camera in Kumasylum ¿Bug?
- 2k+ Achievement: Putting the Pieces Together / Die Teile zusammensetzen
- 2k+ Ring of Pain vs Powerful / Improved Noctenium Ring
- 2k+ Ninja time traveler and OP cabochon
- 2k+ Bronze Enchanter /Alliance Member Info Request
- 2k+ 11/09/14 - KTERA new costume illustraion
- 2k+ suddenly freezing, fps 0
- 2k+ Monture Kirin
- 2k+ Windows 10!!??
- 2k+ New attacking Pet system :)
- 2k+ How to use wtfast?
- 2k+ Xbox 360 Controler Guide
- 2k+ Coupon farming: New PK arena.
- 2k+ New traditional Korean costumes and accesoires.
- 2k+ Tera is turning to be a MOBA
- 2k+ Currently best class in pvp/pve
- 2k+ Avatar Weapon quest, accidentally dismantled.
- 2k+ about Hero set (God's Tear)
- 2k+ Stucked ''Battleground Matching''
- 2k+ Spellbind-SemiEnigmatic
- 2k+ Downloading Stalled/No Valid Peers
- 2k+ KTERA May 8 Patch Preview
- 2k+ Launcher already running - ''Failed to update host''
- 2k+ Trade pet
- 2k+ Universal additive in... RNG box!
- 2k+ Patch don't work
- 2k+ Saudi Arabia blocked ?
- 2k+ Tera Store error ''property 'resize_to' of object is not a function''
- 2k+ I think i found a fps fix for those who experience lag/stuttering/low framerate [..]
- 2k+ My feedback for the contest
- 2k+ Ambit gear VS Deva
- 2k+ Applying patch Freeze at 77%
- 2k+ about lvl 65 pvp gear design
- 2k+ Play button is working but no game is lunched
- 2k+ New luncher. Can't log in
- 2k+ Fresh Player Questions
- 2k+ Question about making gold =)
- 2k+ Error -118
- 2k+ Not enough disk space error
- 2k+ APPCRASH (Tera The Exiled Realm of Arborea has stopped working)
- 2k+ Fast and easy way to hit max lvl
- 2k+ Running Tera on Mac with Wine/Wineskin - after play => black screen with curs[..]
- 2k+ how do i get a belt?
- 2k+ Launcher stuck with applying patch.
- 2k+ Remove social side links
- 2k+ Solved Story Quest bug
- 2k+ Expectations after Reaper Patch
- 2k+ Can't load the character after crash.
- 2k+ Tier 15 Archetype Set
- 2k+ Petition: More opportunities to get Liquid Bravery
- 2k+ Human female hair bug with "[Dye-it-Yourself] Frill Collection Cuirass"
- 2k+ Knocking down Kakun
- 2k+ Error: 500 - Internal Server Error
- 2k+ Can't login into main site.
- 2k+ Full Black Screen
- 1k+ game starts and closes after 3 seconds !!! PORTS ARE OPEN!
- 1k+ Gridion Premade Parties
- 1k+ Most common crystal setups for PvE
- 1k+ Is it worth farming bellicarium and killing spree from now on?
- 1k+ PvP gear for lvl 65 step by step
- 1k+ is Tera NA and EU population equal ?
- 1k+ Brooch, new coming jewerly item .
- 1k+ Launcher problem, stuck at random after downloading game
- 1k+ And you are saying that Slayer is OP? Ktera Zerker vs Slayer duel
- 1k+ Masterworking with CES
- 1k+ "Close But No Cigar" Achievement Group!
- 1k+ [jTERA] TERADEMY 2014 Results
- 1k+ Patch Progress 100% but.
- 1k+ How to get Avatar Weapon at higher level!?
- 1k+ stuck at 91%
- 1k+ Game settings and optimization (FPS) Understanding.
- 1k+ All story quests, SA, MC done. Idoneal weapon not obtained
- 1k+ Farming gold ( now ) and once the new incoming tier 15 patch is applied
- 1k+ Tera Patcher Unable to download metafile
- 1k+ Destination file was corrupted
- 1k+ Patch problem; Applying patch 91% - file corrupted
- 1k+ Launcher Already Running FIXED
- 1k+ Splash screen and forum Background
- 1k+ Ghillieglade BUG
- 1k+ Light and Dark Loading screen contest... winners picked random?
- 1k+ Can't continue on Main Quest!
- 1k+ ArcEngi & Fashion Coupon
- 1k+ Question about fashion coupons.
- 1k+ Tera TCP/UDP ports
- 1k+ #SpeedHack Problem?
- 1k+ The Indomitable Spirit - Need help with quest
- 1k+ [FPS] Real Time Optimization (possible fix)
- 1k+ archive tablet fragment
- 1k+ Current available way to remodel my armor
- 1k+ Urgent : pls give us a " bellicarium and killing spree credit cap status infos "[..]
- 1k+ Reaper soloq balance OP vm stun
- 1k+ Can I play with these specs?
- 1k+ Playing TERA on Windows 8.1 64bit?
- 1k+ Upcoming? New Fashion Items, pet n mount ( Hello Kitty & Plasma Weapon Skins[..]
- 1k+ Can't launch game.
- 1k+ Balder temple ( Solo ) and Tokens drop rate .
- 1k+ Awakening Cost/+15 MWA cost halfed in NA, Will we get the same patch?
- 1k+ Applying patch 91% - file corrupted
- 1k+ Solved How to direct download patches
- 1k+ Patcher Error Code 105
- 1k+ "Unable to determine current version"
- 1k+ warrior dps-tank lf schm group
- 1k+ Removing Buffs? (Other than priest/charm)
- 1k+ Unable to download metafile (sigh)
- 1k+ Can't play the game. Makes me redownload