12:03 pm, September 20, 2014
Tera Torrent Download
This thread is not a "magical trick to get all of your download problems solved" type of thing.
First and foremost, everyone SHOULD try to download the game from the launcher and wait for the patching to be done, that is the way it is supposed to be, period. Always worked for me, even with problems people have sometimes, and I also had those problems eventually, but I followed some general comon-sense and ended up solving my problems easily and without hassle.
My main method in solving Launcher errors and weirdness is to edit any Tera Launcher shortcut and add the following to the "run" field: -window
So for a Tera installed in C:\Games folder, it should read something like:
C:\Games\Tera\TERA-Launcher.exe -window
Next, you run the launcher and will notice a black command style window with a log of what the hell is happening right now feeling. You just wait the downloading and patching to be done, and every error will be displayed on that window.
I have 2 Tera shortcuts: one in the Task bar, one in the start menu Tera folder. The shortcut in the Tera start menu folder has the -window option, so I know I have to open that one instead when they release a major patch. My default shortcut to play is always the task bar one.
Still, I know there are times when people have trouble in downloading a certain file or pack of files, while the launcher does not help much.
If this is your case, then read on.
I copied my Tera instalation folder to another folder, and deleted the Config and Screenshots folders. So you won't have my configuration neither see my screenies. Then I created a .torrent file out of this folder, sub-folders and files individually. So if you add this torrent to you torrent client it should list pretty much every single file the game needs.
Use this torrent if you are having trouble downloading or patching the game, but don't expect it will be like going out in the field sniffing flowers and all is good. I am the only source right now, so you will have some waiting to get this done. At least, until more people can download the same files you need, so you have more sources.
The good side on the torrent file, unlike the dropbox system (wich I support, its good to have several methods in obtainig the game files), is that you can freely download all of the contents without limiting the other users access to the files.
In fact, the more people manage to download the entire torrent, the more people will be able to download it too, and faster.
1. Close your Tera Launcher. If you don't even have the game installed yet, click here instead.
2. Copy the torrent contents to your Tera instalation folder (or move them, if you don't have any hard disk space enough to share the torrent with others).
3. Run the launcher and it should start only the required patching and minor updates that will be released after September 17, 2014. Updates and patches before this date, are included in the torrent already (like the Reaper patch and other minor updates that came out after it).
Remember: you should always try the launcher first. It has faster download speeds, is more reliable, and it always worked for me. I've seen my launcher popping errors every now and then, but they were solved simply by going to the game folder and renaming some files back to their original names (the intro movies, etc.). This torrent idea is nothing but a secondary method in obtaining the files you need, if the launcher is giving you trouble.
I am so very sorry for eventual grammar errors and others, but I am not an english native speaker. If you encounter any syntax or grammar errors, please le me know so I'll fix them
(I'm working with a moderador to stick this thread when he can, don't need to ask for it)
This thread is not a "magical trick to get all of your download problems solved" type of thing.
First and foremost, everyone SHOULD try to download the game from the launcher and wait for the patching to be done, that is the way it is supposed to be, period. Always worked for me, even with problems people have sometimes, and I also had those problems eventually, but I followed some general comon-sense and ended up solving my problems easily and without hassle.
My main method in solving Launcher errors and weirdness is to edit any Tera Launcher shortcut and add the following to the "run" field: -window
So for a Tera installed in C:\Games folder, it should read something like:
C:\Games\Tera\TERA-Launcher.exe -window
Next, you run the launcher and will notice a black command style window with a log of what the hell is happening right now feeling. You just wait the downloading and patching to be done, and every error will be displayed on that window.
I have 2 Tera shortcuts: one in the Task bar, one in the start menu Tera folder. The shortcut in the Tera start menu folder has the -window option, so I know I have to open that one instead when they release a major patch. My default shortcut to play is always the task bar one.
Still, I know there are times when people have trouble in downloading a certain file or pack of files, while the launcher does not help much.
If this is your case, then read on.
I copied my Tera instalation folder to another folder, and deleted the Config and Screenshots folders. So you won't have my configuration neither see my screenies. Then I created a .torrent file out of this folder, sub-folders and files individually. So if you add this torrent to you torrent client it should list pretty much every single file the game needs.
Use this torrent if you are having trouble downloading or patching the game, but don't expect it will be like going out in the field sniffing flowers and all is good. I am the only source right now, so you will have some waiting to get this done. At least, until more people can download the same files you need, so you have more sources.
The good side on the torrent file, unlike the dropbox system (wich I support, its good to have several methods in obtainig the game files), is that you can freely download all of the contents without limiting the other users access to the files.
In fact, the more people manage to download the entire torrent, the more people will be able to download it too, and faster.
Feel free to add it to your client:
* TeraEU_2014-09-17.torrent *
* TeraEU_2014-09-17.torrent *
1. Close your Tera Launcher. If you don't even have the game installed yet, click here instead.
2. Copy the torrent contents to your Tera instalation folder (or move them, if you don't have any hard disk space enough to share the torrent with others).
3. Run the launcher and it should start only the required patching and minor updates that will be released after September 17, 2014. Updates and patches before this date, are included in the torrent already (like the Reaper patch and other minor updates that came out after it).
Remember: you should always try the launcher first. It has faster download speeds, is more reliable, and it always worked for me. I've seen my launcher popping errors every now and then, but they were solved simply by going to the game folder and renaming some files back to their original names (the intro movies, etc.). This torrent idea is nothing but a secondary method in obtaining the files you need, if the launcher is giving you trouble.
I am so very sorry for eventual grammar errors and others, but I am not an english native speaker. If you encounter any syntax or grammar errors, please le me know so I'll fix them

(I'm working with a moderador to stick this thread when he can, don't need to ask for it)