Tera Online Fan Site

TERA The Exiled Realm of Arborea




KTera 9.2. Patch (Lakan Hard Mode)

11:03 am, February 9, 2017 Besides the main part of the patch (Lakan Hard Mode) this is interesting:- Attacks modifier of Ambush and Behemoth gear is increased (dont know the % yet tho)- Goldfinger (underwear tokens) are now ba [..] View

KTera Patchnote 1/12 Question

9:03 pm, February 2, 2017 Hi all, I wanna know if i understood some parts of the patchnotes right or if some1 has tested it in Ktera etc. Quoted Mystic Titanic Fury II (from Aura of Merciless IV) Increases [..] View

Bring Back battleground rank reset-Ranking system

9:03 pm, January 26, 2017 it's been what 4 months? maybe even more that PvP battleground ranks haven't been reset. Ranks should reset every 8 weeks or so, as we had it in the past that is. We could even bring back the old clas [..] View

KTera Todays patch notes (12.1.)

11:03 am, January 12, 2017 I kinda only pinpointed the most interesting changes to the game so you can add something if you feel it should be here Dungeons: New: just the "easy one" normal mode for now (Gateway under [..] View

New KTera Patch

9:03 pm, January 11, 2017 http://tera.nexon.com/news/noticeTera/Vi…n4articlesn=276 Tbh i don't understand much because of google translate, but what caught my eye is "we do not pay victory / madness point anymo [..] View

[KTERA] New jewelry and 2nd brooch

9:03 pm, January 6, 2017 Hello everyone, I gathered some informations about the "new jewelry" and a new brooch in KTERA (before VM9 patch!) and would like to share them with the community:https://drive.google.com/op [..] View

VM9 in Ktera?

9:03 pm, January 4, 2017 Guys as far as i know Ktera's top gear is VM8.5, like us... Rigth? And they had a huge patch about a week ago(moon warrior/lunar dancer). That means their next big patch (will include gear) will be in [..] View

Average amount of SES

11:03 am, December 19, 2016 o/ Since probability is the last field of math I like - can someone tell me what is the average amount of SES needed to roll/reroll: - 1 ring to get 4 crit rate roll (2nd roll doesn't matter) - 1 earr [..] View

new class teaser > kTERA

9:03 pm, December 1, 2016 source: click! Something big is comming. idk how about you guys but im really excited In my option it will be castanic-locked (yeah, another gender locked class) dps.. but what about those shadows beh [..] View

Cannot Run A Single Dg

11:03 am, November 5, 2016 Hello Guys, After play sometime Tera EU. I would like to know which is the best set that EVERYONE LIKE TO RUN DG. People always say WRONG CRYSTALS, BAD CRYSTALS, BLA BLA BLA ... but nobody knows what [..] View

Title for 77 RMHM clears?

9:03 pm, November 4, 2016 I know that there isn't one now, my question is more towards people who know how it was in KTERA - did they add a title later? Are there plans to do that? If not, then correct me if I'm wrong but RMHM [..] View

Bring Back FW uneq + make Civil Unrest viable again

9:03 pm, October 31, 2016 Simple: You made pvp gear easily available to everyone (conflate) then you ban it from battlegrounds. This senseless decision coudl be fixed by implementing 2 versions of fw or/and grid one equalized [..] View

New Headslot Item and upgradeable Jewelery

10:03 pm, October 24, 2016 Here we go let the ultimate Grindfest beginshttp://originalyosha.tumblr.com/post/152…-to-let-players Meanwhile TERA EU .... no SES Drop improvement. GF u have to do something !!! Headgear [..] View

TERA EU have no warning area?

12:03 pm, October 22, 2016 I ran Ruined Manor and found that it have no damage warning on floor (red circle that mark dangerous area when boss gonna land it's attack), but I watch a game play video of KTERA, which it show warn [..] View

@Gameforge 3.0

10:03 pm, September 30, 2016 Hello. Please read this thread while listening to this relaxing musical accompaniment: Since the preview to the new content patch has been published, i guess it is time to talk about issues that woul [..] View

Guild bank after update?

10:03 pm, September 9, 2016 So i just read patch preview and noticed right at bottom says all guilds start with 0 tabs until lvl 30+,So what does that mean for people who use guild bank for personal storage? http://www.essential [..] View

KTera Gm Note : 30-man Raid

10:03 pm, August 5, 2016 All credits to idioticgeneius and seraphiush over at NA TERA.https://docs.google.com/document/d/12_Ih…jFM/mobilebasic I find the idea is interesting and it could be really great experience. [..] View

KTERA - Priest buffs and consumables after patch.

12:03 pm, August 2, 2016 Hello, was just googling.. let's have some fun. Priest: Blessing of Shakan: Only applies to party (raid) members.Blessing of Balder: Only applies to party (raid) members >>> When [..] View

[KTera Patch VM8] World Boss Achievement

10:03 pm, July 26, 2016 Hello guys, hello Gameforge, as you already know with the new KTera patch they changed all world boss achievement from 100/50 to 1. In my opinion champion laurel should be something special (I aim for [..] View

KTERA patch day stream

12:03 pm, July 21, 2016 https://www.twitch.tv/s2021369 Incase anyone is interested to see stuff from a stream. Chat is active too. They answer questions. They linked this when i asked for patch notes: https://docs.google.co [..] View

KTERA's Developer Note regarding System/UI revamp is out

10:03 pm, July 19, 2016 In case no one lurks NA forums, i will post it here : All credits to IdioticGenius over NA Tera : - Translated Notes : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kdtv…BGsOipkAjw/edit Basically; [..] View

Any info about IoD bam changes?

10:03 pm, June 23, 2016 The title says it all i guess but i except answer from CM or anyone from staff about the when at least . It was the main source for vanguard and at least the top tier ones are heavily nerfed since we [..] View

Ktera new contents info

12:03 pm, June 12, 2016 https://docs.google.com/document/d/10Ahh…=h.qngj4lc9kn2e "Confirmed! 30 man raid for hardcore players (It’s very hard according to testers)" *you don't say* Everything i [..] View

Tensus weapon

12:03 pm, May 28, 2016 Some months ago Ktera got a buff on tensus gear making it suitable for PvE. With that in mind I got myself a +15 tensus so I can have an ok-ish cheap wep for PvE and PvP. I was hoping for that change [..] View

Reduce Vanguard Quest item levels

10:03 pm, May 26, 2016 As the title said. The concept of blocking VG with ilvl is already nonsensical. We all get that BHS wants us to grind our @ss to replace our gears, in hope that their content-lacking game can be prolo [..] View

New KTera Content News

10:03 pm, May 19, 2016 New Content got annoucend in KTerahttp://www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.ph…dx=2152&l=23043 Use Chrome to translate something in your language. Story translatet some stuff in english [..] View

Your thoughs about Ninja patch and the massive bg's credit needed.

10:03 pm, May 6, 2016 Just as title says , what do you guys think's about that ? plus how it gona be for us since our bg's procc is not like Ktera. Gameforge need to realize that and make some changes ? Good idea ? yes ? n [..] View

Another new class and new pvp and pve content for hardcore players confirmed !

10:03 pm, May 2, 2016 "New class release confirmed from Nexon official interview. And they said they will release new PVE and PVP contents. The PVE contents will be for hardcore players. YaY!" wrote Story ! Sour [..] View

KTERA - Class Change 3/31/16

10:03 pm, March 31, 2016 From yosha's tumblr KTERA - Class Change 3/31/16ArcherSharpshooter (Passive): Changed from increased crit factor by 100% (aka +60 crit factor) to 15% crit chance against monsters only.LancerHold the L [..] View

KTera New Dungeon "Liar Tarski’s Playground"

10:03 pm, March 29, 2016 ● ▅▇█▇▆▅▄ ▇ "New Dungeon"www.essentialmana.com/news/gm-note-liar-tarskis-playground/ FFS, bring a go [..] View

Will there a 17th character slot available?

11:03 am, March 20, 2016 Just wondering, since Reaper patch, every time they added a new class they increased the character slots (currently 16 per server),did they they unlocked a 17th one KTera ? just to know so I can use m [..] View

Slayers in the new patch

9:03 pm, March 3, 2016 So i know that slayers are the strongst DPS corrently in Ktera. I heard that TERA EU will not get this slayers buffs... but the read the new patch(39.07) notes and the slayer Buffs are huge! are thie [..] View

Which Class Balances are included in the coming Patch?

11:03 am, February 15, 2016 Could you please share some informations with us about the classes that will get balanced? So people have at least some time to rearrange their parties and plan foresightful for the coming content? Do [..] View

[KTera] 26.01.2016 Patch Notes

11:03 am, January 29, 2016 Source below :http://orcanaria.tumblr.com/ All in all, it looks like a very messy patch. - Removal of all relevant instances we currently have. AB(NM?) and WH return. - Fodder system is back. But why [..] View

[KTERA] Elin Ninja Gameplay Videos, Skills, Flying Mounts, and new features

11:03 am, January 27, 2016 KTERA Nexon Update went live today, releasing the new Elin Ninja class, new dungeons, flying mounts, and other new features. I am currently leveling a Ninja and recording videos of dungeon runs, skill [..] View

KTera 26.01.2016 Patch Notes

9:03 pm, January 26, 2016 Source below :http://orcanaria.tumblr.com/ All in all, it looks like a very messy patch. - Removal of all relevant instances we currently have. AB(NM?) and WH return. - Fodder system is back. But why [..] View

Preliminary class changes ?

11:03 am, January 26, 2016 It looks like we are only getting a small patch which was released on 26.08.15 on KTera. Slayers, Berserkers and Sorcs will have to hold their breathes for another month. Imho, Class balances are th [..] View

KTERA changes publisher + flying mount(finally) + new elin class + new dungeons

11:03 am, December 22, 2015 http://tera.nexon.com/events/2016/teaser/Welcome.aspx New publisher for TERA KR is Nexon, and they announced there will be flying mount as well as new elin class Just looking at the shadow of the [..] View

new fashion?

11:03 am, December 17, 2015 Along with new character selection screen and the brawler at least Ktera got new fashion coupon fashions, when will we get them, if even ever? i figured we get them along our patch aswell..but that di [..] View

(KTERA) New SOLO Dungeons Preview by Yosha

9:03 pm, December 7, 2015 New solo dungeon content just came out on KTERA 11/19/15 update along with huge priest and mystic damage buffs for solo play just in time. There are three dungeons to pick from. Besides earning loot f [..] View

Feedback Tera Eu - Playing For A Month With Vip Status

11:03 am, November 25, 2015 Hello all, I would like to share my one month experience in Tera EU (Killian Server with VIP status for a month).Well, the only reason to test Tera EU is the “ping”. All of my frie [..] View

What about EU..(edited

9:03 pm, November 16, 2015 Tera has a new publisher (Mango T5) for the Asia & Pacific region..http://massivelyop.com/2015/09/24/tera-s…-and-hong-kong/ Their patch update will be most up to date to Ktera, with [..] View

What about EU..

9:03 pm, November 16, 2015 Tera has a new publisher (Mango T5) for the Asia & Pacific region..http://massivelyop.com/2015/09/24/tera-s…-and-hong-kong/ Their patch update will be most up to date to Ktera, with [..] View

Rewarding solo Players!

9:03 pm, November 13, 2015 http://originalyosha.tumblr.com/post/133…om-todays-ktera OH YIS FINALY! Any thoughts regarding this future 2019 update? "Solo dungeons news has surfaced from today’s KTERA sn [..] View

Lancer with buffs

9:03 pm, October 29, 2015 Ktera 29.10.2015 patch: Lancer:Utility Potion (currently KTERA exclusive; adds nostrum and scroll effect) will now provide Onslaught Scroll: Crit Power effect instead of Onslaught Scroll: SwiftGreat [..] View

Ktera: Focus Specialization System

12:03 pm, October 7, 2015 heya found it in german section, thought share it here too, what you think? Short: Spoiler What is the Focus System? Once a player reaches the level cap (65) they [..] View

Strange Crit Stat(?)

12:03 pm, October 6, 2015 Hey, A bit of a puzzle for you guys because I am at the end of my knowledge. I got two sorcerers, one on EU/Killian and one on KR/Ahrun. Both are similarly geared, I will attach screenshots and explai [..] View

[KTERA] October 1st Patch Notes

10:03 pm, September 30, 2015 1. Skill • Sorcerer √ Nova’s range will increase by 5m. √ Arcane Pulse will also receive effect from Overchannel. √ Fireblast: Glyph of Carving (common [..] View

Sorcerer DPS

12:03 pm, September 22, 2015 Morning everyone Since some weeks i have tryed to upgrade my sorc dps so started rerolling stats and stuff to see how much dps i can deal. Following Yosha's guides i had lots of nice tips to improve [..] View

Sorcerer DPS

12:03 pm, September 22, 2015 Morning everyone Since some weeks i have tryed to upgrade my sorc dps so started rerolling stats and stuff to see how much dps i can deal. Following Yosha's guides i had lots of nice tips to improve [..] View

G.O Post KTERA 17/09/2015 - vanguard initiative change and dreadspire II info

12:03 pm, September 17, 2015 Source : http://shumiere.tumblr.com/post/12925499…uard-initiative (my blog)KTERA G.O post 17/09/2015 Vanguard initiative quests changes & Dreadspire IICommon changes for vanguard in [..] View

New balance patch KTERA 17/09/2015 balance changes

12:03 pm, September 16, 2015 Gunner Arcane barrage -PvE damage is reduced by 10% upon detonation(PvP damage remains same). Rolling reload Glyph of energy(common) -reset chance has been reduced to 25% from 35%. Glyph of en [..] View

RIP KUMA/NAGA farm KTERA 26.08.2015 Patch Notes

12:03 pm, August 27, 2015 The following quests will no longer be repeatable through the Vanguard Initiative Naga Nada! Master of the Meadow That Ain’t Right!https://espeitr.wordpress.com/2015/08/25…15-patc [..] View

The Reason Why "Tera is Dying"

10:03 pm, August 18, 2015 Good Day!Warning This is a rant and slightly offensive. If you are easily offended please don't continue readingFAQ:Lol u mad? - No.Why are you writing this then? - To give my previously loved Tera EU [..] View

Costume disappeared – Mystery

12:03 pm, August 18, 2015 Hello guys, I would like to start play EU Tera again after 1 year in KTera and almost 2 years in NATera. Currently I have started to play few months ago and I would like to re-start it now. I have go [..] View

Bamerama Gold Ticket / Diamond Ticket

10:03 pm, August 14, 2015 I know that Gold Tickets and Diamond Tickets are Transferable via Servers on KTERA | NATERA - servers I am not sure if they can be transfered in EU. I asked GM Ishkabar I asked the ticket support Tick [..] View

lamb reward from rootsock reduced - intended?

12:03 pm, August 14, 2015 until previous year it was 1 lamb for story quest(1 sheep) and 5 lambs for daily quest(2 sheep). This year I see its now 0 lamb for story quest, and 4 lambs for daily quest resulting 33% reduction of [..] View

[KTERA] Brawler Skills Preview with Translated Skill Decriptions and Glyphs

12:03 pm, July 29, 2015 Finished my Brawler Skills Preview video finally! Big thanks to Yosha for translations. Brawler will be available in our Glyph Calc really soon along with KTERA rare glyphs, so stay tuned! Let me know [..] View

[KTERA] Bernstein Island of Evil Spirits (New 5 player Dungeon)

12:03 pm, July 23, 2015 Bernstein Island of Evil SpiritsFormat: 5 player dungeonEntry: IMS or TeleportLocation: Cutthroat HarborRecommended gear: +12 Kellifan (Schisma 2) or +12 Lucid (VM5)Rewards: Kellifan Rings, Superior B [..] View

[KTERA] Brawler (New Class) gameplay videos

12:03 pm, July 15, 2015 KTERA's Summer Update Part1 just went live, releasing the new class, new dungeons and gameplay features. I'm currently leveling Brawler and will update this post as I get more footage recorded. The cl [..] View

[KTera] Lancer buffs

12:03 pm, July 15, 2015 I do not play a lancer myself but for those of you that do(as a main class), how will these changes affect the gameplay?Lancer Shield Counter: The crit factor of this skill raised from x1 to x10. Debi [..] View

Can some korean expert help me

12:03 pm, July 14, 2015 So Ktera getting new updates and so and theres 1 thing that poked my eyes out. (link http://tera.hangame.com/news/update.nhn?…docid%3D4908887 ) So there was this part at the glyph changes a [..] View

Abuse's guide to Timescape

10:03 pm, July 10, 2015 Hello,My name is Abuse\Condemn (Condemn ingame), many of my readers know me from my former guide of Bathysmal Rise.I'm writing this guide to Timescape as I've found myself wandering off mostly learnin [..] View

[KTERA] New crystals coming!

12:03 pm, July 10, 2015 It's gonna be huge for tanks. They squeezed 4 crystals worth of aggro into 1, so that you only need to use 1 aggro crystal and use the other 3 for whatever you want. 'Crit modifier from the FRONT' (fo [..] View

10/07/2015 KTERA brawler additional video

12:03 pm, July 10, 2015 Just like gunner they seem to have their own armor designs from gear progression. 2 extra hair is added it seems. Airborne/pushing skills-wise it can be very frustrating to dpses(especially melees) [..] View

Fashion coupons and new patch clarification

12:03 pm, July 8, 2015 Hello there, There is something that is "bothering" me lately and I would like someone to explain me more about it (preferably someone from GF itself). With the new patch a "Style Sho [..] View

02/07/2015 KTERA new class promotion video

12:03 pm, July 2, 2015 Am I only one who think skill animation is too long? skill effect is too flashy too that it will probably cause lags to a lot of people with low spec pc(just like reaper and gunner did upon release) [..] View

Question about the Dressing Room (next update feature)

12:03 pm, July 2, 2015 So we recently saw Tonka from NA showing the Dressing Room during a livestream (the video can be watched here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0eayFNqyh8) and he said players will be able to purchase [..] View

Class Balancing Patch

10:03 pm, June 22, 2015 Now i honestly dont really wanna hear about what you think about the class changes themselves, cause that would lead to total chaos, since i know you guys are always right and know it better What i w [..] View

KTERA VM6 no downgrade +15+correction, remove MWA from 60lvl instances etc

10:03 pm, June 19, 2015 Quoted Apparently in Ktera for VM6 there is no downgrade from failing from 12-15 and you get enchantment correction for it. There is also addition stats on 12-15 line. There will [..] View

Slayers any good after KTera changes?

9:58 pm, June 12, 2015 I have mained slayer in EU for ~2 years, but now I moved to NA and I have to start over. I am leveling a Slayer cause I love them, but the Warrior/Sorc/Zerk buffs that are coming from KTera scare me. [..] View

(ktera) BG changes etc. + kicking if 80% of the raid accepts!

12:03 pm, June 12, 2015 So Ktera gets an update soon with some changes in the battlegrounds (more or less not so interesting) but more interesting is this: Quoted The current system does not allow for pla [..] View

New Costumes/Weapons

10:03 pm, June 4, 2015 i just leave it here -----> http://originalyosha.tumblr.com/post/120…album-here-edit finally bhs has decided to make something good click on "album here" to see every weap [..] View

[KTERA] New Character Select and Creation Preview, Chat System Improvements and more!

10:03 pm, June 4, 2015 KTERA just released their new update that contains Character Select and Creation Revamp, Private Chat Channels with UI, Megaphones, etc. Here's a quick video showing the new Character Lobby / Characte [..] View

[KTERA] New Character Select and Creation Preview

12:03 pm, June 4, 2015 KTERA just released their new update that contains Character Select and Creation Revamp, Private Chat Channels with UI, Megaphones, etc. Here's a quick video showing the new Character Lobby / Characte [..] View

VM5 Release Date *_*

12:03 pm, May 31, 2015 Hi there, Im making this topic because i saw many players wonder about the relase date of VM5, i'm one of them too. In kTera, VM5 was released 1 month after Gunner class (Whitch is way overpowered but [..] View

when we will get the famous class balance?

10:03 pm, May 22, 2015 I know, I will never get a good answer but.. I really want it u.u https://espeitr.wordpress.com/2015/02/14…-optimizations/ Sounds very good the optimization of gliph of both healers, and th [..] View

[KTERA] Car Mounts with awesome stats!

10:03 pm, May 21, 2015 So KTERA has released a new set of race car mounts along with some other nice events and nexus changes. Some of those mounts have pretty awesome stats, for example the best one has 285 Movement Speed [..] View

Crusade Rewards

12:03 pm, May 21, 2015 Kudos to Yosha (>> LINK << ) In short - when we get the new 5-man HM the 10 top guilds will get actual rewards (not useless castles or mounts) for PvE/PvP leagues.PvE Crusa [..] View

About Archer's RoA and Explosive trap ninja change

10:03 pm, May 15, 2015 So the patch from 05/05/2015 brought us the much needed Archer's buffs, but with that they changed how the RoA and Explosive trap backcrit works (RoA backcrits now work like Hailstorm). See this thre [..] View

Feedback of mwa situation of gunner patch

10:03 pm, May 8, 2015 Here is my feedback. LoT: good in my opinionMasterwork alkahests box in Vanguard initiative quartermaster: Average in 20mwa/box. The rate is not too good, in theory the target price could be 50 golds [..] View

And you are saying that Slayer is OP? Ktera Zerker vs Slayer duel

10:03 pm, May 8, 2015 Potentially weakest pvp class Zerker vs FOTM "OP" Slayer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w77xKu76kig View

changing files (crosshair NPC voices)

12:03 pm, May 7, 2015 do gameforge ban for this? i am asking because i played mostly at launch when at least 80% of the community was using either the ktera elin armours or the jtera/ktera NPC voices so gameforges unoffici [..] View

Latest patch pve balance

10:03 pm, May 6, 2015 So in the patch notes I don't read anything about the range-penalty removal for many skills as it was in the gunner patch in ktera. How comes? Is it planned for the future? Edit: Checked the enmasse g [..] View

japanese NPC voice files

10:03 pm, May 5, 2015 two things 1. is this still technically allowed? 2. if one is yes where can i get an up to date voice pack? the only one i can find is from 2013 and i doubt that would still work (why am i doing this [..] View

Kuma for 65

10:03 pm, May 3, 2015 BattlegroundsIncrease level requirement for Kumasylum to 65, all former quests for lower levels can no longer be advanced if anyone read this in ktera notes, how is that supposed to work? if federatio [..] View

To all the NA suckers, we don't need you here.

10:03 pm, May 1, 2015 Just as the title said, go to where you belong: the NA forum ( yeah and cry about how bad EU there for all i care ). Of course nobody can force you to do anything but be reminded that You are NOT welc [..] View

MES back to Ktera nexus

12:03 pm, April 30, 2015 https://espeitr.wordpress.com/2015/04/29…15-patch-notes/ Previously MES werent added to new nexus at all which im sure many people did not like,But seems Ktera added them back based on your [..] View

VM5 Release

10:03 pm, April 27, 2015 Hi, I've been informed that VM5 was released few days after new class in kTera, and as the new class in coming out next month, could we assume that VM5 too ? It'd be nice if a GM could give an answer View

About VM5 and Defiance 2

12:03 pm, April 25, 2015 Hello everyone, I made this post because i saw that VM5 PvP and Defiance 2 are already on kTera since a while now, and defiance 2 seems to have better stats than renegade and is easy to get + u don't [..] View

What else will the gunner patch include?

10:03 pm, April 20, 2015 As the title said i want a clarification on what will this ,,gunner" patch include for EU? Will we be getting new set or will gunner also have to go idoneal->ambit->disco ? Also are [..] View

TERA EU publisher is not greedy

12:03 pm, April 13, 2015 I believe that a correct communication can resolve issues. So instead of complaining, I was looking for ways to get a balanced supplies of everything. And after some checking, this is my observation: [..] View

Warrior changes Rising fury

12:03 pm, April 1, 2015 http://originalyosha.tumblr.com/post/114…or-rising#notes wonder how much impact a warrior would be in pvp scene. The rising fury update allows warrior to stagger from either first or second [..] View

Can we play on ktera?

9:03 pm, March 27, 2015 Heya guys , I am living in asia so I thought going on ktera would be a good idea.Only problem is I don't understand their language xD Is there any guide to register/download ktera? I also I heard tha [..] View

More KTERA Class Changes

11:03 am, March 19, 2015 http://originalyosha.tumblr.com/post/114…s-preview#notes Sorcerer base critrate buff. Looks like the shared CD removal on teleport and backstep was too OP. Edit: Base critrate will be 58 [..] View

The one million euro question about the PvP competition

11:03 am, March 17, 2015 So I have this question since i heared about the PvP competition in Ktera and until now nobody managed to answer it. Now i decided to open a thread about it and ask this question again because maybe [..] View

About KTERA 05.03.2015 Patch Notes

11:03 am, March 14, 2015 I couldnt understand them properly (google OP). Any korean can confirm this ?http://tera.hangame.com/news/update.nhn Enchantment success rate increasing ? • 모든 6&#4 [..] View

KTera gear

9:03 pm, March 5, 2015 I know that KTera has gotten new instances and VM5 some time ago. But what about the other gear? Do they have new gear sets as well or just got VM5? I am asking because I want to make full Disco +12 b [..] View

Level 800 Alchemy designs/crafting

9:03 pm, March 2, 2015 So I've managed to get my Alchemy to 800 and successfully pass the master test today, only to realize that there are 2 or 3 recipes that actually require having Master Alchemy. This is rather disappoi [..] View

vm4+15 vs vm5+15

11:03 am, February 25, 2015 Hello, So I heard bunch of diffrent stuff about this, that vm5 got same base stats as vm4 but lower bonus at +15, that vm5 got extra atk speed roll same as vm3.5 etc. So if anyone played on ktera or k [..] View


More KTERA Class Changes

Mar 19, 2015, 11:12 am <a href="http://originalyosha.tumblr.com/post/114027000138/more-ktera-class-changes-preview#notes">http://originalyosha.tumblr.com/post/114&hellip;s-preview#notes</a><br><br> Sorcerer base critrate bu[..] View

About KTERA 05.03.2015 Patch Notes

Mar 14, 2015, 11:14 am I couldnt understand them properly <img src="http://board.tera.gameforge.com//wcf/images/smilies/crazy.png" alt=":crazy:"> (google OP). Any korean can confirm this ?<br><a href="http://tera.hangame.co[..] View

KTera gear

Mar 5, 2015, 9:23 pm I know that KTera has gotten new instances and VM5 some time ago. But what about the other gear? Do they have new gear sets as well or just got VM5? I am asking because I want to make full Disco +12 b[..] View

KTERA Go Post: Sorcerer, Reaper, Mystic class balance changes

Feb 13, 2015, 9:17 pm Korean text: <a href="http://www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.php?come_idx=2152&amp;l=18346">Link</a><br><br> No translation yet, I put the text trough Google translate (only sorcerer part):<br><br> - F[..] View

[kTERA] Balrona's Spacetime

Jan 29, 2015, 11:23 am As always, no guarantees for a 100% correct translation, I've also skipped some parts but the most important things should be here.. Early in February they'll release a new dungeon, "Balrona's Spaceti[..] View

[KTERA] New Dungeons (10man Raid, FoK, SF) gameplay videos, Engineer POV

Jan 15, 2015, 11:12 am As you all probably know already, Update 10 Part 4 just went live on KTERA, releasing new dungeons, new gear, and whatnot. I recorded some Arc Engineer gameplay footage of these new dungeons, and uplo[..] View

KTERA Berserker & Warrior Buff(+ Berserker Tank introduced)

Jan 9, 2015, 11:51 am Source : <a href="http://cms.hangame.com/bbs2.nhn?m=read&amp;bbsid=941&amp;docid=4901026">http://cms.hangame.com/bbs2.nhn?m=read&amp;b&hellip;1&amp;docid=4901026</a> - 09/01/2015 planned patch date fo[..] View

New outfits in KTera, new mounts and a Sorc Q

Dec 17, 2014, 9:17 pm So some new stuff... Outfits for females only:<img src="https://espeitr.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/magician_ktera.jpg" alt=""> Mounts: <img src="http://board.tera.gameforge.com//wcf/images/smilies/l[..] View

CS revamped on ktera, want eu :3

Dec 11, 2014, 1:44 am Hello <img src="http://board.tera.gameforge.com//wcf/images/smilies/love.png" alt=":love:"> first of all referral links : KTERA April 24 Patch Preview <a href="http://teratoday.com/content/tera-news/[..] View

R.I.P Nexus (Ktera patch notes)

Dec 3, 2014, 12:25 pm <a href="http://espeitr.wordpress.com/2014/06/18/ktera-19-06-2014-patch-notes/">http://espeitr.wordpress.com/2014/06/18/ktera-19-06-2014-patch-notes/</a> Please GF don't close down nexus like Ktera wi[..] View

KTera July 3rd patch notes

Dec 1, 2014, 2:10 am <a href="http://espeitr.wordpress.com/2014/07/02/ktera-03-07-2014-patch-notes/">http://espeitr.wordpress.com/2014/07/02/&hellip;14-patch-notes/</a> Ofc all credit goes to Espei on NA forums <img src="[..] View

Ktera adds PVE challenge in new "CoF"

Nov 29, 2014, 4:23 pm <p><iframe class='youtube' width='100%' height='400' src='//www.youtube.com/embed/3DXQN7bdi-M' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe></p>Weird of what? <img src="http://board.tera.gameforge.com//wc[..] View

[KTERA] duel competition videos

Nov 29, 2014, 3:39 pm There are two main servers in KTERA, Arun's Honour and Velik's Grace. A streamer privately opened a duel tournament between two servers to determine which server is better. 9 pvpers volunteered to fig[..] View

11/09/14 - KTERA new costume illustraion

Nov 29, 2014, 11:43 am <img src="http://upload.inven.co.kr/upload/2014/09/11/bbs/i3596120154.png" alt=""> Korean Traditional Clothing 'hanbok' and weapons looks like one of piece for traditional board game, rice cake maker,[..] View

Ktera - Somes pictures of new Area level Zone

Nov 29, 2014, 11:43 am Hi Everyone <img src="http://board.tera.gameforge.com//wcf/images/smilies/smile.png" alt=":)"> Just want to share some picture i take about the new level area zone.<img src="http://www.ur-upload.de/i/[..] View

KTERA GO Post: Elkaras Airship (new dungeon)

Nov 29, 2014, 11:28 am Elkaras Airship (5 person) Instance Dungeon<img src="http://i.imgur.com/MFD8yxW.jpg" alt=""> The Elkaras Airship is a new 5-person instance. There will be two modes, a normal and hard to challenge th[..] View

Ktera Orca Temple Video

Nov 29, 2014, 11:18 am Enjoy: 1st Boss: 2nd Boss: Final Boss: All Mystic POV Full Run Lancer POV: Warrior in Defensive Stance tanking 1st Boss: and no this instance is not easy! Hardmode is gonna be added in the next Update[..] View

[KTERA] required material for enchanting vm4 from +12 to +15

Nov 29, 2014, 7:13 am Only VM4 pve and pvp are eligible for awakening at the moment. To awaken the item to be able to be enchanted from +12 to +15 you require 6th grade enchanting stone x2000, materwork alkahest 2000. You [..] View

(KTera) New system for enchanting, cristal synthesis, new BG

Nov 29, 2014, 4:49 am Awesome post from Espei again about the new things to come on KTera :<a href="http://espeitr.wordpress.com/2014/07/29/ktera-go-post-introduction-to-the-new-systems/">http://espeitr.wordpress.com/2014/[..] View

KTERA 23.07.2014 Forgotten Continent Patch Notes

Nov 29, 2014, 3:33 am not sure if anyone else read this? KTERA 23.07.2014 Forgotten Continent Patch Notes <a href="http://espeitr.wordpress.com/2014/07/22/ktera-23-07-2014-forgotten-continent-patch-notes/">http://espeitr.[..] View

KTERA 22.05.2014 Patch Notes

Nov 29, 2014, 1:15 am 22.05.2014 Patch Notes Posted by Espei May 21, 2014 Home KTERA 22.05.2014 Patch Notes An addition to the T-CAT shop, changes to the drop rates in dungeons, and a few minor tweaks to crafting. Premium [..] View

KTERA +15 enchant(awakening) & unbinding soulbound item

Nov 28, 2014, 10:38 pm <img src="http://upload.inven.co.kr/upload/2014/08/18/bbs/i4919252360.png" alt=""> After gear has reached +12, it will show either awakening possible or not (not yet known which gears are eligible, bu[..] View

KTERA May 8 Patch Preview

Nov 28, 2014, 3:43 pm <a href="http://espeitr.wordpress.com/2014/05/07/ktera-08-05-2014-patch-notes/">http://espeitr.wordpress.com/2014/05/07/&hellip;14-patch-notes/</a> i checked the new Templates out and the new Template[..] View

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