6:08 am, May 12, 2014
TERA: Rising - Launch Trailer - Play TERA now for free and enjoy the brand new 3vs3 arena and dungeon included in the new content update.
why Saudi Arabia in block list ? we love tera so we want it please ?
Guest 10:02 pm, May 2, 2017 0
I had a similar issue with the mouse Everest SGM-X10. But it was happening, when I used this mouse with a universal driver. After I updated my system with the official driver of the manufacturer, I have never seen such behavior. I use 3 monitors. What hardware are you using?
Here the mouse, which had such problems without the proper driver
Guest 8:06 am, April 12, 2017 0
no it's not it's available you can enjoy with it .
Guest 5:49 pm, March 3, 2017 0
How do you solve?
Guest 1:41 pm, February 21, 2017 0
I had the same trouble, contact the Tera support (Gameforge for EU, Masse for NA) and ask to unlink and delete your new account. Once they do this you could choose to "log into your existing account" :)
Guest 1:39 pm, February 21, 2017 0
I had the same trouble, contact the Tera support (Gameforge for EU, Masse for NA) and ask to unlink and delete your new account. Once they do this you could choose to "log into your existing account" :)
Guest 8:53 pm, February 19, 2017 2
Having Exact same issue, PLEASE HELP
Guest 1:11 am, December 10, 2016 0
I want to play TERA with you!
My character: Sankakua.Atama
Sankakua.Atama's Server: Tempest Reach
BuddyUp Code: Sankakua.Atama#8789
Guest 3:00 am, November 26, 2016 0
Mine does the same but sorry I don't know how to help it, does anyone know?
Guest 9:41 pm, November 15, 2016 0
Get all yellow rolls in all of ur gears, make sure u have a brooch on & underwear.. u should reach 410.
Guest 9:00 pm, October 21, 2016 0
Same problem started here a few hours ago, tried everything from re downloading patch till rebooting router and repair botten in launcher... nothing worked so far...sad panda
Guest 10:14 am, October 19, 2016 0
this works with the new servers? like mystel?
Guest 10:31 pm, October 11, 2016 0
Hi I recommend getting the dreadnaught when you turn lvl 65 first for a few reasons: 1 you can get a full armor set for free by doing a quest look for Ominous news in your quest tracker then go to ilse of dawn to complete it. 2 this set has a very good enchantment box full of goodies and premium alkahest (you might want to save the alk. for enchanting your slaughter when you get to it) this set also has a better set of accessories (than came with your idoneal set. and i believe 4 hardy lvl 65 armor crystals. this set does not come with weapon. But there are several dread gearing dungeons to get one including "raiders challenge" channel works-(CW) and most dailies and a lot of dngs give t8 feedstock..
Heres the other thing about dread vs slaughter if everything is perfect it takes twice as many alks or spellbinds to do a simple enchant operation; for example dread takes 8 alkahest for 1 enchant slaughter takes 16.. When it comes to rerolling its even worse you need 16 spellbinds for each line you are protecting with slaughter and if you are trying to get that last good reroll you will be using 48 spellbinds for each reset (reroll). You get broke fast also the RNG generator favors dread by a serious percentage which i don't know but its a lot.
Finally enchanting order +12 wep first then glove because glove has attack specs. Don't try to do all your gear the idoneal is better than dreadnaught until its about +9 and your trying to get the best bang for your bucks. Then do boots they don't require as much mats for enchanting then finally +12 your chest. Also I wouldn't do the rerolls till you have more money or spellbinds. Just enchant to +9 then Use the Master enigmatic scrolls till you get master work. then go to +12. Oh btw if you get gear thats the same as the item you are enchanting like a glove you can use it for 1 enchant and it will include masterwork alk and feedstock.
Well thats my suggestion hope it helps do the Shisma too one at a time the shiz can break down to t8 feedstock at the rate of 2 to 1 and the enchanting table is about the same as your shisma was... Hope this helped good luck r.e.s.
Guest 9:03 pm, October 9, 2016 0
yeah i have exactly the same problem.How do i fix it?
Guest 11:38 am, October 6, 2016 0
Brawlers deal massive damage, but lancers have party buffs. In the end, the total dps of the party will be about the same.
Guest 11:33 pm, August 2, 2016 0
Most probably the noctenium infusions.
Guest 10:55 am, July 26, 2016 0
Same problem here. It's taking forever and will get stuck at 'applying patch'
Guest 6:04 pm, July 18, 2016 0
so is there a fix for this problem yet?
Guest 5:10 pm, July 7, 2016 0
Better solution to "Applying Patch 0%" : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qydTOXRUYkg
Guest 8:37 am, June 12, 2016 0
slaughter set cant be awakened, only top end sets light tensus, starfall or imperator cant be awakened