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Guest 2:29 pm, March 27, 2018 0
why Saudi Arabia in block list ? we love tera so we want it please ?
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Guest 10:02 pm, May 2, 2017 0
I had a similar issue with the mouse Everest SGM-X10. But it was happening, when I used this mouse with a universal driver. After I updated my system with the official driver of the manufacturer, I have never seen such behavior. I use 3 monitors. What hardware are you using?
Here the mouse, which had such problems without the proper driver
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Guest 1:41 pm, February 21, 2017 0
I had the same trouble, contact the Tera support (Gameforge for EU, Masse for NA) and ask to unlink and delete your new account. Once they do this you could choose to "log into your existing account" :)
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Guest 1:39 pm, February 21, 2017 0
I had the same trouble, contact the Tera support (Gameforge for EU, Masse for NA) and ask to unlink and delete your new account. Once they do this you could choose to "log into your existing account" :)
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Guest 1:11 am, December 10, 2016 0
I want to play TERA with you!
My character: Sankakua.Atama
Sankakua.Atama's Server: Tempest Reach
BuddyUp Code: Sankakua.Atama#8789
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Guest 3:00 am, November 26, 2016 0
Mine does the same but sorry I don't know how to help it, does anyone know?
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Guest 9:41 pm, November 15, 2016 0
Get all yellow rolls in all of ur gears, make sure u have a brooch on & underwear.. u should reach 410.
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Guest 9:00 pm, October 21, 2016 0
Same problem started here a few hours ago, tried everything from re downloading patch till rebooting router and repair botten in launcher... nothing worked so far...sad panda
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Guest 10:31 pm, October 11, 2016 0
Hi I recommend getting the dreadnaught when you turn lvl 65 first for a few reasons: 1 you can get a full armor set for free by doing a quest look for Ominous news in your quest tracker then go to ilse of dawn to complete it. 2 this set has a very good enchantment box full of goodies and premium alkahest (you might want to save the alk. for enchanting your slaughter when you get to it) this set also has a better set of accessories (than came with your idoneal set. and i believe 4 hardy lvl 65 armor crystals. this set does not come with weapon. But there are several dread gearing dungeons to get one including "raiders challenge" channel works-(CW) and most dailies and a lot of dngs give t8 feedstock..
Heres the other thing about dread vs slaughter if everything is perfect it takes twice as many alks or spellbinds to do a simple enchant operation; for example dread takes 8 alkahest for 1 enchant slaughter takes 16.. When it comes to rerolling its even worse you need 16 spellbinds for each line you are protecting with slaughter and if you are trying to get that last good reroll you will be using 48 spellbinds for each reset (reroll). You get broke fast also the RNG generator favors dread by a serious percentage which i don't know but its a lot.
Finally enchanting order +12 wep first then glove because glove has attack specs. Don't try to do all your gear the idoneal is better than dreadnaught until its about +9 and your trying to get the best bang for your bucks. Then do boots they don't require as much mats for enchanting then finally +12 your chest. Also I wouldn't do the rerolls till you have more money or spellbinds. Just enchant to +9 then Use the Master enigmatic scrolls till you get master work. then go to +12. Oh btw if you get gear thats the same as the item you are enchanting like a glove you can use it for 1 enchant and it will include masterwork alk and feedstock.
Well thats my suggestion hope it helps do the Shisma too one at a time the shiz can break down to t8 feedstock at the rate of 2 to 1 and the enchanting table is about the same as your shisma was... Hope this helped good luck r.e.s.
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Guest 11:38 am, October 6, 2016 0
Brawlers deal massive damage, but lancers have party buffs. In the end, the total dps of the party will be about the same.
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Guest 10:55 am, July 26, 2016 0
Same problem here. It's taking forever and will get stuck at 'applying patch'
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Guest 5:10 pm, July 7, 2016 0
Better solution to "Applying Patch 0%" :
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Guest 8:37 am, June 12, 2016 0
slaughter set cant be awakened, only top end sets light tensus, starfall or imperator cant be awakened
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Guest 5:24 am, March 23, 2016 0
no its not i am from different region and the same problem with this loss 100%
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Guest 11:57 pm, February 22, 2016 0
The income of newbies is what mantain servers alive. Most people are just bored of doing the same thing month after month and go after other games. Others keep playing runescape or ragnarok like 15 years
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Guest 2:32 pm, January 29, 2016 0
Yo también ando buscando gente XD, estoy en el server Veritas XD
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Guest 3:07 pm, January 23, 2016 1
easy turn steam to offline mode and start the game launcher :
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Guest 12:02 pm, January 1, 2016 0
After I tried 100 of solutions and nothing worked (flash dns, run as administrator, replace .version files, reinstall etc.) it filally works! Thank you very much!
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Guest 9:48 pm, December 29, 2015 0
i have the same problem and i notice that after the patch the launcher become TERA rising
maybe it should be like TERA fate of arun
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Guest 1:55 pm, December 26, 2015 0
I have a same problem can u help me ? i'm already lvl 52 and nothing change i tried almost everything ... but still can't unlock that q
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Guest 2:48 pm, December 21, 2015 1
I'm experiencing exactly the same problem hope someone responds
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Guest 1:45 am, December 13, 2015 0
As far as if your card can handle it, have you already checked
Just search TERA and it'll use it's little desktop tool to tell you everything.
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Guest 9:21 am, November 30, 2015 0
same problem..did you already solve the problem? its giving error since yesterday November 29
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Guest 11:44 pm, November 17, 2015 0
You are doing better than I have. I went there several times and cannot even find him.
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Guest 10:27 am, November 4, 2015 0
the link dosent work
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Guest 7:30 pm, October 30, 2015 0
my value="4-cleanup-kid-removed" what does it mean and what i do?
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Guest 7:23 pm, October 30, 2015 0
my value="4-cleanup-kid-removed" what does mean and what i do?
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Guest 11:27 pm, October 14, 2015 0
Same problem now.. because i checked in the settings of the launcher: download patch even when am playing.. this sucks bad now
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Guest 7:08 pm, October 13, 2015 0
No, it's a 32bit game so it cannot handle the stress of a ton of players/enemies at the same area
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Guest 7:41 am, October 12, 2015 0
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Guest 7:38 am, September 30, 2015 0
For me it was in the lower right corner of the character selection screen after I started with a brand new character. I made two and was able to choose either for the code since they were both under level 9.
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Guest 12:31 pm, September 24, 2015 0
I super agreed with ^ In Cs Gridiron i always had a hard time in eeping my teammates alive ((i barey stay alive for few secs when other players attacking) i even spam gs and arise and everything..and yet i was the one who keep feeding the other team @gridiron as for mystic they seem to have better skills even their guardian ****** me in bg twice and i think i never defeat them with my own skill or weap ) these 2 classes are unbalanced annd you guys need to think of a way at least making it better for us..and i play priest for a long time and is my main char so i know and the person ^ knows about it too ..and heal thself really need to get increase in healing because priest priority is keeping your team alive rather than healing yourself first then letting 1 of your teammates die or maybe you can double priest hp so it suits better for us that way we can spam godmode alot in bg
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Guest 1:30 pm, September 9, 2015 0
tbh im new to tera and never ever spent any dime on it, and now i have a tensus staff (im a 65 priest) and even bought a elite scroll yesterday..Tera generous imo compared to other mmorpg that ilayed so far (JD,RO, etc) and the gameplay is a bit similar with ff online lol cause i played ffo at ps 4 and then quit when they asking $15 a month lol ..the key is have a nice guild to run dungeons everyday or w/ reg pt (in my case) and luckily a good tanker and 1 dps sometimes o/. just having that tanker alone in my pt i can tackle every dungeons smoothly even with 3 PUGS (not TS tho lol) nowadays i like helping ppl in BRNM who has decent gears trying to get fulmis cause i still remember how ppl won't pick me in pt and looked down on me with idon gears, i felt happy somehow that i was being able to help them ^^
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Guest 12:36 pm, August 27, 2015 0
+0 is reroll bonus so you can same stat but with 1/2 % at +3 6 9 or 12 i my schisma staff had 2x 7,2 cd before but i like asp better so i rerolled it and finallu i got 9+4,5 asp and 7.2 cd i just need to reroll for my crit dmg atm lol
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Guest 11:21 pm, August 22, 2015 0
If you have Nwidia card and still have the problem follow this guide :
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Guest 11:19 pm, August 22, 2015 0
Go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\TERA\Client\S1Game\Config" and delete the following files.
Start your game up so the S1 files get renewed.
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Guest 6:09 pm, August 18, 2015 0
You're not alone with this - so far - unsolved problem. :/
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Guest 10:50 pm, August 11, 2015 0
It doesnt workkkkkkkkkkkk mÅŸlsfmasÅŸlgmw<lcsdömcÅžLAMW<EKNAS BY MEEE HELPPPPPPP
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Guest 5:07 am, August 8, 2015 0
It works but it eats up a lot of memory so you crash twice or three times as often.
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Guest 2:45 pm, August 2, 2015 0
If you play with less resolution I think you sould not have any problem with it, just give a try, I'm playing in a very worse I-3 with intel 3000 graphics with windows 10
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Guest 9:02 am, August 1, 2015 0
Here is the problem, they're People doing Pre-made Gridiron groups, by queuing at the same time.
And here is the issue, as a solo player trying to get a 1100 rating for the belt, it becomes impossible due to the fact that its based on winning the round. Not your KDA ratio's. So a solo player will never be able to get to 1100 unless you get those lucky run of winning teams.
Here is one tip, why don't they make it impossible for people in the same guild to be on the same team in Gridiron, because that is all I see.
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Guest 3:16 am, July 17, 2015 0
i had the enchanting stone but the rest is going to take a while
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Guest 6:34 am, July 7, 2015 0
yes, happened to me. I played TERA 1 year and half b4 with same PC, without any problems. So its not about system requirements
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Guest 6:55 pm, June 18, 2015 0
NA Elite = Live chat, problems sorted in under 10 mins.
Thanks for the Cookie.
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Guest 8:17 am, June 16, 2015 1
I had been having this problem for a while.
Fist: Start by looking at their FAQ
However that didn't work for me. How I eventually fixed it was when I was trying to solve a problem with ITunes. I came across this page:
Go to command Prompt -
In the "Command Prompt" screen, type in
"netsh winsock reset"
Hit "ENTER" key
Restart your computer.
If you do get a prompt after restart windows to remap LSP, just click NO.
And after doing that it suddenly began working. Sorry if this doesn't work for you, but I found that it fixed my problem.
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Guest 1:08 am, June 15, 2015 0
same laptop, same windows version. same graphic card.
same story.
average fps is 20-25.
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Guest 4:16 pm, June 7, 2015 1
Same here..I'm a reaper also and I've been trying to find a solution because I die in the room with dakuryon when all those lancers come and rek me...
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Guest 9:59 pm, June 6, 2015 1
If you are referring to Gunner, they are a tad bit OP in their current state but the next patch will fix that, nothing too bad; just some subliminal changes.
In response to you getting one hit, in CS everyone is equalized gear; the only thing that matters in Vyrsks and Crystals...which actually can make a HUGE difference in the deciding factor of who deals overall damage. First, let me tell you something a lot of new PvPers have trouble understanding at the very beginning as they embark on their journey to become a good player. Iframes...
Every class has their iframe(s) this is a big deal in PVP AND PVE as it can protect you from big monsters AND players who are about to whip up alot of damage and set their combos into momentum. Solution: don't let that happen. Recognize each classes iframes as well as learning how to use yours as best fit in combat situations. (iframes meaning Invincibility frames)
Each class also has their one skill which can completely obliterate foes if they land it properly, which is most likely what is happening to you since you are a healer and most likely stand off to the sidelines and heal. These moves usually take a while to power up, so for instance; archers, can one-shot you from afar while you may think it was an instant ****-hit.
Also, there are buffs in CS...make sure you use caution in challenging players at the very beginning of a CS match due to how they usually are fully stocked on buffs from healers before they rush out of the gate. By the time your team swipes the other team out at least once this effect should be cleared and you can continue as you may. However, there are minor buffs and debuffs that you still need to be aware of. For instance, Slayers have a TWO power buffs that if used in sequence can add up to 40 power added. Add a priest buff and you now have around 65 power +, add the weekly bonus, power vyrsks and let's just say he also uses power crystals cause he can...and you are sitting at around a 100+ Power bonus. (why would a Slayer ever run this, idk but just in this case) He would obliterate you if he were to run into and slice you up with a combo and stun/KD...
Which bring me to the next point...Desync, dun-dun-dun!!!
Yes, the dreaded desync that everyone experiences in TERA and primarily CS. No matter how good your ping may seem (but I bought a 5 star router from Best Buy) doesn't matter compared to some BR out there who chooses to be your opponent (no offense BRs). It may seem that your opponent has hit you once or that you have stunned your opponent but truly you were smacked 10 times and just didn't realize it're dead :(
This is just a generalization of some of the **** you will run into during CS... If you are not already a level 65, make sure you get to 65 first so that you can properly organize your crystals, glyph setup and have all of your proper skills and OP endgame skills in your arsenal.
This may have been long; thanks for reading...
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Guest 1:10 pm, May 24, 2015 1
I deactivated my firewall unchecked the read only deleted the launcher.version file i literally did everything and still get the retrieving manifest ughh helppp
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Guest 6:30 am, May 20, 2015 0
Here is the solution:
First, download the replacement TERA.exe file.
Navigate to your TERA installation folder. To get to the folder, right-click your TERA launcher and click "Open File Location".
Open the folder "Client" and then the subfolder "Binaries".
Place the replacement TERA.exe file in the Binaries folder.
Restart the TERA launcher.
The TERA launcher will now re-patch. This may take a few minutes. It will close and relaunch the launcher a couple times.
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Guest 7:41 pm, May 18, 2015 0
This game is not dead. I agree elin only was bad choice but think if they had to make skill animations and Armor sets for all the races... It would take a lot longer to get the new classes.
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Guest 7:38 pm, May 18, 2015 0
How long did your que take? Did people start doing fwc again?
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Guest 1:22 pm, May 16, 2015 0
Keep playing on the NA client. You will get rewarded way more by playing in NA and consumables, gear and other things are much easier to get in NA than in EU.
NA has way cheaper items.
To get good gear in NA can take about 2 weeks maybe, in EU it takes month.
You have to spend way less time grinding in NA.
Your ping might be higher but the servers are way more stable than in EU.
NA support is way better, and enemasse stream on twitch and now has steam. Eu has nothing of that.
The company that runs TERA EU only care to get as much money out of the game as possible they take ages to fix things. In
In Tera NA you can get free experience boost among other things. They also do giveaways quite often.
So yeah, just stay NA and don't bother with EU! :)
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Guest 5:00 pm, May 6, 2015 0
each additional character slot always gives +1 slot. 3-8 means that it can be used only to max 8 character slots, then there should be a 9-12 which works from 9 character slots till 12(13 with the new gunner class)
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Guest 2:17 am, April 22, 2015 0
in the end does it work or not cuz im really tired of trying to make it work
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Guest 5:28 pm, April 16, 2015 2
pls can some 1 put new binary here i delected mine and patch wont repair
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Guest 3:52 pm, April 16, 2015 0 you might want to try this
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Guest 3:36 pm, April 16, 2015 0
Got the same problem, did some research and it says that my "TERA.EXE" is corrupted
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Guest 8:17 am, June 16, 2015 1
I had been having this problem for a while.
Fist: Start by looking at their FAQ
However that didn't work for me. How I eventually fixed it was when I was trying to solve a problem with ITunes. I came across this page:
Go to command Prompt -
In the "Command Prompt" screen, type in
"netsh winsock reset"
Hit "ENTER" key
Restart your computer.
If you do get a prompt after restart windows to remap LSP, just click NO.
And after doing that it suddenly began working. Sorry if this doesn't work for you, but I found that it fixed my problem.
Guest 9:59 pm, June 6, 2015 1
If you are referring to Gunner, they are a tad bit OP in their current state but the next patch will fix that, nothing too bad; just some subliminal changes.
In response to you getting one hit, in CS everyone is equalized gear; the only thing that matters in Vyrsks and Crystals...which actually can make a HUGE difference in the deciding factor of who deals overall damage. First, let me tell you something a lot of new PvPers have trouble understanding at the very beginning as they embark on their journey to become a good player. Iframes...
Every class has their iframe(s) this is a big deal in PVP AND PVE as it can protect you from big monsters AND players who are about to whip up alot of damage and set their combos into momentum. Solution: don't let that happen. Recognize each classes iframes as well as learning how to use yours as best fit in combat situations. (iframes meaning Invincibility frames)
Each class also has their one skill which can completely obliterate foes if they land it properly, which is most likely what is happening to you since you are a healer and most likely stand off to the sidelines and heal. These moves usually take a while to power up, so for instance; archers, can one-shot you from afar while you may think it was an instant ****-hit.
Also, there are buffs in CS...make sure you use caution in challenging players at the very beginning of a CS match due to how they usually are fully stocked on buffs from healers before they rush out of the gate. By the time your team swipes the other team out at least once this effect should be cleared and you can continue as you may. However, there are minor buffs and debuffs that you still need to be aware of. For instance, Slayers have a TWO power buffs that if used in sequence can add up to 40 power added. Add a priest buff and you now have around 65 power +, add the weekly bonus, power vyrsks and let's just say he also uses power crystals cause he can...and you are sitting at around a 100+ Power bonus. (why would a Slayer ever run this, idk but just in this case) He would obliterate you if he were to run into and slice you up with a combo and stun/KD...
Which bring me to the next point...Desync, dun-dun-dun!!!
Yes, the dreaded desync that everyone experiences in TERA and primarily CS. No matter how good your ping may seem (but I bought a 5 star router from Best Buy) doesn't matter compared to some BR out there who chooses to be your opponent (no offense BRs). It may seem that your opponent has hit you once or that you have stunned your opponent but truly you were smacked 10 times and just didn't realize it're dead :(
This is just a generalization of some of the **** you will run into during CS... If you are not already a level 65, make sure you get to 65 first so that you can properly organize your crystals, glyph setup and have all of your proper skills and OP endgame skills in your arsenal.
This may have been long; thanks for reading...
Guest 3:38 pm, November 25, 2014 1
Hello I'm just a normal Tera player here and I noticed this new expansion. Sounds great but when I logged in and accepted everything that was available to everyone my items were nowhere to be seen. Hopefully it was an error in the system and when I log back in they'll be there. Just thinking I should put this out there in case this problem also occurs to other Tera players as well.