Tera Online Fan Site

TERA The Exiled Realm of Arborea




Extreme lag spikes/rubberbanding, but low ping

9:03 pm, February 9, 2017 I've played TERA twice in the past without a hitch (last time about a year ago), but yesterday when I started anew (same server as always, Killian) I started experiencing extreme lag and rubberbanding [..] View

BG jackpot and credits 26dec-1jan thoughts

11:03 am, December 11, 2016 ^ Okay i was just checking the BG timer and i see there is jackpot event each day for all BG in that period of time. I am thinking its because of christmas thats why there is jackpot on winning team a [..] View

tera just closing

12:03 pm, July 15, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Description: hey guys i have really serious problem i played The game is always closed when I get to Level 11 Start exactly when I try to travel from one city to another [..] View

Decoy Jutsu ?

10:03 pm, June 30, 2016 Just a little question about decoyjustu on Ninja , Have anyone tried to see if the little wood trunk left when using the skill can be used as a damage take ? Like for KDHM leave the trunk to take dmg [..] View

Bring back EQ Skyring Team event or similar

10:03 pm, June 29, 2016 Bring the equalized Team skyring event back or a similar thing (new BG perm with it?). The current double credits one is a fiasco for Team skyring where you see people openly advertise to feed/wintrad [..] View

Problem loading Boss attacks

10:03 pm, June 21, 2016 Hi I have a problem with the game not loading boss attack animation on the DFNM last boss laser. All other mechanics in DFNM (on 1st bosses, 2nd boss, even on the last boss) load with no fail and dela [..] View

Celestial Arena - Stage 12

10:03 pm, May 30, 2016 Heyo all o/ Can anyone please explain me how this "Tasty Watermelon" stage works? I always hit the tasty watermelons and i still get wrong hits (?). Yeah, there appear more than one tasty wa [..] View

Client Freeze and Crash

12:03 pm, May 18, 2016 i have a little problem with Tera i downloaded Tera client 3 hours ago, i start to play and after 2-3 minute of game my client freeze and crash closing the game without a error message.. Low Graphic h [..] View

Issue with Elleon's Marks : 100 piece limit.

12:03 pm, April 24, 2016 As most of you already know, If you pick up a number of Marks greater than your remaining capacity, the rest will just be discarded automatically. For example, if you have 99 Marks and you pick up 10 [..] View

Suggestion : MERGE 4 pve servers into 2 server

12:03 pm, April 6, 2016 As we all know we are on a middle of patch and we are losing players day by day in a already low population servers.LFG numbers are not enough,Items in trade broker are not enough.People keep transfer [..] View

Its time for a change !!!!!!!!!!

11:03 am, March 8, 2016 I really dont know how to start so i have to apologise in advance but i cant stay inactive anymore. I am one of the users who read quite often forum but i almost never post anything (i dont think i am [..] View

Launcher is defective, please fix it.

9:03 pm, February 19, 2016 Sorry to say fuucking many times.I'm very indignant, i want to play this game but i can't because team tera dont put a fuucking good launcher man, it's not normal. Have you any idea Tera Support how m [..] View

How to counter brawler and other false advertisements

9:03 pm, January 22, 2016 I love click baits, and so do you! So I wanted to spend few words regarding the latest PVP event, 3v3 premade on the specific. This is rather a feedback thread before anything else, and I used the wo [..] View

Tera VS Blade and Soul

9:03 pm, January 18, 2016 I don't know much about blade and soul, im not even sure it is gonna be better than Tera. I do know though, that all B&S needs to do to pull PVP oriented players from Tera is a very simple cla [..] View

Tera.exe Stop working by itself

11:03 am, January 12, 2016 hi dear ppl of tera! first of all i had trouble trying to patch the game bcause of the "unable to find update path" bug, its seems i solved it using the Game.version trick but now when i cli [..] View

Very low FPS and severe frame rate drops.

11:03 am, January 2, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): N/A Description: I get a lot of frame rate issues in game. I rarely go above 40FPS, most of the time I'm at 25FPS or so. And the game tends to stutter and freeze for a c [..] View

Question about enhcanting prices

11:03 am, November 11, 2015 hi i have a question about enhcnating prices >>> is enchanting prices will be cheaper in soon future or no ? like mes , mwa , nes ... etc becuase i reached my max limit of boring [..] View

Champions Skyring Win Trade

9:03 pm, November 10, 2015 Can you please fix the win trade in Champions Skyring Solo! i'am so tierd of losing rating becuse people are drawing in 3v3 solo on purpose.. Basicly here is how its done, We win first round, Second r [..] View

Post your RIG/Performance thread EU

9:03 pm, October 30, 2015 Hey guys, since im having some terrible performance on pretty much every Boss fight and BG, I'm curious what kind of OP Rig you guys been using. I've tried everything to improve my FPS but nothing [..] View

Question to mods

10:03 pm, October 13, 2015 Could you seriously stop closing threads like madmen as soon as question has been answered? Some people might have more questions related to it, why force us to open new thread and litter forum with s [..] View

Potato Servers

10:03 pm, September 28, 2015 So tommorow maintenance gonna be 7h.. Last maintenance was 7h.. Why then we still have fking crash on servers? Why we have same crusade after 3 months? Yyou gonna fix potato servers or what? Go moder [..] View

Compass's position resets upon closing and re-opening tera

12:03 pm, September 25, 2015 Usually the compass sticks to his usual position - http://puu.sh/kn8FO/1f794b3691.jpg However when I close and re-open tera, it decides that it wants to move apartments - http://puu.sh/kn8HB/f7409b74f [..] View

To fellow f2p players: my new perspective

10:03 pm, September 8, 2015 Who should read this? This text is targeted at typical free-to-play players (as opposed to cash-shop players and market players, although any of you interested are of course welcome to read it) who ar [..] View

Great job Gameforge, not even kidding

12:03 pm, September 5, 2015 This (link) is what we have been looking for, information!Mika, i will give you specificity credits for this, i dont care if you were told by your superiors or did this by your own machine, ur the one [..] View

Losing connection every few minutes

12:03 pm, September 3, 2015 Fix your connection problems Gameforge. Lots of players are experiencing disconnections to your servers. I live in Holland and I heard from other dutch that they also disconnect nonstop. I can't even [..] View

Game closing out of nowhere when in velika only.

10:03 pm, August 25, 2015 Error Message(If you get one):No error message. Game just closes. Description: I have 3 chars on Velika and cant hold online in any of them for longer then about 30 seconds. other 2 chars in different [..] View

The Reason Why "Tera is Dying"

10:03 pm, August 18, 2015 Good Day!Warning This is a rant and slightly offensive. If you are easily offended please don't continue readingFAQ:Lol u mad? - No.Why are you writing this then? - To give my previously loved Tera EU [..] View

So, in the case of 2member cs queue and the case of wintrading.

10:03 pm, July 22, 2015 Congratulations Gameforge(and Bluehole studio if it was their idea), you have finally enabled all the rejects to wintrade without penalization. Every freaking time I queue cs I see members of the same [..] View

I Cant Use Extra Mouse Buttons

10:03 pm, July 14, 2015 Dear anyone who reads this, So I have this gaming mouse with extra buttons! TERA EU does not recognize them, but TERA NA DOES! So why is that? I've looked at all the options and there is nothing to be [..] View

Client keeps crashing

10:03 pm, June 22, 2015 Error Message(If you get one): / Description: After I select my character and click Play, the loading screen comes up normally, it opens the game, I'm currently in Tria (Fraya Server) and after 5 sec [..] View

I have a question for this community

10:03 pm, June 4, 2015 Where is this guy's logic ? (I know racists are usually stupids, but this guy deserves a medal... ) Thanks.Title edited by Sylvara: Name calling is not allowed. -Don't start personal fights, please.-C [..] View

trash game balanc and PvP

12:03 pm, May 29, 2015 OK People, Its time to wait new games like Blade and Soul, Black Desert, Askers online, why? Because this TERA game have *bad* balance class. Let me explain why. So, how can be possible if gunner **** [..] View

Kumasylum Abuse

10:03 pm, May 24, 2015 Hello. After a lot of freaking Draws cause some noobs or idiots don't know to play the mode or whatever... they kick each other and results to DRAW with COOLDOWN on damn MODE KUMASYLUM with results LO [..] View

Solved Launcher crashing

10:03 pm, May 18, 2015 Error Message(If you get one): The tera launcher is still running; please try again in a moment. Failed to update host Description: I get this message as i run the launcher to start the game, than it [..] View

How to get rid of unwanted chat spam

12:03 pm, May 15, 2015 Every time I teleport or such my "All" chat is filled with messages about how these buffs and those charms and whatnot affects my abilities. I didn't change anything in my "All" ch [..] View

skyring sorcerer job ?

12:03 pm, May 13, 2015 i've been duelling for 2 months now vs fairly good players most of the time i'm losing but sometimes i manage to win and it happens more and more often, i got the basics combos so far down and have xp [..] View

APPCRASH (Tera The Exiled Realm of Arborea has stopped working)

10:03 pm, May 9, 2015 So guys, the night after The Gunner release i played the game and everything was fine, except for the NPCs, who all spoke german, but everything else was ok. The next day i tried to login, but game cr [..] View

Dstance Berserker 3v3 Video

10:03 pm, May 6, 2015 Someone linked me this video, keep in mind that this is even already the NERFED Dstance version, where zerks losing 18 PvP Dmg when they are in the stance. So funny how zerks can do like 4 hits now i [..] View

The play button does not work? Launcher problem!

10:03 pm, May 2, 2015 Description: I just spent 8 hours for the game to finish downloading and installing, now it says complete but the "play" button doesn't work. I don't want to restart the launcher to see if i [..] View

Crash on start-up after the maintenance

10:03 pm, April 29, 2015 After yesterday's maintenance I've been having difficulties starting the game client. When I click the Play button the splash image is shown and the screen goes black with the Tera pointer icon showin [..] View

corsair...whats it gonna be?

12:03 pm, April 25, 2015 halo everyone , i recently noticed some weid things in cs stronghold and i would like to know if anybody else noticed the same. The way the teams are picked is terrible.... many examples and latest i [..] View

Applying patch stuck at 0%

12:03 pm, April 17, 2015 So i have been stuck with applying patch at 0% since the patch yesterday, before it everything was fine and i could play, so i was wondering are there any solutions for this that could help me? Things [..] View

The new patch, the problem with FC and my suggestion to help.

10:03 pm, April 16, 2015 I feel like this might spark a bit of a debate, so I apologise in advanced for this.. The problem with FC at the moment (at least on Fraya) seems to me to be the existence of a few very strong premade [..] View

Stop Jerking us around and tell us when the patch is this week.

12:03 pm, April 14, 2015 You guys keep closing threads and what not but you can simply just tell us what your plans are.. We have been waiting since before EASTER for some sort of real reply and you say it will be this week. [..] View

Dear Phelan, my feedback regarding recent changes.

10:03 pm, April 11, 2015 Before I say anything, I’d like to politely ask people from either PvE & PvP servers to not raise any drama or hate between Gameforge staff & players,as much as possible, sin [..] View

For Anemsalok - Constructive letter to ~PD

12:03 pm, April 6, 2015 This is mainly to [CM]Anemsalok, where I ask to forward this to Product Director. // Dear ~PD, I would like to know the reason behind changes which took places in TERA. What was the reason to remove M [..] View

A Letter for Gameforge

10:03 pm, April 1, 2015 Dear Gameforge, I write this letter because i need a place to type my opinions about how the game is going day after day and patch after patch... I'm reading the forum all days, though i'm not posting [..] View

Maintenance or April joke??

10:03 pm, April 1, 2015 I really wonder what kind of maintenance did you guys make, chat is still buggy, still getting disconnected in battlegrounds and cant log in back, it keeps saying cannot connect to this server, becaus [..] View

Stop... just stop gameforge~

10:03 pm, March 29, 2015 dear gameforge since f2p you slowly destroy this game more and more now more and more are leaving for na/ru even for china or they quit completely and play different games like ff14, black desert, l [..] View

All this happening Because of one reason!

10:03 pm, March 29, 2015 So guys just to let you know i've been playing for three months i paid real money because i love the game and i wanted to show some support! Yes very true And suddenly Gamefail started to CHANGE, I kn [..] View

Ambit MW +10 VS Disco +9

11:03 am, March 24, 2015 Hi, I'm nearly a weaponsmithing master and I have my disco twin swords intense recipe. I have all the mats to craft it but I may have to use my actual ambit +10 weapon to craft the discovery weapon ( [..] View

More Shop Promotion Please...

9:03 pm, March 19, 2015 People who still supporting gameforge,this screenshot for you guys.Thats why we are complaining.The game is unplayable for a long time.Non-stop ping spikes,0 FPS,unstable client,shop promotions,rng bo [..] View

GameForge, current situation with lags at night, blah blah.

9:03 pm, March 10, 2015 So, it seems my first thread has been closed. Well, I'll admit my entire post was sarcastic, but you deserved it. This kind of behavior will not lead you anywhere. There is a reason why we -the commun [..] View

Lag spikes after 12 to 1~ish at nights. WTF is this?

11:03 am, March 2, 2015 We've been having that problem EVERY SINGLE NIGHT now! Servers are fine during the night, but once the clock hits 01:00 at night, ping spikes and the game becomes - well, it's not unplayable, but - un [..] View

Marvellous TT "event"

11:03 am, March 1, 2015 So now that your "satisfying" event is over, how about taking care of all the "feedback" you people from GF wanted about the patch? There will be some serious consequences if all o [..] View

Launcher ignore current installation

9:03 pm, February 19, 2015 Hi, i have tera installed and played it, but after moving it to another partition (so i can re-install windows leaving tera untouched) i got problems starting the game like TL.exe closing after 1 sec [..] View

[Alliance System] "Stop this ****!"

9:03 pm, February 13, 2015 This thread judges the part of the alliance tera system to separate the reset of the weekly ally ranks (7am)* from the normal daily quest reset (2am), in the night from Monday to Tuesday by a time gap [..] View

"Stop this ****!"

9:03 pm, February 12, 2015 This thread judges the part of the alliance tera system to separate the reset of the weekly ally ranks (7am)* from the normal daily quest reset (2am), in the night from Monday to Tuesday by a time gap [..] View

a new roll system ! PLS

9:03 pm, January 10, 2015 So ... this game should be a few changes ... very stupid constantly go into parties who lose, i mean even the people there want to win ..... they can't ... because they are low levels ... the game sho [..] View

pvp tips

11:03 am, January 8, 2015 Dont know if this tread belong here sorry in advance. Anyway westerday i was fightin zerkers ..damn they are so fast im combat movement..i had speed buff but he gained ground n keep closing distance.a [..] View

Stuck at applying patch

9:03 pm, December 29, 2014 Hello all, While trying to install TERA through what appears a new launcher (GameforgeLive) it got stuck on applying patch 0.0% Now I read some things on the internet like deleting files/window start/ [..] View

EASY Memphisis Shield phase : NOOBS guide to skip shield phase/other problems on BR boss 1

9:03 pm, December 23, 2014 ARE YOU WIPING AT MEMPHISIS IN BATHYSMAL RISE DUE TO THE SHIELD PHASE? HERE IS A LIL FIX FOR YOU-It has been more than 1 week since the FoA patch came up, and i have seen (and personally experienced) [..] View

New Dungeons!!!

9:03 pm, December 20, 2014 Hi first sorry about my english.I will try my best.I am playing tera eu about 1.5 year.I love to play priest.I did rehm a lot of times succesfully i have deva set but this new patch might be hell.I am [..] View

Fraywind replaces Nexus! 20:00 CET Join up!

9:03 pm, December 14, 2014 Hello people, since nexus is removed as a place where people come together to wait and do nothing, we want to replace the first part- gathering up together. But this time for Fraywind Canyon normal! W [..] View

Wintraders ARGHHHH :<

9:03 pm, November 25, 2014 I don't know where to post this but, pardon me if I post on wrong section. I got in Kumasylum as kumas as usual, and [...] type /kick to [...], I just got in and was typing in chat resulting in me pre [..] View

Elin Slayer: MP problems

11:03 am, November 24, 2014 Hey everyone, I've started playing Tera yesterday, so I'm sorry if this is a stupid question... I've created two characters to test the differences, and everything is fine with the first one. But the [..] View

help me pls

11:03 am, November 20, 2014 hello,guys i have a problem. It keeps dissconects me froom game i mean its closing my game whitout any single error or crash...i dont know what to do and my pc has good performance 16gb ram,processor [..] View

what the hell is this?

11:03 am, November 19, 2014 Tera has become a really childish game, police costumes? Police MOUNTS? Are you kidding me ? This is BS. I log in and i see hentai perv dudes who play elin and riding a police mount. Maybe remove all [..] View

The Download Stalled-No Valid Peers Launcher problem

9:03 pm, October 29, 2014 I don't know if this has been asked before or not :3 But I'm new both to TERA and to the forums Anyways, the problem I'm facing is that the PATCH PROGRESS thingy is stuck at 0% and the bar displays 'N [..] View

Just an old player checking up on things, and raging a bit...

9:03 pm, October 27, 2014 Hey there... I dunno what made me create this post but, I mostly want to know how the game is going. I started TERA since the beta, and freaking loved the gameplay. Sometime after the game launched, e [..] View

tera is closing

10:03 pm, October 9, 2014 Error Message(If you get one): non Description: i'm having problem. Game is kicking me out. i'm plaing and sudenly game terns off. [PL] Gra mnie wyrzuca lub się zatrzymuje po naciśni [..] View

Account Blocked For no Reason

10:03 pm, October 4, 2014 Hey Guyz Today i had some proplems with the launcher tried some stuff Didnt work after all i restored my computer a few days earlier Launcher Worked but my account is blocked!?!!?! i have only 1 acco [..] View

RNG will lead to losing you players when it's out of hand.

12:03 pm, October 2, 2014 I'm actually not normally too fussed over RNG but this new mount comes in a surprise box? Is someone having a big laugh here? No point in sticking this in the feedback thread as it CLEARLY NEVER GETS [..] View

launcher banning ppl = ban wawe inc

10:03 pm, October 1, 2014 apparently the pro devs have make this nice thing wich is banning alot of ppl with launcher and GF dont know how to unban us, another PRO work re...ds and again we losing game time on TC and losing ev [..] View

Problem with launcher again, "retrieving manifest" second "Unable to download manifest"

10:03 pm, September 25, 2014 Error Message(If you get one): first "retrieving manifest" second "Unable to download manifest" Description: I cannot launch the play client cause of the manifesting problem and i [..] View

See how it works ?

12:03 pm, August 28, 2014 (Anemsalok I know how you loooove merging threads but I would really appreciate if you didn't do it with this one cos it's really different from only a shop feedback, it's more about the customer rela [..] View

ctrl +1-9 keybindings not working anymore after update.{FIXED

10:03 pm, July 28, 2014 hey there! so after this last update my key bindings simply stopped working and it is driving me insane. it works fine Before I start Tera but when I log in ctrl+1-9 just stops working and none of tho [..] View

ctrl +1-9 keybindings not working anymore after update.

12:03 pm, July 28, 2014 hey there! so after this last update my key bindings simply stopped working and it is driving me insane. it works fine Before I start Tera but when I log in ctrl+1-9 just stops working and none of tho [..] View

Gameforge stepping their game up

10:03 pm, July 17, 2014 Gameforge ,a company that many of you doubted and trashtalked,is actually stepping their game up. Have you seen how active they became and how much effort they put in closing tera eu ? 1. massive bans [..] View

needed to post this since i wrote it

10:03 pm, July 15, 2014 Just reading all these posts and i come to a point where i cant 'only read' while keeping my mouth shut. i keep thinking about the assange case idk why but maybe its because its " someone who act [..] View

Game settings and optimization (FPS) Understanding.

12:03 pm, July 14, 2014 Hi all i would like to say right off the bat i am no wizard just a general user which have done a bunch of test's regarding Tera™ and FPS like most else, reason im writing this is to share [..] View

What is keeping you in this game ?

12:03 pm, July 11, 2014 What was keeping me in the game so far was : 1. friends 2. ping 3. time+money invested 4. awesome individuals like flanberry 5. (this is a personal one) i left hon(made by s2games) because of s2 fai [..] View

Clarification about certain banned account!

10:03 pm, July 7, 2014 This is not flaming or anything of that sort, i just need some clarification from GMs about a certain account that was banned, because going through "official ticketing" haven`t really helpe [..] View

unable to connect to server

10:03 pm, June 22, 2014 Error Message(If you get one): unable to connect to server Description: launcer stacking on login, or unable to connect (Killian) Computer specs(if needed): Screenshot: Additional Information: rando [..] View

Gameforge check killian's broker

12:03 pm, June 13, 2014 I'm just gonna leave here the imgs and if you want to,check your log ,if not ,you are the ones losing money from cash shop . And since you are gonna check logs,plz ban some wintraders too ,ty View

thanks for closing my thread, but i must open another one!

10:03 pm, June 10, 2014 stop closing threads or write us why you closed them, write which forum rules we broke so next time we do a new thread we will not broke those rules. Regards View

[FIX] Try this for "Applying Patch" launcher problem.

10:03 pm, May 20, 2014 I've been trying to play the game for 3 days now but i kept getting problems with launcher not finishing the install. I tried some fixes i saw here, but nothing happened. I even re-downloaded the whol [..] View

Solved Retrieving Manifest - the old, but unfortunately ongoing problem [FIXED]

10:03 pm, May 15, 2014 This aint important no more Spoiler Hello forumguys, it's me - the guy trying to play tera After about a year not playing Tera, i decided to re-download and -insta [..] View

EU vs NA , constructive thread

5:38 am, May 12, 2014 Ok,so the purpose of this thread is not to make fun of tera EU/make players move(seriously u can't 200 ms min ping)/make everyone emo,but to give some tips to Gameforge . So, what does gameforge wants [..] View


thanks for closing my thread, but i must open another one!

Feb 7, 2015, 6:30 pm stop closing threads or write us why you closed them, write which forum rules we broke so next time we do a new thread we will not broke those rules.<br><br> Regards<br><img src="http://board.tera.gam[..] View

tera is closing

Dec 3, 2014, 10:00 am Error Message(If you get one): non Description: i'm having problem. Game is kicking me out. i'm plaing and sudenly game terns off. [PL] Gra mnie wyrzuca lub si&#281; zatrzymuje po naci&#347;ni&#281;ci[..] View

RNG will lead to losing you players when it's out of hand.

Nov 30, 2014, 9:23 pm I'm actually not normally too fussed over RNG but this new mount comes in a surprise box? Is someone having a big laugh here? No point in sticking this in the feedback thread as it CLEARLY NEVER GETS [..] View

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