Tera Online Fan Site

TERA The Exiled Realm of Arborea




Loremaster achievement is literally impossible

11:03 am, November 12, 2016 So I've been farming this achievement over the span of some months only to realize that it cannot be completed only with yellow and red quests. I'm stuck at 1366 quests with literally no way to progre [..] View

How does reputation boosts stack?

10:03 pm, September 5, 2016 Hi, just a quick question - when I'll receive the free 3-day TC (merge bonus) is it possible to stack the TC reputation boost with a 50%(100%) Reputation scroll like it's possible (I think) with the E [..] View

Question for v45 IoD

10:03 pm, July 5, 2016 ////////// Added additional rewards to the following quests for a period of two weeks: Hunt Brutal Iron Giants 1x 50 Vanguard Reputation Points Hunt Brutal Onyx Hydraths! 1x Master Enigmatic Scroll IX [..] View

+15 Gear Sellers

10:03 pm, June 10, 2016 So why exactly do they want the Buyer to have the Liberation Scroll? I'm asking since the Buyer has to basically give the Seller the Lib Scroll for free or not and can actually get scammed. But i gues [..] View

Patch 45

10:03 pm, June 8, 2016 http://en.tera.gameforge.com/news/detail…ontent-overviewAn even better Club membershipPermanent reputation boost replaces the current 2x 5 hoursA new mount to ride to battle withAn addition [..] View


10:03 pm, May 31, 2016 As such, we’ll replace the current “3x 1 hour” with “2x 5 Hour” 100% Reputation Boosts (30 min. CD upon use). This should allow for a more convenient [..] View

Tera club changes.

10:03 pm, May 31, 2016 @Gameforge Just to make it clear we don't want 1h or 5 h reputation / exp buffs . just make it on 24/24h like other regions. Like seriously stop restrecting farming options, and make Tera club worth [..] View

Questions that need to be answered!

10:03 pm, April 21, 2016 Will we ever get Griefing / Indomitable Vyrsks for PvP? What is the point of having Abnegate, Moloch (lv. 60 non-enchantable gear) and Pristine Zyrks at Reputation Merchants? Will Bluehole ever stop r [..] View

The state of Tera - discussion

10:03 pm, April 13, 2016 What do you people think about the current state of the game? If you'd rate it, how many points out of 10 would you give it and why? Personally, I think the game took a bad turn since the release of t [..] View

Vanguard daily quest bug

9:03 pm, March 17, 2016 I guess Gameforge forgot to double the green quests they still give the same. So far cause i just logged only bam quests from green ones got updated. Dungeon and pvp one looks doubled too. General : T [..] View

Tera Club perks

9:03 pm, February 13, 2016 Hello and sorry if this seems like a cry-thread it's not. It's more of a suggestion/why-not-EU kind of thing. So here it goes. Every other version/region of the game has pretty much the same "mon [..] View

New player need information just hit 65

11:03 am, January 12, 2016 so I just hit level 65 on my first account made full schima +12 the same day and got my self basic edge crit accessory set i'm Brawler making new account Gunner atm might be my new main this is what [..] View

Low fps, invisible indicators

11:03 am, January 3, 2016 Yo, I have problem with low fps and invisible vfx and indicators (which leads to stupid deaths, wipes and bad reputation and everybody thinks I am nab) I play on almost lowest details. Dungeons are es [..] View

Vanguard changes

9:03 pm, December 14, 2015 Quoted Doubled gold rewards for daily quests Quoted Reduced number of daily party quests to 6 (note: not 3), doubled reputation points per quest I have to [..] View

About Ghiilliglade

9:03 pm, November 17, 2015 I've a question why limit Ghilliglade only 3 times per day. For example me and my team make alt char for Kuma farm ( TC x3 reputation x16 ) ( 80x16=1280 => 3 premuim scroll ) that me we can do [..] View

Dreamstorm - question.

12:03 pm, September 15, 2015 Hello, i have question about Dreamstorm (new Nexus)... Don't know, if someone here is playing on NA TERA servers. Know some if Dreamstorm have new Reputation / Credits or is counted as old Agnitor R [..] View

Questions about updating northern Kaiator zones, Token Rewards and Val Oryn item drops

12:03 pm, June 30, 2015 So let me start by saying that I've been a part of the Tera game for over a year now and I like the game, I think it's great all around. Now on to my questions: 1. Northern Kaiator zones that are arg [..] View

Question about 58-60 leveling.

10:03 pm, June 21, 2015 im a 58 slayer right now, i looked up some leveling guides but i didnt quite understood where should i go.... there was one that Hidnlimits made he said that you can go farm mobs, but he recommended d [..] View

Message to Gameforge

10:03 pm, June 12, 2015 Dear Gameforge Team! The action what you guys just made was right? What do you think? More players will come to play at the EU server if you flag all country at EU and ask steam to restrict them to pl [..] View

Opinion about Tera EU after playing on Tera NA for a few days.

10:03 pm, June 9, 2015 So I've been playing on NA for the last couple of days, simple because they're way better than EU. You can't deny it, it's the simple truth. First and foremost, the playerbase: I don't have to say muc [..] View

Tera - Europe - Gameforge - Newbies - Community

10:03 pm, June 7, 2015 So, exactly at April 30th, I have contacted Anemsalok regarding main Website being mis informative and it's lack of proper and adequate information toward current version of TERA. There were also othe [..] View

#Alliance Content and Alliance Conflict: how to make it better || Suggestions and Improvments

10:03 pm, June 7, 2015 Alliance Content is almost dead, and The Alliance Conflict is a 10 minutes fight. I'm making this thread because the "Alliance" that should be part of EndGame is OLD and it needs changes.#1 [..] View

[Alliance Content] Couple of Questions

10:03 pm, May 28, 2015 Heya~ Lately I was checking the Alliance Content which is obviously outdated and seem to not be so appealing as it was in past - and it was compared to now. I can't find the timers for PvP times in Al [..] View

Lets chat about MES

12:03 pm, May 23, 2015 MES is still an huge issue. There is only and only one guaranteed source of MES that is Ghilleglade. A non-tc player can do RG 2 times and Gilleglade 1 time per day. That means a non-tc player can get [..] View

Event bugg?

12:03 pm, May 12, 2015 So i wanted to test this new event that's supposed to give more reputation credits, so i could see how much more credits I would get in % So i did the gathering quest thats on the vanguard tab that us [..] View

make CS only for lvls 65

12:03 pm, May 7, 2015 Hello everyones, Make CS only for lvls 65, its horrible play with full low lvls and loosing all the times. I quit CS and relog to my farm char coz dont need loosing reputation. CS lvl65 only CS for l [..] View

Here come the MWA details :D

10:03 pm, May 4, 2015 Our much awaited MWA changes VMWA sounds intereseting Spoiler More Masterwork Alkahest! With the Patch 31.04.02 on Tuesday, May 5th 2015 we’ll be makin [..] View

A Letter for Gameforge

10:03 pm, April 1, 2015 Dear Gameforge, I write this letter because i need a place to type my opinions about how the game is going day after day and patch after patch... I'm reading the forum all days, though i'm not posting [..] View

Stop... just stop gameforge~

10:03 pm, March 29, 2015 dear gameforge since f2p you slowly destroy this game more and more now more and more are leaving for na/ru even for china or they quit completely and play different games like ff14, black desert, l [..] View

ex player questions

11:03 am, March 11, 2015 Hello, I am returning player and since I last played the game (at release) there is some new stuff that I need to askafter introducing 65 lvl cap is it still worth to grind the old content reputationT [..] View

Dear Atmorph.... (and rest of Gameforge crew aswell)

9:03 pm, February 24, 2015 Just giving you some constructive thread, so please before locking it have in mind it pretends to be constructive, tho I can't avoid make comparissons with other publishers, still this is not the tipy [..] View

does any1 think these will be in the patch notes as well ?

9:03 pm, February 24, 2015 Added new items to the Vanguard Initiative Reputation Store:Ambit weaponsAmbit chest armorMasterwork Alkahest Boxand also this as well Blast from the PastIncreased crit rate on equalized gear. The in [..] View

Question about the new items in the KS store for the upcoming patch

11:03 am, February 24, 2015 Hello, i was reading the patch notes for the FoA part 2/3 patch over in NA and i saw this part: Added new items to the killing spree reputation store: - Defiance equipment - Drop of Defiance - Threads [..] View

My review of the Customer Service, And Gameforge

11:03 am, February 6, 2015 First off I want to say that the world is changing so is the service. People/Humanity being more open minded year by year, and are not dealt with a lawyer type of attitude, more about Respect and ther [..] View

Awakening cost for western version of Tera

9:03 pm, February 1, 2015 Quoted from "Minea" Consumable Items Q: Consumable items such as spellbinds, alkahests, masterwork enigmatic scrolls, etc. that are commonly used at max level hav [..] View

Why non-eq content ****.

9:03 pm, January 23, 2015 Main reason, its less fun for no-gear players or overgeared players (mchm in reputation gear vs vm2,... fw with vm/victor). Its also unfun to farm gear and gear will give you huge advantage in pve an [..] View

the lost Village atlas

11:03 am, January 18, 2015 Hello: Today I bought a Village Atlas on the Reputation Merchant in Fort Tulufan . After this, I teleport, using the atlas to Popolion, but when I arrive, the Village atlas had disappeared. I looked i [..] View

vanguard initiative reputation

11:03 am, December 28, 2014 Hey, I was wondering if there are any vanguard initiative daily quests that give you next to reputation credits also reputation points? and are the only daily quests from vanguard initiative the ques [..] View

how do i get a belt?

9:03 pm, December 25, 2014 i have reached lvl 65 and i still havent got a belt... anyway i have learned mostly everything by myself due to wrong server i selected to begin to play tera in , and nobody speaks english , and few a [..] View

black top hat

9:03 pm, December 16, 2014 the quest i get from meruma at velika needs eldritch leather and i cant find it anywhere, i saw some hats from meruma are now saleable with credits at reputation merchants where can i buy black top ha [..] View

TERA Club boosts: Money/Reputation

9:03 pm, December 14, 2014 I would just ask all users of the TC for what you guys use your boosts of reputation and money ? Because if you've seen the boosts dont give more double reputation or money of new daily quests and o [..] View

Missing new pvp zyrks?

9:03 pm, December 12, 2014 Hi everyone! Are there new pvp "zyrks" (don't know new name)? Cause I looked for them in reputation merchant but there aren't.. neither grifing or indomitable... So if there are new pvp zyrk [..] View

Making life easy for Gameforge

9:03 pm, November 24, 2014 Dear gameforge, I know this is the wrong section to post this and that I should write a ticket to the garbage disposal but I just wanted to let everyone know. Today you banned a friend of mine "S [..] View

Gears, NPC's and Reputation.

12:03 pm, August 20, 2014 Hello guys I just reached level 60 with a Berserker. I have too much questions but Im going to make you 3, I hope you can help me: 1) I saw in a lot of videos people buy gears in some NPC's but they j [..] View

Credits / Reputation notification from killing mobs

12:03 pm, August 12, 2014 Is it just me or anyone else finds this really really reaaaalllllly annoying. I was farming cyasma tokens, killing mobs in kanstria. Those credits notifications blocking the middle of the screen makes [..] View

Gameforge removed Fashion Coupon functionality without notice?

12:03 pm, July 31, 2014 I saved a lot of those coupons to use on different chars of mine. I stayed online often to recieve those coupons only. But now, all of a sudden they don't work anymore and all you get when you click t [..] View

annoying reward UI

10:03 pm, July 25, 2014 Are you sure that reward messages (reputation and armors included) in center of screen, without chance to move/disable it, is good idea? http://imgur.com/HcNmWrW View

gameforge where is semi enigmatic scroll to roll new expensive jewelry?

10:03 pm, July 23, 2014 why cant u add semi enigmatic scrolls to agnitor merchant or at least any reputation merchant ? ... semi enigmatic scrolls are common and cost around 300-400 g on tera NA, why the fk they have everyth [..] View

Master Enigmatic Scroll

10:03 pm, July 23, 2014 So, let's clear a bit. May they just missed it form the Patch update. On NA, they removed the MES everywhere except new dungeon while in our notes: (original here) - Master Enigmatic Scrolls have bee [..] View

Clarification about certain banned account!

10:03 pm, July 7, 2014 This is not flaming or anything of that sort, i just need some clarification from GMs about a certain account that was banned, because going through "official ticketing" haven`t really helpe [..] View

Which reputation stage for agnitor merchant

12:03 pm, July 5, 2014 As written above, does anyone know which reputation stage I need for the new 8k nexus material, buyable at agnitor merchant. I farm points with my alts but I only need two runs to fill my 24k pool an [..] View

Learn to play <a particular class>

10:03 pm, June 26, 2014 Many players, after a combat of any kind, say "Learn to play <a particular class>". I've been thinking a lot about this sentence and actually ... I'm a little pissed off. Now, [..] View


10:03 pm, May 20, 2014 There might be something wrong,because the way i do maths, it seems that you didn't solve the spellbind/ses issue ,you just made it even larger . So,how to obtain spellbind and ses ? I have to buy St [..] View


vanguard initiative reputation

Dec 28, 2014, 11:13 am Hey, I was wondering if there are any vanguard initiative daily quests that give you next to reputation credits also reputation points? and are the only daily quests from vanguard initiative the ques[..] View

TERA Club boosts: Money/Reputation

Dec 14, 2014, 9:22 pm I would just ask all users of the TC for what you guys use your boosts of reputation and money ? Because if you've seen the boosts dont give more double reputation or money of new daily quests <img s[..] View

Gears, NPC's and Reputation.

Dec 10, 2014, 11:12 pm Hello guys I just reached level 60 with a Berserker. I have too much questions but Im going to make you 3, I hope you can help me: 1) I saw in a lot of videos people buy gears in some NPC's but they j[..] View

Credits / Reputation notification from killing mobs

Dec 10, 2014, 7:05 pm Is it just me or anyone else finds this really really reaaaalllllly annoying. I was farming cyasma tokens, killing mobs in kanstria. Those credits notifications blocking the middle of the screen makes[..] View

Which reputation stage for agnitor merchant

Nov 29, 2014, 4:29 pm As written above, does anyone know which reputation stage I need for the new 8k nexus material, buyable at agnitor merchant. I farm points with my alts but I only need two runs to fill my 24k pool an[..] View

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