10:03 pm, October 22, 2015
When i came to log in game , i cant, write i have block accaunt withaut reason! Cant log into web site too! wtf i pay money for this game and get blocked withaut reason! unblock it please! [img]C:\Use [..]
9:03 pm, March 26, 2015
you ******** !!!
you have ruined a game!
you have removed the drop of mwa by lot
helping to pay to win
just today I was deciding to buy the entire club
and thanks to your joke I decided to no!
IF NOT [..]
10:03 pm, August 24, 2014
report in game dont work (fraya)
I have before me a person who is using 2 or more accaunt for farm argon essence
and uses two characters to lv 10
when I asked him if he was dualboxando, he asked me [..]