Tera Online Fan Site

TERA The Exiled Realm of Arborea




Extreme lag spikes/rubberbanding, but low ping

9:03 pm, February 9, 2017 I've played TERA twice in the past without a hitch (last time about a year ago), but yesterday when I started anew (same server as always, Killian) I started experiencing extreme lag and rubberbanding [..] View

Current version unknown

11:03 am, December 23, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Current version unkown Description: I've not been able to play since this weeks patch, the Launcher keeps saying "Current version unknown" I've tried all the [..] View

Cant join instances/dungeons

11:03 am, December 21, 2016 Hello, I am new to the game and a bit confused. When I was high enough to enter the first instance/dungeon in a party I didn't have that option. Now my character is level 27 which means I should have [..] View

New Player - Instance Matching Confusion

12:03 pm, October 6, 2016 I'm a new player trying to figure out some things with quests. As I was doing the campaign quests, I got over level 30. Then, when I went to run the Vampire Manor dungeon as part of the quest line, I [..] View

Solved Unable to reinstall/fix Tera

10:03 pm, August 11, 2016 Hi guys, I've been having trouble installing/reinstalling Tera on my new computer, and after a few weeks of pausing (I really dont have a few hours a days just to spend on fixing something that should [..] View

ErrorMessage: Unable to load metafile

12:03 pm, August 1, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): The TERA launcher is unable to open en. ErrorMessage: Unable to load metafile Description: After installing the launcher from any source (Direct download, Steam, or Hap [..] View

Wtf ... how is this still a problem???

10:03 pm, July 25, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): I don't get an error message. Description: After 15 attempts at downloading and applying latest patch I am still stuck during applying of patch. Computer specs(if needed [..] View

Warning message to new players - problem applying patch

10:03 pm, July 23, 2016 Warning message to new players !After wasting 40 hours of downloading needlessly large game called Tera realizing that i cant even apply patch due to launcher bug that happens to 90% of people( it see [..] View

Warning message to new players !

10:03 pm, July 23, 2016 After wasting 40 hours of downloading needlessly large game called Tera realizing that i cant even apply patch due to launcher bug that happens to 90% of people( it seems that way reading all this for [..] View

Unable to reinstall/fix Tera

10:03 pm, July 21, 2016 Hi guys, I've been having trouble installing/reinstalling Tera on my new computer, and after a few weeks of pausing (I really dont have a few hours a days just to spend on fixing something that should [..] View

Help with Downloading the Game after Manifest Error

10:03 pm, July 11, 2016 Hello I have been searching the forums so that I don't spam another thread, but I ended up more confused so I decided to just ask my own question. A few days ago I noticed that my Tera Launcher disp [..] View

Manifest issues

10:03 pm, July 9, 2016 Hi. I've played in the morning, and everything was fine, when I came back in the afternoon didn't manage to play. Whaaat? When I start the launcher it gives me this Error Message: "Error -105 wh [..] View

Patch problems -> "Unable to determine current version"

10:03 pm, July 7, 2016 Hello guys, I am having a problem here that i cant really fix...:s I'm kinda stuck on louncher of tera...early on the "Applying Patch" was stuck at 0%, and then i tried to use the repair opt [..] View

Unable to download metafile HELP

10:03 pm, July 6, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Unable to Download metfaile Description: I tried everything what i found on forums, cleaning Tera cache, /flushdns... nothing works! Becouse of my previous problem it t [..] View

Problem with downloading game PLEASE HELP

10:03 pm, July 3, 2016 Hello everyone! I have a huge problem! Yesterday i started downloading Tera. It took me whole day. Installation was nearly completed, but suddenly it stopped at 72% with information that destination f [..] View

Solved Heya

12:03 pm, July 2, 2016 Heya Im an old (noob) player trying to reinstall Tera but... It's impossible Corrupted Files everywere... Unable to download this and this... Quoted EmuCore v0.52 ====[Memory Init [..] View

Game downloads super slowly

10:03 pm, June 24, 2016 Hello, I'm trying to download Tera since 3 days, and the launcher doesn't work. The download speed varies from 0kbps to 10Mbps by pure random, and its horrible. My internet connexion usually reaches 1 [..] View

Unable to doawnload maniest after Crash.....

10:03 pm, June 24, 2016 Yesterday my client crashed but it was late so i whent to bed, this morning i cant start Terra it only says "unable to download manifest" i have tried repair via the launcer, did the steps t [..] View

Why can't I update Tera

12:03 pm, June 23, 2016 Can someone help me with a problem. My problem is, when ik update the patch i got a error and it says: Unable to determine current version. Can someone tell me please what I do wrong or what i must do [..] View

Server Merge Official Thread

10:03 pm, June 22, 2016 I've seen many threads going about when it comes to this issue. I decided to make this thread on my own to encourage you all who are readings this to make that happen. We have about 4 different Engli [..] View

unable to download metafile/manifest

10:03 pm, June 21, 2016 Hi there, I played this game 3 years ago or something. But since new classes, i wanted to give it another go... In the meantime i have windows 10. I downloaded the games in the past 4 days , 3 times a [..] View

The unable to download manifest error.

10:03 pm, June 18, 2016 As the title says, running the tera launcher, the patch progress at 100%, unable to hit the play button with the message "Unable to download manifest" Now, to save us some time, I've alread [..] View

Hit Play = Nothing !

10:03 pm, June 16, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): None Description: I hit play and nothing happened...i hit repair and i got the Unable to Download manifest .... i downloaded V4 version of this launcher now i got rid of [..] View

My game crash when i leave the starting area.

12:03 pm, June 16, 2016 Error Message(If you get one):crash Description: Heya.I have a pretty wierd problem the game runs perfect everything is perfect but when i was supposed to leave the starting area with the flying mount [..] View

Stuck at 99% and getting "Unable to contact reliable source"

10:03 pm, June 15, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Screenshot: Additional Information: Basically i've been redownloading the whole game and it's been over 10 hours. Then I see that it's at 99%, I waited for 30 mins and [..] View

Launcher Already Running (Failed to initialize web browser)

10:03 pm, June 10, 2016 Every time i try to launch TERA Launcher, it gives me the same error, "Launcher Already Running (Failed to initialize web browser)" , i already tried to launch it with the debug option and i [..] View

I NEED HELP : Unable to Download Manifest !!

12:03 pm, May 31, 2016 I downoaded the last patch and i got a Error says Source File was Corrupted , and after restarting it, it changed to unable to download manifest ...i've spent a whole 2 days on the internet trying to [..] View

Unable to DL manifest?

10:03 pm, May 30, 2016 Downloading the game for the first time, and I keep getting this error. Things I've tried to fix: - Restart router - Flush DNS - Restart launcher (several times) - Repair Launcher Anything else? I can [..] View

Client not working (again)

12:03 pm, May 27, 2016 When i start the launcher it says: "Unable to determine current version" I started it with debug window and this is the error **** Unable to patch manifest release from SHA1 (ef23a9bf0cdc90e [..] View

Solved [Need file upload] Unable to patch all time corrupted

10:03 pm, May 24, 2016 Hello, I need help for patch. Apparently my file (TERA\Client\S1Game\CookedPC\Art_Data\Maps\SEC\SEC_5343.gmp) are corrupted so the patch fail. (only 43Mo) If someone can upload me this file on any fil [..] View

need pgc version for the ninja update verison

10:03 pm, May 24, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Description: plz give me the 24/05/2016 pgc version i really need it i crashed my files and now i have unable to download metafile and i think it is because of it Compu [..] View

Stuck at Applying Patch 0%

10:03 pm, May 24, 2016 Ive been waiting for ninja patch and when I came back to home .Same problem with launcher with all patches.Im here since 2012 and I get pissed off with every patch because launcher cant apply patch w [..] View

can't start the game

12:03 pm, May 21, 2016 Hi all ! I was playing Tera on US server, but i had to quit from obvious reasons, since I live in Europe. Game experience was great until i encountered some real PvP, it was simply impossible to play [..] View

Patch installation error

10:03 pm, May 14, 2016 Error Message(If you get one):https://imgur.com/FWabnoi Description: Patch stops and gives the above(below) error on download bar: Unable to determine current version. Computer specs(if needed)esktop [..] View

I need two files that are missing.

12:03 pm, May 13, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Unable to download manifest. Description: Computer specs(if needed): Screenshot: Additional Information: The two missing files are: 1 -> location -> C:\Ga [..] View

Unable to download metafile ~ pls help

10:03 pm, April 27, 2016 I tried to install Tera . Everything went well until I encountered an error , '' Unable to download metafile ' .. I tried looking for different sites or other posts on this forum but without any resul [..] View

Impossible de DL TERA !

12:03 pm, April 22, 2016 Bonjour , J'ai eu un problème sur le téléchargement de TERA. Au début tout se passe normalement avec une vitesse moyenne de 600 Kbps. Mais arrivé [..] View

Unable to open file (C:\Program Files (x86)...

10:03 pm, April 14, 2016 This will be my last attempt to trying get on this game, I already tried for days now. There's so much problems with this launcher. But first thing that doesnt seem right is:**** Unable to open file ( [..] View

need help unable to download metafile !!!

10:03 pm, March 31, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): unable to download metafile Description: i tried afew steps i removed tera folder from app data roaming and nothing work i try flush dns and nothing work wht should i do [..] View

"Unable to determine current version" - See download/patcher notes attached

9:03 pm, March 20, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Unable to determine current version Description: Downloaded the game, patched it, deleted the launcher.version according to the support on En Masse entertainment. Ever s [..] View


11:03 am, March 16, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): unable to determine current version Description: I can not turn on the game what to do ? Computer specs(if needed): windows 7 ultimate Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/afo [..] View

This account cannot be updated at this time

9:03 pm, March 5, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): This account cannot be updated at this time. Description: My account has been blocked since yesterday morning around 10.00. I was playing normally the previous night, a [..] View

Replace Launcher ALREADY !

9:03 pm, March 3, 2016 Hello Gameforge, I and many other people have been getting this problem ever since tera came to planet earth, "unable to determine current version" ..... "unable to retrieve manifest&qu [..] View

Patch/Installer problem

9:03 pm, March 3, 2016 I'm currently getting this error "Unable to download manifest", anyone has any suggestions on what to do next? This happened while trying to apply the patch being worked on today and first i [..] View

Unable to download metafile :(

9:03 pm, March 3, 2016 Description: No idea what to do now. I have flushed and renewed via IPConfig as well as rebooting my router. Rebooted the PC. Deleted the patch dir at AppData\Roaming\TERA\launcher\live I recall ha [..] View

Still unable to download metafile .. File needed and help

9:03 pm, March 3, 2016 Same error has appeared again.. I need someone to upload a file for me called pgc_v2.version I think this could a fix to a problem If not I'm asking for help !!! Well I have managed to get the patch [..] View

Solved Unable to download metafile

9:03 pm, March 3, 2016 So I get back from work I let the client patch and it gets stuck on applying for at least an hour .. I looked for few solutions and replaced the pgc_v2.version file and from that point I believe it st [..] View

Unable to download metafile ... -_-

9:03 pm, March 3, 2016 Unable to download metafile So I get back from work open tera I let the client do its job and download the patch. Few minutes later the patch has been stuck on "applying" for about an hour + [..] View

Cannot download the patch

9:03 pm, February 26, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Unable to conect to reliable source,retrieving manifest Description: I downloaded tera without any issues. It all started when it started downloading the patch. It got t [..] View

Unable to download metafile..

11:03 am, February 25, 2016 Hello guys, im trying to download TERA and im done downloading (finally) however after applying the patch i get this error and i can't press the play button. I already tried to redownload the game and [..] View

Unable to download metafile (sigh)

9:03 pm, February 22, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Unable to download metafile Description: Slow, intermittent patching on a clean install, finally got it downloaded (40h+) now it can't apply the patch. Gets to 100% and [..] View

Launcher is defective, please fix it.

9:03 pm, February 19, 2016 Sorry to say fuucking many times.I'm very indignant, i want to play this game but i can't because team tera dont put a fuucking good launcher man, it's not normal. Have you any idea Tera Support how m [..] View

Can't enter the game properly

9:03 pm, February 15, 2016 Hi , I'd like to have your suggestions about an issue I'm trying to deal with right now.. I've had a weird freeze while in BRNM , which ended with me dead on the floor ; at that point the client crash [..] View

Solved Unable to determine current version

9:03 pm, February 12, 2016 Description: I have tried to install Tera now and i had some problems that i've solved, now is the final problem which is unsolved. As the subject says. I have deleted the launcher_r3.version and the [..] View

A place to download pre-installed game

9:03 pm, February 7, 2016 Hello guys, I'm trying to download the game and I'm getting really frustrated because whatever I do, the patcher is unable to retrieve manifest. Is there any torrent or place I could download pre-inst [..] View

wtf kdnm?

11:03 am, January 29, 2016 Ok so Ive never experienced this in kdnm before, so i went thru my regular rutine and qued kdnm, got a party entered as soon as we left the entrence zone 2-3fps and I where unable to do anything, spam [..] View

Weird Crash !!!!

9:03 pm, January 25, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): None, it just crashes. Description: The game basically makes me unable to use spells/abilities/attacks, i can still move around for 20 seconds, monsters dont move, and t [..] View

Launcher bug

9:03 pm, January 24, 2016 Ok, I know that this thread is not supposed to be here, but since I can't create a new thread on support and assisstance this will have to do. BTW, sorry for my english, first language is spanish. Now [..] View

Unable to Play Since 2 Days ago (Wierd Lag Issue)

9:03 pm, January 21, 2016 Description: Since 2 Days ago i am unable to play, the only thing i can do is just afk in town,chat, use the broker. (Non Crowded channels) Every time i go into combat vs mobs or doing anything that i [..] View

The old unable to determine current version chestnut

9:03 pm, January 13, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): unable to determine current version Description: so I am new to the game, fired it up day before downtime, then yesterday it started with this unable to determine curre [..] View

Tera.exe Stop working by itself

11:03 am, January 12, 2016 hi dear ppl of tera! first of all i had trouble trying to patch the game bcause of the "unable to find update path" bug, its seems i solved it using the Game.version trick but now when i cli [..] View

Tera Patcher Unable to download metafile

11:03 am, January 7, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): "Unable to download metafile" Description: I recently formatted my PC, after that, I began getting this error after having patched 100% progress. It worked be [..] View

Unable to determine current version ♥

9:03 pm, January 4, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Unable to determinate current version Description: I finally fixed unable to download metafile, but now i have another problem, it says "unable to determine current [..] View

Unable to download metafile ♥

9:03 pm, January 1, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Unable to download metafile Description: I tried to do all i could, flush dns, disable P2P, repair launcher and i cant play tera, Help, I need somebody Help, not just an [..] View

Unable to determine current version after pach?

9:03 pm, December 31, 2015 Error Message(If you get one):Unable to determine current version Description: I was ofline for 30-40 day after trying play again ı gat this error Computer specs(if needed): Screenshot: Addit [..] View

Solved Patch Not Working


Unable to download metafile.

11:03 am, December 26, 2015 Error Message(If you get one): Description: Hi. So i've downloaded the game yesterday, and dealt with the "Applying patch" stuck problem myself (played the game some time ago). Everything wa [..] View

Unable to connect to reliable source

9:03 pm, December 20, 2015 Description: After tuesday's update on the 15th of December, I started to have issues with the Tera launcher. Around 33% of the update being downloaded, it showed the error "unable to connect to [..] View

Can't play - Unable to determine current version

9:03 pm, December 20, 2015 Description: Unable to determine current version Server: Fraya 4 Days can't play, I try everthing and nothing....... Repair Launcher, deleted some files... nothing... Unable to determine current vers [..] View

Patch Notes

11:03 am, December 20, 2015 Error Message(If you get one):Unable to determine current version Screenshot:https://gyazo.com/9d96a0d59091d61b1099c7a7f42198bb Additional Information:I've played Tera before but i bought a new pc so [..] View

Current version.... help.... pls... zzzzZZ

9:03 pm, December 19, 2015 Error Message(If you get one):Unable to determinate current version Description: Had that error after tweaking some s1engine option messed something up and didnt had the warning circles of the monste [..] View

need launcher_r3.version and pgc_v2.version files for this latest patch

9:03 pm, December 18, 2015 Error Message(If you get one): Description: Can anyone please upload launcher_r3.version and pgc_v2.version file for the latest brawler patch please , since my launcher appears to give me the error of [..] View

Patch Not Working


Download the most recent patch version and Unable to determine current version problems

9:03 pm, December 17, 2015 On the rare times I manage to login into the game, I get the following message at the server select screen "Download the most recent patch", however the launcher doesn't download any files a [..] View

Tera not installing after brawling patch

9:03 pm, December 16, 2015 Hi Guys, I've updated my tera and tried to run and it was sayng forever the message that couldn't get the manifest. In an act of despair I uninstalled the whole thing but now, it just opens the launch [..] View

Gameforge?! O_O

11:03 am, December 16, 2015 So a few days ago I did the story line Phantom Menace to get the innerwear since I have struggling tanking due to my squishyness. However I had no clue I started in the middle of the questline, I didn [..] View

Download failed due to apparently missing patch files on the server

11:03 am, December 16, 2015 Hello, I've left on my PC straight for three days to get this game RE-downloaded since the pre-patch basically ****** the game. However, this morning, checking for progress, I realized that the downlo [..] View

Unable to determine server version

9:03 pm, December 15, 2015 Error Message(If you get one): Unable to Determine Server versionDescription: I'm getting this error after the update. I try to repair the files and I get it again. This weekend I played the game and [..] View

Unable to download metafile

9:03 pm, December 15, 2015 Hello! I have stopped playing Tera since about a month, and I have returned today to try out the Brawler Class. So, when the launcher finished updating I got an error message saying "Unable to de [..] View

Solved "Unable to Determine current version" ?

9:03 pm, December 15, 2015 Why is it that right after the pre-patch my game stopped working? I had no problem before opening the game, but since last friday I downloaded the pre-patch, waited four days when it would work and ev [..] View

Quest problem

9:03 pm, December 14, 2015 Ok so I wanted to do the questline Phantom Menace to get the innerwear from completing it on my character however I was lvl 32 when starting it and little did I know that I could start in the middle o [..] View

Small question, thanks in advance!

9:03 pm, December 11, 2015 Hey everyone, I'm not going to lie, I have a bit of an OCD when it comes to clearing quests, I just like to do them all in these kinds of games. So, my problem is, Gridiron Academy, I know it will get [..] View

Tera suddenly deleted itself. for no apparent reason.

9:03 pm, December 10, 2015 Error Message(If you get one): "Unable to determine version / unable to download manifest " Description: Ok so i was playing yesterday. came back to this. i saw Tera's folder which is around [..] View

Need latest pgc_v2.version

9:03 pm, December 10, 2015 Error Message(If you get one): Unable to download manifest / Unable to determine current version Description: i already played yesterday, and suddenly. the patcher went haywire. with Unable to downloa [..] View

unable to contact reliable source how fix?

9:03 pm, December 8, 2015 hello guys i have the unable to contact reliable source problem how fix? i close the p2p and give me this messenger at launcher... and i open again the p2p and running download normaly... any one hel [..] View

Solved Apply patch stuck at 0% after 20 minutes..

11:03 am, December 5, 2015 Error Message(If you get one): Description: I just download the game and the apply patch is stuck at 0%. i've waited for 20 minutes and still nothing. Opened and reopened cause I got pissed off and di [..] View

Need new 'pgc_v2.version' file

9:03 pm, December 1, 2015 Error Message(If you get one): Unable to determine current version / Unable to contact reliable source Description: Simple as this. Just need newest 'pgc_v2.version' file if someone can upload please [..] View

[Solved] Patcher - Problems, gameforge servers end

9:03 pm, November 24, 2015 So basically what happened is that this morning after the maintenance my client was stuck at 95%, then i got the error "unable to connect to reliable source". no matter what i did, i always [..] View

Really gameforge?

11:03 am, November 23, 2015 You guys dissapoint me so hard, a month ago I where decently active on the feedback forum writing a post about advertising begging you guys to do so and giving my point of view and advice to show us y [..] View

unable to determine current version ?

9:03 pm, November 22, 2015 when i got applying patch to 91% the file (intro_bhs-bik)got corrupted (b4 new island of down patch) got another file to replace it (after new island of down patch i think) now i am getting this error [..] View


11:03 am, November 21, 2015 Error Message(If you get one):"Unable to contact to reliable source" Description: Whatever I try...it's no use...it's still like this...I've tried to replace some data and...nothing, does so [..] View

"Unable to download manifest"

9:03 pm, November 20, 2015 So, I had a few problems with the Launcher yesterday after the servers went back online. I managed to fix them but come to find out that its not working today either. However i have a different error [..] View

Unable to download metafire

9:03 pm, November 20, 2015 so I played the game a few times with an old laptop and an old Pc. Now I downloaded it new (after downloading TeraEN) but now I want to play with a friend on a european server. The other version worke [..] View

Patcher - Problems, gameforge servers end

11:03 am, November 20, 2015 So basically what happened is that this morning after the maintenance my client was stuck at 95%, then i got the error "unable to connect to reliable source". no matter what i did, i always [..] View

unable to contact reliable source

9:03 pm, November 19, 2015 Hey guys Ive been trying to download the new patch since last night but the dl keeps getting stuck at 98% and saying that it cant contact a reliable source....i've googled and tried different things b [..] View



Next Patch Gearing Discussion Considering Cost Efficiency

11:03 am, November 15, 2015 Good Day! I have been thinking about this for months and couldn't come to a conclusion. So let's lay down the facts: Three viable options to gear referred to as (1) Full Tier 8 Mid-tier set (comparabl [..] View

Need pgc_v2.version' file

9:03 pm, November 8, 2015 Error Message(If you get one): pgc_v2.version deleted because i thought it would solve my "unable to determine current version" Description: Can anyone upload 'pgc_v2.version' file. Thank yo [..] View

Launcher speed awful

9:03 pm, October 30, 2015 Hello guys. I couldnt create a topic in a support direction. I am trying to download tera. My launcher downloading very slowly. if i turn off p2p it writes like unable to contact reliable resource. I [..] View

old player returning, download problems

11:03 am, October 28, 2015 so i used to play tera and remember the downloader being bad. But now i'm stuck at 96% downloading for almost a day. The message i receive is unable to contact reliable data source.... So any way to [..] View


Unable connect to server AGAIN?

Mar 9, 2015, 11:16 am I am unable to log in again this morning. Well, let me explain. I can log in to the launcher, but when I "PLAY", the normal Tera loading picture comes up, but no server choices. It just hangs with a l[..] View

Unable to connect login server

Mar 8, 2015, 9:59 am Error Message(If you get one): Unable to connect login server<br><br> Description: I cant put nickname and pasword<br><br> Computer specs(if needed): <br><br> Screenshot: <br><br> Additional Informati[..] View

Unable to apply patch - see screenshot

Feb 27, 2015, 7:28 am So I've decided to try tera and remembered I had a copy thats about a year or 2 old, started to update but Im getting an error when attempting to apply patches, please help! thanks, see screenshot of [..] View

"Unable to determine current version"

Feb 20, 2015, 9:13 pm Okay, so my TERA install just stopped working entirely, I have no idea what caused it because yesterday it was working fine.<br> If the installation process wasn't stressful enough it seems as though [..] View

Quest item deleted unable to progress to story line quest

Jan 25, 2015, 9:18 pm Hi Guys! I don't know is good or wrong section but i need some help. Basically i have been deleted one quest item and now i am not able to progress on red quest from story line ,please can i have othe[..] View

Unable to connect to login server?

Jan 17, 2015, 7:31 am Anyone else? My boyfriends sits right next to me and his game works fine.. I tried all the solutions I found, but none of them seems to work for me.[..] View

Unable to create an unblocked account

Dec 25, 2014, 9:07 pm Error Message(If you get one): "Account activation failed The account has been blocked. Your account could not be activated. Please get in touch with<a href="http://en.tera.gameforge.com/support/ind[..] View

Unable To Login to game from both the site and client

Dec 12, 2014, 12:00 am Error Message(If you get one): Network Error! (From Website), User Authentication Failed! (From Client), Incorrect Data (From Support Page) Description: I tried logging in to my account from the websi[..] View

Unable to claim race change voucher on castanic female?

Dec 11, 2014, 9:27 am Few days ago I decided to race change my castanic female into elin but after buying the race change voucher and trying to claim it I just get text: "This character is unable to claim that item". I sen[..] View

Recovery Account locked and unable to be supported

Dec 11, 2014, 9:21 am Description: Point 1: Speaking from the beginning, when I created the account in Tera online, the account was immediately blocked because it had an App on my google chrome to block unwelcome publicity[..] View

Unable to connect to login server

Dec 11, 2014, 12:41 am Cant run Tera always get that msg "Unable to connect to login server" tried to reinstall but doesnt work, i was using windows 8, back to windows 7 but the error still... anyone can help me? trying to [..] View

Unable to download manifest

Dec 5, 2014, 11:11 am I played just fine untill the latest Patch (2014-12-04) then I got Retrieving manifest and after 3-7 minutes it said unable to download manifest. I've been trying to solve this issue now for 4 hours a[..] View

unable to connect to server

Dec 3, 2014, 1:30 pm Error Message(If you get one): unable to connect to server Description: launcer stacking on login, or unable to connect (Killian) Computer specs(if needed): Screenshot: Additional Information: rando[..] View

"Unable to connect to login server"

Dec 3, 2014, 9:11 am Error Message(If you get one): "Unable to connect to login server" Description: When I start TERA I get the message with a Retry button Computer specs(if needed): Screenshot: <a href="http://picload[..] View

Unable to patch or re-install this game....

Dec 3, 2014, 8:27 am Hello all, I started playing this game since it launched, quited shortly after. Made a succesfull revisit @ corsair stronghold but dindt decide on playing active yet. Now that i have vacation i would [..] View

Since gameforge is unable to help...

Dec 2, 2014, 3:47 pm Hiya <img src="http://board.tera.gameforge.com//wcf/images/smilies/smile.png" alt=":)"> So... I have this design <img src="http://i1066.photobucket.com/albums/u420/helga78/design_zps8528f855.jpg" alt=[..] View

Unable to connect to login server.

Dec 2, 2014, 6:19 am Error Message(If you get one): Unable to connect to login servers Description: My launcher either gets stuck on loading/submitting, says unable to connect to login servers, or just gives me a white sq[..] View

Unable To Unzip Manifest

Nov 29, 2014, 5:34 pm Error Message(If you get one): Description: Computer specs(if needed): Screenshot: [img]C:\Documents and Settings\8\Desktop\tera.bmp[/img] Additional Information: Can anyone help me with this "unabl[..] View

Problem with launcher again, "retrieving manifest" second "Unable to download manifest"

Nov 29, 2014, 12:25 pm Error Message(If you get one): first "retrieving manifest" second "Unable to download manifest" Description: I cannot launch the play client cause of the manifesting problem and i tried to repair the [..] View

Solved Unable to connect to login server

Nov 29, 2014, 2:23 am Error Message(If you get one): Launcher - Unable to connect to login server Description: I can't input my login and password info - and it's like 2nd day in a row - I'm waiting to login already 2 hour[..] View

Unable to download manifest.

Nov 29, 2014, 12:08 am Error Message(If you get one): unable to download manifest Description: Since yesterday I can't log into the game anymore, description above. Worked fine before, maybe has to do something with the la[..] View

Unable to determine current version

Nov 28, 2014, 9:06 pm Error Message(If you get one): Description: Game wont download -.- Computer specs(if needed): Screenshot: Additional Information:Now what? Is there any fix or some thing i can download?[..] View

"Unable to unzip manifest"????

Nov 28, 2014, 3:53 pm This is the weird message I get when I try updating the game. Can't log in, can't download, can't repair... It's true I didn't play for quite some time, but hey... Anybody can help? Thx a lot. L.[..] View

Error: Unable to unzip ManiFest

Nov 28, 2014, 1:47 pm Hello my fellow TERA players, Today I decided to come back to Tera, installed everything, patched everything with /window, booted up the launcher and guess what? I got the error: ''Unable to unzip man[..] View

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