9:03 pm, November 4, 2016
FPS issues, tried all fixes i could find, still dosnt work
According to the specs, my pc is pretty capable of running Tera, but even on lowest graphics, with no shadows, lighting ect i cant get more than 15-20 fps in dungeons. I only have this problem in Tera, other MMOS, eg Swtor, Lotro run smoothly. Single player games like Witcher3, Farcry 4 run on normal at 50-60 fps.
I have tried fixes like:
Changing the FPS threshold in the engine file
Changing the engine so it runs on DirectX11
General Engine tweaks (every single thing from http://teratoday.com/content/tera-guide/…uide-bernkastel)
Changing in game graphics to lowest possible
Updating my graphics drivers
Reinstalling Tera
Putting in a spare video card of approximately the same power ( same result, other games are ok Tera lags)
Forcing and overclocking
So, i have tried quiet a bit but i still get at max 20 fps in dungeons, its pretty annoying for clearing. A dungeon where i dont die because my fps droped to like 10 during a boss AOE you have to dodge is a happy day for me. I know that the number one reccomendation is get a new PC, but a)no money b) dont think that will work.
I have included a screenshot with my specs. I will also list them here:
Video card- AMD Radeon HD 7770 Series 4.0 GB Video Ram on card
Ram-16.0 GB
CPU-Intel Core i5-3570 CPU 3.40 GHz
OS- Windows 7
Any help is much appreciated.
According to the specs, my pc is pretty capable of running Tera, but even on lowest graphics, with no shadows, lighting ect i cant get more than 15-20 fps in dungeons. I only have this problem in Tera, other MMOS, eg Swtor, Lotro run smoothly. Single player games like Witcher3, Farcry 4 run on normal at 50-60 fps.
I have tried fixes like:
Changing the FPS threshold in the engine file
Changing the engine so it runs on DirectX11
General Engine tweaks (every single thing from http://teratoday.com/content/tera-guide/…uide-bernkastel)
Changing in game graphics to lowest possible
Updating my graphics drivers
Reinstalling Tera
Putting in a spare video card of approximately the same power ( same result, other games are ok Tera lags)
Forcing and overclocking
So, i have tried quiet a bit but i still get at max 20 fps in dungeons, its pretty annoying for clearing. A dungeon where i dont die because my fps droped to like 10 during a boss AOE you have to dodge is a happy day for me. I know that the number one reccomendation is get a new PC, but a)no money b) dont think that will work.
I have included a screenshot with my specs. I will also list them here:
Video card- AMD Radeon HD 7770 Series 4.0 GB Video Ram on card
Ram-16.0 GB
CPU-Intel Core i5-3570 CPU 3.40 GHz
OS- Windows 7
Any help is much appreciated.