Tera Online Fan Site

TERA The Exiled Realm of Arborea




Lachelit hit through my block RMHM

9:03 pm, December 14, 2016 Im a brawler, wep VM7 +15 gloves are vm 7+12 rest is guile +12 In RMHM, while enraged, Lachelit hit through my blocks... Any buffs/potions/food to assist me? Half of the times i die in that boss are c [..] View

Things you wish you had known about TERA when you started

12:03 pm, September 14, 2016 Add your tips, never know whom it might be useful for. *Veteran Package. Yep, I am being all corporate-evil by starting off with the P2W package. But in this game - having a club for leveling and a ve [..] View

Question about crystals

10:03 pm, June 16, 2016 I just want a clarification on this, when it is answered this thread can be closed. Crystals that do damage against mosters also work against BAMs since they are both bosses and monsters at the same t [..] View

mystic 2016

12:03 pm, May 12, 2016 So mystic becomes a New DD class.Just why? Evryone ever asked "Heyhey BHS i Know im healer/Support but i Would like to Deal dmg in pve so please change that ty " BHS: "hey Toor&ucir [..] View

**** mystic 2016

12:03 pm, May 11, 2016 So mystic becomes a New DD class.Just why? Evryone ever asked "Heyhey BHS i Know im healer/Support but i Would like to Deal dmg in pve so please change that ty " BHS: "hey Toor&ucir [..] View

Fraywind Canyon discussion

12:03 pm, April 27, 2016 Greetings, first of all I need to thank Gameforge to implement the "new event" to start Fraywind Canyon (FW) queue everyday at 9.00 pm. Because of the gear equalisation in Gridiron, FW is th [..] View

Dreadspire 2 Queen Damage Testing Info from boredoom

11:03 am, March 6, 2016 So when my party was dead and they went for launch i did test meanwhile from boredoom. Character Brawler ->4x Weap Dyads Reduce Damage take by 2,5% when below 50% HP &&& [..] View

Poised vs Hardy

9:03 pm, January 20, 2016 Good Afternoon, So straight question, as a Zerk is there any disadvantage using 2x poised (defense vs enraged) and x2 hardys niveots as crystals? I ask this considering the fact that new instances don [..] View

Gridiron aka. PVE Gear Farming

10:03 pm, September 10, 2015 Hey guys, since Gridiron got patched a few month ago more and more PVE Players (Schisma, Enrage-/Hardy Crux) appear in a PVP instance. Reason behind this is obviously the daily box to get some inferno [..] View

Fine Anarchic and Hardy Niveot

10:03 pm, July 17, 2015 Hey guys. I heard that Fine Hardy Niveot (reduces damage from monsters 8.1%) protect from bosses too? But I have seen by KS shop Fine Anarchic Niveot (Reduces damafe from bosses 8.1%). So how is? Beca [..] View

Dyad Crystals

12:03 pm, June 12, 2015 My question is: Can you unequip a Dyad Crystal when it gets attached to your Armor / Weapon? I know that it will be soulbind, but i hope you know what i mean. Im asking because im thinking about using [..] View

Pvp Crystal Awareness

9:03 pm, March 7, 2015 Fellow players....I'VE HAD IT..... I don't know if there was another thread like this and got lost to cyber space but I have to make one just to make sure... The right PVP crystals you must use are th [..] View

Most common crystal setups for PvE

11:03 am, January 9, 2015 DPS: Fine Savage Crux Fine Bitter Crux Fine Focused Crux Fine Carving Crux (or Fine Glistening Crux, Fine Pounding Crux depending on your class)Fine Carving Vyrks x4 (or Fine Power Zyrk x4 for slayers [..] View

New PvE class guides

11:03 am, December 18, 2014 So much has changed over the time and most of the existing guides were outdated even before the FoA patch, and now after the match even more changed and the guides can't really serve their purpose any [..] View


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