Tera Online Fan Site

TERA The Exiled Realm of Arborea




Account locked

9:03 pm, February 9, 2017 Error Message(If you get one): Account Locked Description: Somehow after a long time without playing i decided to come back and after ONE day playing a new character my account get locked. Additional [..] View

Class question

9:03 pm, February 6, 2017 Hye, so I fnally decided to give Tera a go. Now Im not new to MMOs, I know my share and I know that classes are never equal, some are viable while others are pain to play. I dont want the "bigges [..] View

3v3 Teams: Solution to lack of EQ gear

11:03 am, February 5, 2017 3v3 Teams Currently there is a reasonable amount of people who would be willing to play 3v3 teams if it was equalized. Despite being the most skilled based (and fun imo) BG tera has to offer it is mos [..] View

Steam and second account

11:03 am, February 5, 2017 Hello, So I played Tera few months ago and i was playing on my 2 accounts. I decided to install Tera through Steam so i linked my main account and deleted game installed through GameForge client. Is t [..] View

BuddyUp Rewards ExCHANGE Campaign 2017

11:03 am, December 31, 2016 Hello guys, Re: Start date - 1st January 2017*Background of the need for this campaign As you all know, in TERA, we have a BuddyUp system designed to attract and support new players with welcome gifts [..] View

Moving Clients

9:03 pm, December 28, 2016 Hello Everyone! I'm Gia from NA Tempest Reach and I've decided to move to EU Tera because of the better ping etc. in NA there is a big lack of Tank players and i'm curious if that's the case in EU as [..] View

New group of player, questions

11:03 am, December 28, 2016 Hi guys, I have a few questions to ask to know better about Tera So my FFXIV roster decided to move on another game while waiting for the next FF extension, and Tera is likely where we've decided to m [..] View

"warning misuse of lfg"

11:03 am, December 23, 2016 So instead of solving the problem with people posting pages full of offline lfg messages, gf decided to stop people from using lfg window for things like "wtb tt/vm7/vm8"? I had lfg up for w [..] View

"warning miss-use of lfg"

9:03 pm, December 22, 2016 So instead of solving the problem with people posting pages full of offline lfg messages, gf decided to stop people from using lfg window for things like "wtb tt/vm7/vm8"? I had lfg up for w [..] View

[Contest - most useless potion in game] - Hot cocoa winner!

9:03 pm, December 21, 2016 Hey... as mentioned above. We just decided.. most useless potion in game is right now Hot cocoa potio from Santa hunt event... in this case, i wanted to ask any from team if is possible for Gameforge [..] View

Warrior or Slayer?

9:03 pm, December 6, 2016 Hi i decided to lvlup classes i like most to 65 lvl (Warrior, Slayer, Sorc, Zerk, Gunner, Lancer, Reaper all with slaughter weaps+12) and play a bit. From all this classes in time passing i found Warr [..] View

Help Cant decide Sorc or Reaper

11:03 am, November 17, 2016 Hi Guys! like in title, cant decide between sorc or reaper (got them on 65 slaughter gear) i like both and i like ranged and semi ranged play style but need to main one coz of lack of time. I dont h [..] View

OPEN a classic SERVEUR

9:03 pm, November 10, 2016 As we all see this game lost value Update after update... In pvp : - We lost 3v3 elite pvp stuff rewards => EFFECT : nobody Queue in Arena 3v3. - We lost classements PVP ? Why exactly ?! - We l [..] View

Tera Eu vs Tera <must not he named>

12:03 pm, October 26, 2016 Just thought it's interesting how when other regions players cry about something on forums they get a reply even if its useless but shows some respect to community and on the other side we had like 15 [..] View

Veteran upgrade doesn't work

10:03 pm, October 23, 2016 So, I decided to give Tera another shot after, well a few years. My old account did not work so I created a new one. Thing is, I want to upgrade my account to veteran but my code does not work for som [..] View

The new Alchemy, saddens me

10:03 pm, October 21, 2016 Firstly I would like to say, TERA is my first proper attempt to play a MMORPG and so far i've been very, very impressed with the level of detail and content. (Really good job Game-Forge.) When I first [..] View

My issues with Teras game mechanics and current design choices of Bluehole

10:03 pm, October 4, 2016 Hello, I wanna talk about my issues with Tera regarding current game mechanics, difficulty and disadvantages in classes, but also design choices that were made by Bluehole (i know that gameforge does [..] View

An old player coming back.

10:03 pm, October 3, 2016 So hi, since the great downfall of TERA Eu like 1-2 years ago [?] Ive been playing NA. Yes, prices and eco much better, everything possible is better. But.. Ping overcomes all. so I decided to come ba [..] View

Guild Quests

10:03 pm, August 31, 2016 So I decided to do a few guild quest, I traveled to the spot on the map where the monster need for the quest is marked but I cant find any such monster there. Are these monster like Super BAMs or som [..] View

League of Levelers - Returning player

12:03 pm, August 18, 2016 Hi, I haven't been in eu tera for months so decided to create ninja - reached level 3, but then I realised its not class for me so I deleted ninja and created gunner, but I dont get that box with star [..] View

Returner - Where to start?

10:03 pm, August 15, 2016 Hello there guys. After a lengthy absence from TERA I have finally decided to take the plunge and re install the game and give it another go. The problem is, I was max level at the time of leaving (60 [..] View

The State of Slayers

10:03 pm, August 6, 2016 Hey there fellas. So how's Slayer in terms of PVE DPS atm? With the upcoming event i cant decide what dps i should raise ( have healer and tank on 65) and the slayers look appeals a lot to me,but i do [..] View

Hello! greatings from a 4story player who wants to join tera, experiencing some stumbles please HELP

12:03 pm, August 3, 2016 So i played tera a few years back (i was just fooling around didnt acomplish so much since i got lost and ran out of money at lvl 16) and I have now decided that i want to try TERA again, this time m [..] View

PvE-lover needs some answers

10:03 pm, July 27, 2016 Hello! I'm sure this is a question/ something that has been said a lot but since I have been scrolling through the forums for hours now and still not found a nice answer up-to-date I'm just going to m [..] View

Tera installer re-downloading the game?

12:03 pm, July 24, 2016 Description: So I started installing Tera and it downloaded the (first?) patch and started to apply the patch. After it got to around 79% and had the text retrieving manifest I thought it was normal, [..] View


10:03 pm, July 19, 2016 Hey peeps I still see many groups fail in the newest dungeon, Manglemire, so i decide to make a simple videoguide for those who are still not so familiar with the mechanics. Hope you enjoy! Grimstr [..] View

Help with Downloading the Game after Manifest Error

10:03 pm, July 11, 2016 Hello I have been searching the forums so that I don't spam another thread, but I ended up more confused so I decided to just ask my own question. A few days ago I noticed that my Tera Launcher disp [..] View

Help me decide please.

10:03 pm, June 27, 2016 Hi all, i am re-rolling on Fraya server and i cannot decide what class to pick. My main was Mystic but i do not wish to heal again so i want to make a dps class, i would love range dps class but i am [..] View

Server Merge Official Thread

10:03 pm, June 22, 2016 I've seen many threads going about when it comes to this issue. I decided to make this thread on my own to encourage you all who are readings this to make that happen. We have about 4 different Engli [..] View

Problems :(

10:03 pm, June 20, 2016 Hello guys,i'm a new player that decided to try Tera,seen some videos,and it looks verry fun,but i see that this game has so many problems that i cant even pass the instalation step. my ips download i [..] View

Reaper compared to Ninja

12:03 pm, June 18, 2016 I want to start playing Tera soon, but cant decide between this 2 Classes. So i have some questions PvP wise: Which one is better in 1v1/3v3/1vX or Solo PvP overall. PvE wise: Which class is faster to [..] View

Returning player need help deciding server ^^"

10:03 pm, June 13, 2016 Hello I used to play tera eu on killian server until the mwa crisis in last year after which I decided to quit the game.I am thinking of returning to tera now since I have spare time :p Sorry beforeh [..] View

Returning player (:

12:03 pm, June 13, 2016 Hello I used to play tera eu on killian server until the mwa crisis in last year after which I decided to quit the game.I am thinking of returning to tera now since I have spare time.I heard eu got b [..] View

PvP Event Timetable

10:03 pm, June 4, 2016 The timetables are messed up. I'm not saying the idea of the timetables itself is bad, but they are skewed towards FWC and Gridiron. This is seriously stupid. Why does Skyring have only 2 hour spans i [..] View

I dont understand how PvP works in this game

12:03 pm, June 1, 2016 Okay so, first of all I need to say that I'm new to this game and I have literally no idea how PvP works in this game. I played GW and WoW, and that's pretty much all my experience on MMORPGS. I got m [..] View

Missing files?

10:03 pm, May 20, 2016 Hello Since yesterday for no apparent reason Tera stopped working completely.Launcher starts, game logs in, the button "Play" looks normal,but clicking on it doesn't do anything(at all). I t [..] View

ABHM - Krakatox 2Man - Mystic PoV

12:03 pm, May 15, 2016 Well, since I'm pretty bored and there's nothing much to do until the new patch I decided to 2Man as much content as I can before it gets deleted :3 Fxck you ABHM! Worse RNG Dungeon ever created! Done [..] View

Tera | Downfall patch | Gold guide for new level 65 players

10:03 pm, May 2, 2016 Hey everyone, Castanicly here but you can call me Cas! I've decided to make this thread since there are no guides to help you get gold in the newest patch. Although the Ninja patch is almost around t [..] View

New motivated player looking for tips / teamates! :)

10:03 pm, April 29, 2016 Hey everyone! I just downloaded Tera and have plenty of time playing it! I am looking for people in game to join me in this new advendure, since MMORPGs are much more fun with teamates! Also could yo [..] View

Fraywind Canyon discussion

12:03 pm, April 27, 2016 Greetings, first of all I need to thank Gameforge to implement the "new event" to start Fraywind Canyon (FW) queue everyday at 9.00 pm. Because of the gear equalisation in Gridiron, FW is th [..] View

Returning.. to Find no account?

10:03 pm, April 26, 2016 Returning to Tera.. decided to unpack my Collectors i got while it was still Frogster, still have my code which will be linked to my account.. and when i attempt to log in, it wont allow me due to an [..] View

An inside look on NA TERA's Reward System

12:03 pm, April 8, 2016 Decided to make a new thread so I don't clog the other one with screenshots. I originally started playing TERA on EME's server quite a few years ago so I still log in from time to time for nostalgia's [..] View

You can no longer rebind soulbind items to other chars via server transfer

12:03 pm, March 30, 2016 I am just posting this here because i got the information from support and I don't want people to get "screwed over" like it happened to me ... ~ You can no longer rebind soulbound items to [..] View

Class balance #8 soon

11:03 am, March 24, 2016 Hello All, Straight to the point. I have two questions for both the staff and the player base. To the player Would you rather have: 1. The new "Ninja" class as soon as possible but merged wi [..] View

Nexus Dreamstorm , Masterwork Alkahest farming , bamarama.

9:03 pm, March 22, 2016 Hello after the patch of " The Lost Isle" there has been some Nexus Called ( Dreamstorm ) i don't see anyone posting about this i wonder why so i decided to make one. However if TERA EUROP [..] View

Please don't join people that demand items

9:03 pm, March 18, 2016 Hello reader. I will not be brief. Thanks for you time, if you decide to read this. Please refrain from commenting in this thread if you have not read the linked text.https://docs.google.com/document/ [..] View

Quit the smartboxes already

11:03 am, March 12, 2016 I'm not expecting Gameforge to actually watch this forum, or if they do, actually do something with their customers opinions. Nevertheless, I'll give it try. Smartboxes were introduced some time ago b [..] View

TERA freezes computer

11:03 am, February 16, 2016 Hello everyone, and thanks for checking out the thread! Description: So, where does one begin... It has happened since I installed TERA like 2-3 weeks ago and it only happens when I play TERA. The gam [..] View

Is warrior playable?

9:03 pm, January 29, 2016 Hello there. I decided to get back to Tera after 1 year and i don't know if it's still worthy to play my 65 lvl warrior. Can he handle some instances like Brawler or Gunner with decent dps? Do warrior [..] View

Problem. help Luncher or I do not know what

11:03 am, January 14, 2016 Hi recently I played tera but by too often repeated Kicks my Client I decided to repairs luncher.then the game stops working completely I tried every way to the forum and none helped..So I removed [..] View

So.. I did something stupid..

9:03 pm, January 11, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Description: So after i downloaded tera (which took two days..) I decided i wanted to tweak some .ini files because i had some fps issues. But I accidentally edited the [..] View

Problems inside Char-Creation

11:03 am, January 9, 2016 Hello i recently gave Tera another chance so i decided to create some Characters, I noticed we got a new Char-Creation screen, but somehow its start to lag extremly hard when i try to choose from the [..] View

Finally running Corsairs Stronghold and Velika at high fps take a look!

11:03 am, December 20, 2015 Hi guys, i just wanted to share what i did today, i went from having 20 fps in Corsair's Stronghold to 40-60 and 25-45 in instances to 60-110+fps all played at max settings. I've played Tera since sub [..] View

another question about gear returning player

9:03 pm, December 10, 2015 Hi guys , recently returned , used to play slayer full +12 renegade, decided to switch to archer, grinded up to 65 and got full fulminate + idoneal jewels. All im doing really is INSTANCES for gold, s [..] View

want to get some stuff cleared up as a new player

9:03 pm, December 4, 2015 so i was looking forward to playing this game since i was always looking for an action combat mmo that was NOT p2w or p2p but after researching for a while i am beginning to have second thoughts for t [..] View

Protest, let's change

11:03 am, November 29, 2015 Some of you may know me in game, some from forum. I've tried multiple times to help improve the game, but my efforts were in vain, it was not in my power to make changes, and this is my last attempt, [..] View

Feedback Tera Eu - Playing For A Month With Vip Status

11:03 am, November 25, 2015 Hello all, I would like to share my one month experience in Tera EU (Killian Server with VIP status for a month).Well, the only reason to test Tera EU is the “ping”. All of my frie [..] View

All guild quests suddenly become not eligible?

9:03 pm, November 24, 2015 Aside normal quests, I accepted like 12 guild quest and I wanted to do some of them. I decided to go to the Bastion of Lok first. I had all the quests available then and everything looked normal. At t [..] View

worth going for new vm6 if i already have +15 lucid?

11:03 am, November 23, 2015 i wanna know how much better +15 lucid is compared to +15 gen % wise atm. is the difference bigger or smaller to what the difference will be compared to +15 lucid and vm6 +15? i cant decide if i wanna [..] View

Tera Europe status and servers question ?!

9:03 pm, November 9, 2015 So i played Tera US untill now but i cant pvp there with 150+ ping , its just not posible , ! I decided to come back to Tera EU and i just wanted to know which is the most populated server right now [..] View

About the TERA gameplay

11:03 am, November 9, 2015 Hi folks, After jumping from one mmorpg to another last 15 years i decided to try TERA. I am newbie here. Already have an archer lvl 22. Made my first dungeon. (hard to find a party with groupfinder o [..] View

TERA Goldfarm Guide #2

9:03 pm, November 7, 2015 Hi all Since I had a lot of good feedback and follow up questions I decided to provide more goldfarm topics on my YT.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siWgvQmcw64 Enjoy - SD View

Maho/Dokidoki Sorcerer PvP video

11:03 am, November 5, 2015 Hello! I've decided to make one video out of a lot of recordings I made about 2-3 months ago. I'm not very good at video editing but I hope it's enjoyable to watch. All of these games are high rated [..] View

[Release] TERA-Launcher Assistant

9:03 pm, October 26, 2015 Hello everyone, due to the frequent reports about patching problems and becauce I'm regularly receiving PM's about that, I've decided to code a small and simple launcher assistant, which takes over t [..] View

I don't get it

9:03 pm, October 26, 2015 Hope someone can help. I live in England. I play on an I5 4590 with R9 270x gpu. I have noticed the following issues when ISP is healthy (60d/3u) and noone is using the internet besides me: When many [..] View

Im new here! plz read :I

12:03 pm, October 15, 2015 so,im a new player here i looked at tera on youtube and i liked it so i decided to download it .....i live in North Of Africa in Tunisia and im now downloading the EU version ...i did 2% and 20hours l [..] View

FPS Boost - Game Optimization

12:03 pm, October 4, 2015 Hey! I am aware that many players are having FPS issues and random drops while playing and we are getting wont to it. Therefore, I decided to do some tweaks with the S1Engine.ini file that will signif [..] View

popori lancer for mass pvp(race) ?

12:03 pm, September 29, 2015 i've been playing a popo sorc for a quite while now and i decided to make a twink lancer for mass pvp,the animations of a sorc are really good as a popori, but what about lancer, i know that the best/ [..] View

Sorry for my newbieness - few quesitons

12:03 pm, September 29, 2015 Hey everyone! First of all I'd like to say that I started playing this game recently and I absolutely enjoy every piece of it. Starting from the wide range of races, classes and extremely wide, yet b [..] View

security account authorized PC code not sent HELP

10:03 pm, September 26, 2015 hello i am new to this game and decided on my account to add the secure activation for my PC, since then i cannot log in because i have not received a code in my email, i keep re-sending for the code [..] View

Compass's position resets upon closing and re-opening tera

12:03 pm, September 25, 2015 Usually the compass sticks to his usual position - http://puu.sh/kn8FO/1f794b3691.jpg However when I close and re-open tera, it decides that it wants to move apartments - http://puu.sh/kn8HB/f7409b74f [..] View

Coming back, should I use schisma?

10:03 pm, September 22, 2015 Nice day for all! Im coming back to the game after 2 months and such, and I could use ur advice. When I left the game I was geared up with discovery full +12, perfect stats 3/3, 3 lvled etchings, just [..] View

new player wants to play but...

10:03 pm, September 21, 2015 Hi there TERA community! I just wanted to share a few thoughts as a new player. (actually i played this game once last year, but its irrelevant now) Last week friday afternoon (09.18 ) i decided to pl [..] View

Priest is literally the most underpowered class in the game and always ignored by BHS

12:03 pm, September 21, 2015 Hi. I've been playing Tera for a very long time and one thing that has always bothered me is how underpowered they decide to leave the Priest class. I'm talking not only about PvE but also in PvP Prie [..] View

Gloomy sunday - The future of TERA EU

10:03 pm, September 13, 2015 Here's the lyrics of the song that comes to my mind when I think about TERA EU's future : (connect a sunday afternoon on TERA EU, no way to proc frawind canyon for hours, no groups in Y...) Sunday is [..] View

Killian: Season 7 PvP Statistics

12:03 pm, September 11, 2015 Because I like to watch and make statistics, I decided to make some statistics about the PvP battlegrounds in Tera. Here you can see the best classes in each battleground from season 7. If I remember [..] View

Problem downloading tera

12:03 pm, September 11, 2015 So I downloaded tera on an ssd at first but npcs didnt load (sometimes I entered a Town and there was 0 npcs so i had to restart the game to see them) Very annoying so i decided to move the folder ont [..] View

Launcher Pointer is NULL (bitpeer)

10:03 pm, September 10, 2015 Error Message(If you get one): Description: After last patch, as lot of people im getting crashes and freezes. I decided to download the game again but now, its impossible to end at 100% with success [..] View

Still cannot download after 2 years.. Gameforge is ridiculous

12:03 pm, September 6, 2015 So about nearly 2 years ago I tried to play Tera, but the downloader simply didn't work. The developers didn't manage to provide a simple download, forums were full of the problem and crazy "fixe [..] View

Still cannot download after 2 years.. Gameforge is ridiculous

12:03 pm, September 6, 2015 So about nearly 2 years ago I tried to play Tera, but the downloader simply didn't work. The developers didn't manage to provide a simple download, forums were full of the problem and crazy "fixe [..] View

PvE Crusade rewards distribution question

12:03 pm, September 3, 2015 We've been discussing this one in our guild for a while so i decided to look outside the box. What I'm wondering is, how does YOUR guild master distribute all that MWA (possibly SES and noctenium infu [..] View

Launcher - new player

12:03 pm, August 16, 2015 Hello, This is gonna be angry rant, but hopefully devs or other people at charge will read it and think about it. Hopefully. Anyway, I'm sure you know about it for quite some time. I decided to try so [..] View

Releaserevision.txt corrupted

10:03 pm, August 8, 2015 Hello, haven't played Tera for a while and I decided to give it a go again today. Thing is, after 2 hours of downloading patches I got stuck on "Applying Patch 0% 0.0kb/s". From there I deci [..] View

No one found in instances?

12:03 pm, July 29, 2015 Well I am a level 58 reaper and I've completed the main quests up to level 58 and I can't move on to the next quest until I reach level 59. So I decided to level up by instances and went on matchmakin [..] View

Am i dreaming?

12:03 pm, July 28, 2015 I stopped playing tera about 6 months ago when things were really bad, assuming most of u remember that time. Today i decided to go through my past games websites out of bordom and to my surprise ther [..] View

Hidden Achievement Guide

10:03 pm, July 25, 2015 Decided to make a guide for the new achievements that can be found in certain dungeons. Some of them are quite well hidden and it was fun searching for them. !!Spoiler Alert!! if you want to find the [..] View

Tera path Change

10:03 pm, July 19, 2015 Error Message(If you get one):No error Msg Description: well it's long story,i downloaded whole game then at morning i saw my game applying patch stuck at 62% i try to pause and unpause, when unpause [..] View

File problem

12:03 pm, July 16, 2015 Hello everyone! I downloaded game yesterday and all the time i got the problem in launcher called "Source file was corrupted". Im trying to fix it for hours and nothing :/ i tried many guide [..] View

New to the game, Cannot get it to patch

10:03 pm, July 12, 2015 Hey everyone, I recently decided to try out Tera so I downloaded the setup, the issue is that the Patch keeps somehow restarting after reaching 100%, the Launcher seems totally broken and I wonder if [..] View

Applying patch 0%

10:03 pm, June 21, 2015 I downloaded game first time on my new pc. I had same issue with my ex pc and i decided to uninstall Tera cuz i tried many different ways fix this bug. But its not working. + U should add Gameforce Li [..] View

I tought Tera was the only game that wasn't screwed with idiot ideas well i was wrong

12:03 pm, June 17, 2015 production points ?? are you all crazy or just hit by a windmill. why can't i just harvest what i want when i want,the same with crafting . I get more and more the felling that you want to decide whe [..] View

Tera fashion coupons EU

12:03 pm, June 11, 2015 I've been playing Tera for around 2 weeks and I wanted to make my character look better, so i decided to get fashion coupons. I am confused as I don't really know how to get them, can you buy them wit [..] View

New Costumes/Weapons

10:03 pm, June 4, 2015 i just leave it here -----> http://originalyosha.tumblr.com/post/120…album-here-edit finally bhs has decided to make something good click on "album here" to see every weap [..] View

Powerful Master's Scroll (+12)

12:03 pm, June 4, 2015 Hi o/ Well I've finally decided to unlazy myself and upgrade my gear (I was sitting on full disco with vm3 pve gloves) to some generation (vm4 pve) pieces so I might as well use this event scroll: (fo [..] View

New To Tera need some info :)

10:03 pm, June 3, 2015 hi im new to tera and wanting some information about the game and to get me started so firstly: - Server: I like to do PvE mostly but I do love PvP doing battlegrounds and dueling etc so is there a se [..] View

IP block for Japan/St. Vincent?

12:03 pm, June 3, 2015 Me and some of my friends from skype decided to play tera together. I already had an account i made long ago on eu server and since most of us are from europe we went with the eu version of the game. [..] View

Binaries/Tera.exe Corrupt File (in short i need that exe file if someone can provide it)

10:03 pm, May 28, 2015 Error Message(If you get one): no particullar error code/message just Source File was Corrupted Description: so i decided to play TERA again after a few months and when i opened up the launcher it sto [..] View

Logged in and had MORE hair choices??

12:03 pm, May 28, 2015 So i was messing around creating an elin because i dont usually play with them , and i was creating an archer decided i diddnt want it pressed back went to lancer... i had more hair options ? there w [..] View

Power or Crit Rate?

10:03 pm, May 26, 2015 I have 2 Jewelry Options on my Gunner. Either i go Deathwise Signet + Cascade and get 40% Crit Rate with that or i go Bloodwise Necklace + Hoop / Cascade and get 11 Power with it. (The Rest would be 3 [..] View

Log in issue

10:03 pm, May 25, 2015 hello, when i tried to log in today avast decided to concider the patcher as a virus. I closed the avast, repaired the client and when i press play nothing happens. Have anyone had the same problem an [..] View


Can't decide what class to play ;-;

Mar 5, 2015, 2:54 am Hello there! <img src="http://board.tera.gameforge.com//wcf/images/smilies/biggrin.png" alt=":D"><br><br> I was hoping to get some help in here <img src="http://board.tera.gameforge.com//wcf/images/sm[..] View

Cant decide on slayer race :\

Nov 30, 2014, 3:48 am Hey.i cant decide between elin or castanic slayer. i like both races costumes and everything but when i see an elin slayer with good gear and a that cute costume it looks so much better than the casta[..] View

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