11:03 am, November 8, 2016
CS is inactive during day times because the majority of people refuses to queue for a battleground outside the event window.
This was not the case when we had no event table. CS was active from Monday [..]
12:03 pm, October 26, 2016
Just thought it's interesting how when other regions players cry about something on forums they get a reply even if its useless but shows some respect to community and on the other side we had like 15 [..]
10:03 pm, October 18, 2016
Battleground ChangesGridiron now with equalised gearFraywind Canyon now with equalised gearChampions' Skyring now with equalised gear
Please tell me your just adjusting the equalized gear.
If yo [..]
10:03 pm, June 11, 2016
Hello to everyone!
I must say as first that my english is a bit poor.
Well this thread is for a big question that everysingle player is doing it in this poor days for this forgotten game.
Gameforge le [..]
12:03 pm, May 10, 2016
I have question, why the f*ck is so long CD on fwc (Fraywind Canyon) and Gridion? After each match is long CD, average time is 3-5 mins, sometimes longer or ..., but still its so long. Why you make th [..]
12:03 pm, April 27, 2016
first of all I need to thank Gameforge to implement the "new event" to start Fraywind Canyon (FW) queue everyday at 9.00 pm.
Because of the gear equalisation in Gridiron, FW is th [..]
10:03 pm, April 25, 2016
The Battleground Event has been prolonged until the class update.Fraywind Canyon is now available on a daily basis from 21:00 to 24:00
So we now have 3 Hours of Fraywind Every. Single. Day.
Isnt that [..]
10:03 pm, April 13, 2016
What do you people think about the current state of the game? If you'd rate it, how many points out of 10 would you give it and why?
Personally, I think the game took a bad turn since the release of t [..]
9:03 pm, February 5, 2016
Hello everyone!
This is our last poll. Based on the top results we were not able to make a clear choice about 1 or 2 templates switching from one season to the next one.
Since the Crusade content be [..]
9:03 pm, February 5, 2016
Hi all.. First of all i want to mention that im PVE player and that i playing one CS once in a week(maybe)..
I saw that many PVP players leaving game.. One of the reasons is rewards in it..
Actually i [..]
9:03 pm, November 30, 2015
First of all I want to say that I opened this thread here, because I want that many players can see it.
This thread is more about the PvP community and PvP end content in Tera.
After I spoke with Phel [..]
11:03 am, November 19, 2015
Season 9 PvP StatisticsChampions´ SkyringPriest 27 Top3: 1. Enzoperez(premade) 2. kingjiji(both) 3. Eufemia/Godfire(solo)Sorcerer 19 Top3: 1. Aiim(premade) 2. eton(solo) 3.Krazee(-)Warrior 1 [..]
9:03 pm, November 12, 2015
Season 9 PvP StatisticsChampions´ SkyringPriest 27 Top3: 1. Enzoperez(both) 2. Eufemia(solo) 3. Kürisco(solo)Sorcerer 18 Top3: 1. Aiim(premade) 2. Theus(both) 3. Krazee(-)Warrior 12 [..]
11:03 am, November 12, 2015
Season 9 PvP StatisticsChampions´ SkyringPriest 27 Top3: 1. Enzoperez(both) 2. Eufemia(solo) 3. Kürisco(solo)Sorcerer 18 Top3: 1. Aiim(premade) 2. Theus(both) 3. Krazee(-)Warrior 12 [..]
12:03 pm, October 8, 2015
Season 8 PvP StatisticsChampions´ SkyringPriest: 28 Top3: 1. Yadori(premade) 2. kingjiji(premade) 3. Godfire(solo)Sorcerer: 21 Top3: 1. Mirec(both) 2. suzii(both) 3. Colourised(premade)Warri [..]
10:03 pm, September 13, 2015
Here's the lyrics of the song that comes to my mind when I think about TERA EU's future :
(connect a sunday afternoon on TERA EU, no way to proc frawind canyon for hours, no groups in Y...)
Sunday is [..]
12:03 pm, September 11, 2015
Because I like to watch and make statistics, I decided to make some statistics about the PvP battlegrounds in Tera. Here you can see the best classes in each battleground from season 7. If I remember [..]
10:03 pm, September 10, 2015
Hey guys,
since Gridiron got patched a few month ago more and more PVE Players (Schisma, Enrage-/Hardy Crux) appear in a PVP instance. Reason behind this is obviously the daily box to get some inferno [..]
12:03 pm, September 8, 2015
The outstanding event it out boys, you will get now a BOX after 3 wins OR loses. How great is that? It was implemented in the game for like 2.5 years already but who cares, it's out now again!
Discuss [..]
10:03 pm, August 15, 2015
So everyone knows that some bgs are dead some are alive but sometimes you need like 15 min to get in match even for alive ones. i was thinking how to fix this. it isnot funny to wait 30min and lose in [..]
10:03 pm, July 22, 2015
So, I recently started to play TERA again after quite a while and I wanted to try to do 3v3 or Fraywind Canyon, but they just don't start.
Only Corsair and Gridiron are actually active, even th [..]
10:03 pm, July 17, 2015
why players are doing gridiron much often than fw? fw got buffed it gives same eq gear as gridiron and has better rewards. i know gridiron gives 3x mes if u are 1st and 1 mes 2 - 5 (not sure, guildmat [..]
12:03 pm, June 25, 2015
Lately I saw some teams throwing the greater unyielding charm in canyon instead of the enduring one.
I want some opinions of active canyon players about the use of the unyielding compared to the endu [..]
12:03 pm, June 24, 2015
Regarding the inactivity within the Champion of Skyring arena (3v3) premade, we've come up with a temporary community solution to try and increase its activity for the people who are willing to queue [..]
10:03 pm, June 13, 2015
Lets face it guys, we dont have enough geared people to run continuously fc normal.Either they camp in ranks for pvp crusade points or waiting for premade members.My suggestion is that to start doing [..]
10:03 pm, June 12, 2015
Hello. I'd like to give my personal opinion on some things I consider awful about this game.
I am a highly competitive gamer who has reached Supreme Master First Class in Counter-Strike : Global Offen [..]
10:03 pm, June 11, 2015
Just a little suggestion.
Why not change the Fraywind Canyon daily and ADDING a daily on Skyring aswell?
Why not Add in FC (Normal and Equalized) a "Canyon Box" and in Skyring a "Champi [..]
10:03 pm, June 7, 2015
I'm making this thread for talk about Fraywind Canyon's "Settings" and how changes can improve this BG.#1
Teralith and Naga Attack/Defence/Hit Points, needs to be INCREASED.
With new Gear l [..]
10:03 pm, June 2, 2015
Hello community!
Ima just a player from a PvE server who admires PvP and, these past days, i really enjoyed the game like i used to, at least at what PvP is about.
This event made me remember the good [..]
10:03 pm, May 27, 2015
Battlefield Jackpot
The jackpots in Fraywind Canyon (equalized and non-equalized - battleground matching for 1-5 players) will be changed as follows for a trial period. They will then be reset to thei [..]
10:03 pm, May 24, 2015
Please, do something about Fraywind Canyon.. all days people have to wait more than 1 hour for joining the raid and when we are inside, the battleground isn't equalized, most of the time the final sco [..]
12:03 pm, May 23, 2015
Kuma Queue:
Fraywind Canyon Queue:
Skyring Team is dead 24/7 and Skyring Solo Pop-up just if few people deal to queue together for get few matches for fun.
Tell me again how making 1 POOL will be hard [..]
10:03 pm, May 10, 2015
As the title says it's time TO REVIVE FRAYWIND CANYON NORMAL in PvE servers.
As most of you have already noticed that you can't queue in FC normal, it's time for all PvP guilds in PvE servers to part [..]
12:03 pm, May 9, 2015
First of all, i'm talking about Fraya, Arcadia, Veritas, Elinu and Akasha POOL.
This Pool is DEAD.
Talking about the hours when more people should be online: 15:00 --> 23:00 (CEST)
- Kuma queue [..]
10:03 pm, May 4, 2015
Our much awaited MWA changes
VMWA sounds intereseting
More Masterwork Alkahest!
With the Patch 31.04.02 on Tuesday, May 5th 2015 we’ll be makin [..]
10:03 pm, May 4, 2015
Quoted from "anemsalok"
Hello to all!
As promised, here is an update about what is going on and what is been discussed in the Team right now.
Firstly, if you hav [..]
12:03 pm, May 4, 2015
Quoted from "anemsalok"
Hello to all!
As promised, here is an update about what is going on and what is been discussed in the Team right now.
Firstly, if you hav [..]
10:03 pm, April 30, 2015
I love the new changes announced by our CM, but I must disagree with equal rewards in equalised FWC and non-eq one. those in equalised should provide less rewards but at the same time allow low geared [..]
12:03 pm, April 26, 2015
Greetings ,,
Dear tera community members and all .
Before opening this thread i got the permision from one of the most awesome community managers
I'd like to discuss this matter as we will get some ch [..]
10:03 pm, April 24, 2015
As first thing, this Thread is refered to the Pool: Fraya, Arcadia, Veritas, Akasha, ElinuThe Matchmaking need a SERIOUS BALANCE and a CHANGE.BALANCE: Nosense that 15 players with 1300 rating+ fight 1 [..]
12:03 pm, April 18, 2015
"Our PvPers will finally be getting Masterwork Alkahest from Fraywind Canyon (non equalized)."
Oh, really? And how it going to help the people whose does not have gear to get it? While to pl [..]
12:03 pm, April 16, 2015
Sorry for not knowing this already but are these fraywind canyon rewards a permanent solution? and how come the rewards are for fraywind canyon alone? Champion skyring premade is becoming more and mor [..]
12:03 pm, April 16, 2015
really?? is this the solution you came up with after so many players left the game for NA servers and only those who pay real money remained?? I wish it was April 1st so we could take this as a joke, [..]
10:03 pm, April 15, 2015
Introduction of Masterwork Alkahest in the Fraywind CanyonLevel: 65Type: Battleground Matching for 1-5 playersEquipment: not equalizedWinner: 3 Masterwork AlkahestLoser: 1 Masterwork Alkahest
well tha [..]
9:03 pm, February 19, 2015
*Extremely long post below* - I don't even know if anyone will read that, but at least i will say what i want to say.
To start things off and clarify something before i get flamed on and people put wo [..]
9:03 pm, January 24, 2015
I want to ask if we will have NEXUS back? I think Tera need EVENTS like NEXUS where people have to be together and fight against other player for something. Aliance is dead in this Patch because it is [..]
11:03 am, January 8, 2015
hey all!
When I play a MMO i like to PVP.
i love my class in Tera (mystic), it's incredibly fun to pvp with.
my favoroute BGs are CS and Fraywind Canyon but I am slightly, if not very disappointed wit [..]
9:03 pm, December 14, 2014
Hello people, since nexus is removed as a place where people come together to wait and do nothing, we want to replace the first part- gathering up together. But this time for Fraywind Canyon normal!
W [..]
9:03 pm, November 15, 2014
Hi, i saw this stream and wanted to share incase people might be interested but not checking http://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Tera often. I watched it last season and espescially finals were fun. h [..]
11:03 am, November 13, 2014
Dear GameForge,
... what the f* is wrong with you?
The servers are lagging 24/7 like ****, especially in the evening around 11:30 pm when you switch them to energy saver modus.
Prices in the shop are [..]
11:03 am, October 27, 2014
There are two main servers in KTERA, Arun's Honour and Velik's Grace.
A streamer privately opened a duel tournament between two servers to determine which server is better.
9 pvpers volunteered to fig [..]
12:03 pm, October 10, 2014
There is an archivment: Fraywind Five Hundred - Win in Fraywind Canyon 500 times (i got like 80 at this time)
For crown and pet Dundee.
How is even posibble to make this one? Because i cant make a [..]
10:03 pm, September 26, 2014
Good evening players, highfive PvPers,
Recently there are many fuss topics about Kumasylum and Corsair stronghold. I´d like to just quickly remind you that those two battlegrounds are not t [..]
10:03 pm, September 26, 2014
there are a lot of topics about Fraywind Canyon, but I want to you guys paid attention on thisand I want to ask to GF administration to take our favor close and help to us to do our favourite part of [..]
10:03 pm, August 29, 2014
we NEED as soon as possible, federation bill store! - really, everything has a limits, u "work" had, but we are waiting too much for it.we NEED as soon as possible, championships of Fraywind [..]
10:03 pm, August 25, 2014
Patch notes 28.05 – Dungeon Raiders
Drop rate changes Rift's Edge (Normal & Hard), The Abscess (Normal), Lakan's Prison and Ghillieglade
The drop rate [..]
12:03 pm, August 14, 2014
Why I never Veritas EU does not join the fraywind canyon .. and I'm lvl 60? it still just looking and can not find anyone to .. nobody plays it or what?
10:03 pm, August 13, 2014
Hi guys,
The topic says what i want.If it's possible (i think its not) Gameforge needs to request it from BHS.
How system must work?
When u open battleground page for queue,there must be numbers about [..]
12:03 pm, July 29, 2014
first of all referral links :
KTERA April 24 Patch Preview http://teratoday.com/content/tera-news/t…4-patch-preview
KTERA May 8 Patch Preview http://teratoday.com/content/tera-news/ [..]
12:03 pm, July 24, 2014
hello, dear PvE server players.
this topic is about to make more popular fraywind canyon. there were topics about it, but now with a new patch, I hope this topic will help to people to see, that frayw [..]
12:03 pm, June 10, 2014
Good evening, community,
As many would like to see the old Fraywind Canyon battleground "resurrected", I would like to ask you which times you think would be best to make coordinated queues [..]
10:03 pm, June 9, 2014
Good evening, community,
As many would like to see the old Fraywind Canyon battleground "resurrected", I would like to ask you which times you think would be best to make coordinated queues [..]
10:03 pm, June 8, 2014
Hello dear Fraywind conquerors and wannabe conquerors of PvE servers
I remember, there was a topic about FC, but i can't find it now, so don't blame me. let's awake your favourite battleground and br [..]
10:03 pm, June 7, 2014
Hi people,
So im thinking that new fraywind is absolutely fvcked up.It depends on "spam f for pyres" and "dont **** anyone".So it's pvp area whats the point of not killing people i [..]
10:03 pm, June 7, 2014
Thought like other events we should have a feedback event about the events!
I personally really enjoyed 2 hours of Fraywind canyon today. Lost 2 matches won about 5.
At 9:00pm the event really ended t [..]
10:03 pm, June 6, 2014
After the success of the Battleground Trilogy and by popular demand we bring back the battleground double credits in the game for you!
For 2 hours on Friday, Saturday and S [..]
12:03 pm, June 3, 2014
why no one does this days fraywind canyon? i played since the game opend and i miss the times that there was always people for fraywind canyon and its very fun but this days...almost nothing. Why is t [..]
12:03 pm, May 27, 2014
Official thread for patch notes can be found here and inside the spoiler.
Patch Notes 26.04 – The Reaper!The patch with the new Reaper class wil [..]
12:03 pm, May 23, 2014
22.05.2014 Patch Notes
Posted by Espei
May 21, 2014
KTERA 22.05.2014 Patch Notes
An addition to the T-CAT shop, changes to the drop rates in dungeons, and a few minor tweaks to crafting.
Premium [..]
10:03 pm, May 14, 2014
Hi guys this time i found a cave with a crossing point between Seeliewoods & Sienna Canyon. Once you're there you will be able to see mobs & players from Sienna Canyon & intera [..]
5:38 am, May 12, 2014
As the topic says, there's idea to bring team arena back to live on PVE servers. I'd suggest to start queing 3v3 at 18:00 CET, before Fraywind Canyon Mass Queue starts (21:30 CET).
So once agai [..]