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TERA The Exiled Realm of Arborea

Category : Tera Online Tech Support

Can't launch game.

11:03 am, February 12, 2017 Error Message(If you get one): An error has occurred please try again later Description: The error pops up whenever I try to log in to the games launcher. I've tried adding to anti virus exceptions ru [..] View

can my pc run tera pls say???

11:03 am, February 12, 2017 can i play tera i rly want to play the game but i got a shiity pc will i be able to run this game on low grpahic setting my specs cpu Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5700 @ 3.00GHz ram 4gb 3gb useable graph [..] View

Extreme lag spikes/rubberbanding, but low ping

9:03 pm, February 9, 2017 I've played TERA twice in the past without a hitch (last time about a year ago), but yesterday when I started anew (same server as always, Killian) I started experiencing extreme lag and rubberbanding [..] View

Account locked

9:03 pm, February 9, 2017 Error Message(If you get one): Account Locked Description: Somehow after a long time without playing i decided to come back and after ONE day playing a new character my account get locked. Additional [..] View

Steam Mistake

9:03 pm, February 8, 2017 So i wanted to try TERA on steam and I accidentally pressed "create new account" on steam instead of "use existing account ... Is there a way I can play on steam with my old collectors [..] View

an error has occured please try again later .sad face

9:03 pm, January 27, 2017 Error Message(If you get one): an error has occured please try again later Description: when i try to log in write email and pass then play log in and nothing only says an error... Additional Informa [..] View

Support dead?

9:03 pm, January 27, 2017 So i'm trying to go to support, to obviously send a ticket, but it says network error, its not a private network, and i tried with all my browsers but can't enter. i'm not gonna call up names, but i d [..] View

Can someone please upload/send me this file?! I am away working with work and my TERA patch is broken D:

9:03 pm, January 23, 2017 Source FIle Corrupt. Ran via CMD and found it's TERA\GameforgeLive\Games\GBR_eng\TERA\Client\Binaries\TERA.exe Which didn't even exist! Weirdly. I have no mods btw. Can someone upload this for me plea [..] View

The computer shut down after 1 hour of Tera

9:03 pm, January 17, 2017 Hello community, I need some help : eveytime I play Tera, my computer turns off instantly after 30 min/1 hour of gaming. I've got a recent PC which is supposed to run Tera without difficulty. I tried [..] View

Chat bubbles.

9:03 pm, January 13, 2017 I have no clue, but somewhere along the way i've lost the ability to see chat bubbles (both of players and of NPCs/Monsters). I dont really know how that happend and i kinda got used to just reading t [..] View

"An error has occured. Please Try again later"

9:03 pm, January 11, 2017 http://puu.sh/ti1X6/5230a470ea.jpg The notyfication above pop out whenever i click "login" button, doesnt matter if i even fill the blanks. There are some threads on forum about this but non [..] View

The game TERA has crashed. Please Help!

9:03 pm, January 10, 2017 Hi, So for the last six months I have had no luck in getting this game to work at all. At first I had a APPCRASH error pop up everytime I tried to install the game. I then thought it may have been som [..] View

Launcher Tries to download the Game Again

11:03 am, January 10, 2017 Hi, I've downloaded the game but at the end of 500mb it gives me error "not enough disk space". I've opened up 25 more gb to give game space and closed and reopened the launcher but now it t [..] View

WTF is wrong with this game?[Graphic]

11:03 am, January 2, 2017 Hi yall i have no bad computer specs and i can only run this game on graphic level 1 ?! i already did some s1 engine tweaks,got some increase in fps but i just wanted to ask if there is anything else [..] View

Lags in the game

11:03 am, January 2, 2017 Hello, I am a new player in TERA and totally convinced of the game. Unfortunately, the game has some problems on my computer since this morning. When I move my character, the picture always jerks and [..] View

Error "Timed Event Account"

9:03 pm, January 1, 2017 Error Message: Timed Event Account Description: I select a new character and I click play button, the game load page open, "Timed Event Account" and close game. But I select main character ( [..] View

Help pls ?

9:03 pm, December 26, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Description: i buy Additional Character Slot (3- and Additional Character Slot (9-16) 3-8 work but 9-16 not . Computer specs(if needed): i7 920 oc 3.5 , r7 360 nito 2gb [..] View

Login Error

11:03 am, December 24, 2016 Hey there, i've got a'n error during login ... can anybody help me with that? the error is "login details are incorrect, but they are... i can already login onto the tera website.... i attache [..] View

Current version unknown

11:03 am, December 23, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Current version unkown Description: I've not been able to play since this weeks patch, the Launcher keeps saying "Current version unknown" I've tried all the [..] View

Is it even worth continuing to play?

9:03 pm, December 18, 2016 Apparently I have 7 days active playtime and have a a high enough item level to run 417 instances however the game appears to be dead. I've been in 3 guilds and the most members I have seen online at [..] View

Problem with claiming daily reward

11:03 am, December 17, 2016 Right-click the system clock (bottom right of the screen) and choose ‘Change Date/Time’Select the tab ‘Internet Time’ and then ‘Change Settings&rs [..] View

An error has occurred. Please try again later

9:03 pm, December 16, 2016 So i gonna try this way. I getting that error when i click log in button on tera. Na version works fine but i can't log in eu version because i get that error every single time. Things i been try out [..] View

Need help. I can't connect to any server when I launch game!

11:03 am, December 15, 2016 Description: I recently install TERA again after few months(just before new launcher update). First thing I noticed when I downloaded the game is that new launcher doesn't force login before you can p [..] View

Solved Source File Corrupted Urgent

11:03 am, December 13, 2016 So, last 3 weeks i couldnt play Tera cause the launcher was giving me "source file corrupted" errors constantly while applying patch. The solution i found was to ask a friend to install the [..] View

Need minimal client

11:03 am, December 11, 2016 Hi, old player here, want to try the game back but the client it become very huge (about 33 gig) and i don't have a very fast connection so downloading the game with the traditional launcher took me a [..] View

HELP with installation space

11:03 am, December 10, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): insufficient disk space Description: I tried to find an answer around here but couldnt. I have a clean 60 Gb SSD as "storage" beside my big HDD and system SSD. [..] View

FPS Drastically drops on SS

9:03 pm, December 6, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Description: I've a big issue, i read all the FAQs and i didn't find a solution yet: I've been playing on TERA since 3 years, i never lagged, my FPS were always blocked [..] View

Can't Find SSNL Error when i click PLay in launcher

11:03 am, December 6, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Cant Find SSNL Description: guys... Im desperate, seriously, i tried everything. repairs, antivirus exclusion , firewall rules, i cant boot tera. every time i click play [..] View

I paid but have not received thalers why???

9:03 pm, December 4, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Description: I made a payment and the transaction gave me negative but the money was still charged my credit card. For a total of € 24.99 made today December 3, [..] View

Problem With Account

9:03 pm, December 4, 2016 Hello I get crushed from game suddenly and then when i try to loggin it says your accunt blocked pls contact to the support and when i open support page for ticket i cant login. But now when i try to [..] View

source file corrupt while downloading update

9:03 pm, November 29, 2016 Error Message(If you get one):source file corrupt Description: when i started the launcher it start updating for the new patch it reaches 100% but with (0.38mb remains) as it says and says source file [..] View

Club dragon mount wont give achievment

9:03 pm, November 28, 2016 Description: the so big announced dragon mount for club members with the also big anounced achievments are not even close to working, every day a new dragon and every day no achievment would be nice i [..] View

Tera launcher wont start

11:03 am, November 27, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Tera is already running, try again later. Description: Basically whenever I launch it through the gameforge launcher it opens and then quickly closes again, it constant [..] View

Source file is corrupted

11:03 am, November 24, 2016 So, as allways, whenever a big patch hits the server, my launcher gives me this kind of problems u.u Usually i have people to ask to, but atm i dont so i need someone to send me this file: C:\Program [..] View

Only boxes in chat window. Need 1 file.

11:03 am, November 24, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Ingame i see only boxes in chat window. I guess my S1UI_Chat2.gpk is corrupted. If some1 would be so nice and send me yours please Its located in TERA\Client\S1Game\Co [..] View

High Ping during day, gets fixed at night.

9:03 pm, November 21, 2016 Description: Since Saturday, that me and some guildies, same provider and different provider, are having ping issues (180 ping stable) during the day, but it gets better after 10 pm (Londong time). Do [..] View

Game starts to stutter after a while

9:03 pm, November 13, 2016 Description: I returned to the game about 4 days ago but for the past two days I started to have sudden stutters after ~2 hours of playing. The game gets choppy, and the sound starts to break (sounds [..] View

Problem with UI.

11:03 am, November 12, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Description: UI reseteing. Computer specs(if needed): ----- Screenshot: ----- Additional Information: Hello, since last patch is my UI (only some stuffs from it) resetin [..] View

Cannot Run A Single Dg

11:03 am, November 5, 2016 Hello Guys, After play sometime Tera EU. I would like to know which is the best set that EVERYONE LIKE TO RUN DG. People always say WRONG CRYSTALS, BAD CRYSTALS, BLA BLA BLA ... but nobody knows what [..] View

FPS issues, tried all fixes i could find, still dosnt work

9:03 pm, November 4, 2016 Hi, According to the specs, my pc is pretty capable of running Tera, but even on lowest graphics, with no shadows, lighting ect i cant get more than 15-20 fps in dungeons. I only have this problem in [..] View

Tera start's to have fps drop's the sound stutter's

10:03 pm, October 28, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Description: I'm been playing Tera. I already played Tera in the past and just started this week to play it again. My problem is im playing, and about after 20 30 min o [..] View

Problème de lancement de jeu.

10:03 pm, October 27, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): The game doesn't start ( le jeu ne se lance pas ) Description: My launcher is ready, i'm connected, but after click to "Play", nothing appear. ( j'ai fais la m [..] View

CPU 100% Work help me please

10:03 pm, October 26, 2016 Last time I can play normally but when I close the launcher and restart my PC I can't event play game cuz CPU run 100% when I open Tera but when I close Tera CPU run 0% -1% how to solve this problem a [..] View

Missing the "Ominous News" Quest - Island of Dawn

10:03 pm, October 25, 2016 Description: I leveled to 65 a few days back for the first time ( Woo! ), and I recently found out that I was missing a story quest to send me to the Island of Dawn. Any reason why I might have it mi [..] View

Veteran upgrade doesn't work

10:03 pm, October 23, 2016 So, I decided to give Tera another shot after, well a few years. My old account did not work so I created a new one. Thing is, I want to upgrade my account to veteran but my code does not work for som [..] View

bosses AOEs

12:03 pm, October 22, 2016 well, basically i cant see any AOEs coming from pretty much anything in the game, with normal monsters i dont care, but i cant do high lvl dungeons because of it, especially if its my first time in a [..] View

Game crashes when changing server

12:03 pm, October 22, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): No error message Description: Whenever I start the game, it automatically logs on to Mystel. My two characters are in Killian so I switch server, however, the game clos [..] View

Launcher problem HAAAALP

10:03 pm, October 19, 2016 okey its been since new launcher release i cant log in. ive tried everything what supports told me nothing worked sadly. when i log into my launcher it says in red color "error has occurred, ple [..] View

Solved Problem launching Tera

10:03 pm, October 12, 2016 Hi everyone I'm here to ask help because me and my girlfriend don't know why even if we tried everything when we click the start button nothing happens. I tried the repair of the files and of the cons [..] View

tera luncher-crash

10:03 pm, October 12, 2016 i wanted to update my tera on my laptop and when i pressed for update i got error : : The tera luncher is still running; pls try again later... so i restated my pc and still nothink. After that i del [..] View

Problem launching Tera

10:03 pm, October 10, 2016 Hi everyone I'm here to ask help because me and my girlfriend don't know why even if we tried everything when we click the start button nothing happens. I tried the repair of the files and of the cons [..] View

What The Heck With A New Launcher?

10:03 pm, October 9, 2016 Error Message(If you get one):I ALWAYS GET THE SAME MASSAGE WHEN I TRY TO DOWNLOAD THE GAMES FROM THE LAUNCHER . Description: Computer specs(if needed): Screenshot: I UPLOADED IN ATTACHMENTS Addit [..] View

New luncher. Can't log in

10:03 pm, October 5, 2016 Description: After patch with new luncher i can't log in. I have information ,,An error has occurred. Please try again latter. I did repair install, and still not work. What should I do ? Server: Myst [..] View

Can anyone help me huge ping spikes.

10:03 pm, October 5, 2016 Since merge I have been having huge lag spikes and game became unplayable since merge (canceled tc due to this and barerly playing) I tried everything with isp for 1month seems it's not on their side. [..] View

[Need Help] Redownloading game, download stopped at 72% and started again from 0%.

10:03 pm, October 4, 2016 So i needed to fully reinstall my SO because of a bluescreen wich destroyed my W7 esential files. In a bad mood i started to redownload the game from the beggining (Yea more than 60 GB of the entire g [..] View

Mouse cursor goes off screen, 2 monitors

10:03 pm, October 4, 2016 I have 2 monitors, and when I play Tera and drag the cursor to the right it will go off to the other screen. I haven't seen anyone else with this problem, and really need some help with this. How do I [..] View

New launcher hype - zip up your pants

12:03 pm, October 4, 2016 Hey ****, You'll forgive me for not taking seriously anything Gameforge have been feeding us lately. This said, I'm going to use this opportunity to issue you a player to player - support & a [..] View

New Launcer issues anyone ?

12:03 pm, October 4, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Launcher already Running : Failed to update host Description: New launcher wont update \ start Computer specs(if needed): Screenshot: Attached Additional Information: P [..] View

Stuff ain't working

10:03 pm, September 30, 2016 S1Input file is edited and put on read-only mode but doesn't work when I press the zoom out keybinding. Even tho I add the textures on the correct folder, they don't show up, just the normal tera text [..] View

Audio Issue

10:03 pm, September 28, 2016 I don't know how to describe the problem properly. I get a weird background noise as soon as im in Tera Charakter Login Screen or ingame. Turning the sound off doesn't remove it. It's ONLY when i use [..] View

Failed to generate device signature on Launcher

10:03 pm, September 27, 2016 Hello everyone who reads this :3 i haven't played Tera in a year and wanted to download it again download worked fine etc. but when i want to log in on the launcher it says ,,Failed to generate Device [..] View

I can not turn on the game

12:03 pm, September 23, 2016 Hello, turn launcher, I log on and then click the play, there is a window start the game (it's two ninja) then the window is off and the game does not start. This happened after installing the patch n [..] View

Server Disconnected

10:03 pm, September 14, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Server Disconnected Description: When i log in, like 10-15 minutes i get an error with Server Disconnected It happens a lot in dungeons now, and i asked in the guild asw [..] View

Launcher DL Speed IS going to be the ***** of me!

10:03 pm, September 11, 2016 Hi all, Firstly thanks for looking into this thread. Experienced player hopefully returning, although with how hard the launcher is trying to stop me i see it hasn't got much better Every other Appli [..] View

Account blocked for no apparent reason

12:03 pm, September 11, 2016 Hi, I'm an old eu tera player. I didn't login my account since months because both my interest in tera lowered and I went playing other stuff with my friends. I found out recently of the merge and I w [..] View

Low fps on end game dungeons

10:03 pm, August 31, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): N/A Description: I am getting horrible frames when doing end game dungeons, for example doing SS is fine until the last boss where my frames sit inside 7-20 fps Comput [..] View

Solved Corrupted source file

10:03 pm, August 28, 2016 need this file patch pgc_v2_102to103 D:\GameforgeLive\Games\GBR_eng\TERA\Client\S1Game/CookedPC/Art_Data/Maps/StoryDG/EX_HNC/EX_HNC_B_T42_02.gmp (874939957a3578ff1c103f181a0b45d9ee3f2a5a:87be1e90c33f7 [..] View


10:03 pm, August 28, 2016 Character not getting out of loadingscreen / Instant crash of game. Ever since using the Pegasus, And being spammed by people trying to negotiate... which lead me to crash midflight, I am stuck in nir [..] View

Tera Launcher.exe Bad Image Error

12:03 pm, August 27, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): libcef.dll is contains error. try to install the program again error status 0xc00007b Description: that error occurs after the new launcher maintenance i just opened th [..] View

Missing Spells on Healer?

12:03 pm, August 25, 2016 havnt played for a LONG while but slowly getting back into it. I remember when I was on my healer I had 4 blessing spells, when I checked today 2 were gone but 1 was still active for 2m? they wernt in [..] View

new launcher problem . plzzzz help

12:03 pm, August 25, 2016 Error Message(If you get one):hi guys, I was downloading tera for 4 days , because of the bad downloading speed 30 kb/s it's seems that everyone is having this problem . but this is not what i want to [..] View

Constantly getting disconnected!

10:03 pm, August 23, 2016 Ok - I installed Tera 2 days ago and I have a big problem. I have no problems with my internet connection and I can play other online games normally. However, in Tera I constantly get disconnected or [..] View

Got a problem.

10:03 pm, August 21, 2016 I got a small problem , well not really small as it makes the game unplayable for me at least. I dont have a great pc just mediocre but it should be more than enough to run tera, i tried multiple thin [..] View

When i start the game i have a black screen

12:03 pm, August 18, 2016 Description: hi when i start the game i have a black screen but i have the song, i have see i need too found S1Option.ini and change screenmode:0 too 1 but i can't because the file is protected someo [..] View

My Game is Crashing after character selection!!

12:03 pm, August 17, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Description: I was playing normally with my character (Lainer) and had some missions Allemantheia. When I used the Flight Manager and entered the portal with pegasus my [..] View

Tera ingame problem

10:03 pm, August 15, 2016 Error Message(If you get one):None Description: I just created a character and noticed that i can't move to the left by holding A on my keyboard down. I've look at the shortcut movement menu and it wo [..] View

Crashes in Velika

10:03 pm, August 15, 2016 Evry time i go in Velika i crash with no reason like just in and puff my tera is out on desktop. My Specs: GTX 980 Ti 6GB GDDR5 Kingston HyperX Fury 8 GB of DDR3 1600mhz Asus z97-pro MotherboardIntel [..] View

Tera launcher isn't starting

12:03 pm, August 14, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): No error messages, simply nothing happens on screen. Description: The launcher appears in the proccesses, but after passing approx. 30000 kb, it simply disappears. I've [..] View

Looking for a player

12:03 pm, August 14, 2016 Hello everyone i am a new player Awsummmmmmmmmmmmmm game and stunning graphics I have an answer I played in a dungeon with a player last night We ending up finishing the dungeon and played a further [..] View

Bought items from item shop and they aren't in my item claim

10:03 pm, August 12, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Description: So i recently bought 150 TT and i bought 3 smolder loot boxes (which came through) and i bought 3 Frost festive magic surprise boxes and they havent came th [..] View

Solved Unable to reinstall/fix Tera

10:03 pm, August 11, 2016 Hi guys, I've been having trouble installing/reinstalling Tera on my new computer, and after a few weeks of pausing (I really dont have a few hours a days just to spend on fixing something that should [..] View

Solved Need HSC_A_4042.gmp

10:03 pm, August 11, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Source file corrupted Description: Ran a debug after i encountered the "Source file is corrupted" error on the launcher and it stopped patching around 36% when [..] View

Solved No activation mail!

10:03 pm, August 11, 2016 Hello, I still get the answer i need to activate my account.. and would have get a mail? with activation link.. but dont have the email.. and cant find how to sent the mail again to the mail adress.. [..] View

Can not log in to game after 24 hours because of using VPN

12:03 pm, August 10, 2016 Hi guys, I wanted to get back to game after 2 years. Yesterday I tried to log in and my account was blocked. Because I moved from Europe to Australia for some time I was using VPN. My ping is very hi [..] View


12:03 pm, August 9, 2016 Hey, can someone post what's supposed to be in that file or at least upload it somewhere? I do not have it in client/binaries even thou I installed Tera few days ago. Retardness of this launcher after [..] View

No activation mail!

12:03 pm, August 8, 2016 Hello, I still get the answer i need to activate my account.. and would have get a mail? with activation link.. but dont have the email.. and cant find how to sent the mail again to the mail adress.. [..] View

Launcher stuck at 4%

12:03 pm, August 7, 2016 Description: When I try to play the game the patcher stops at 4%. I have tried to use repair but didnt work. I also read this http://support.enmasse.com/tera/patch-pr…-applying-patch but it [..] View

Problem with Client!!!!

12:03 pm, August 6, 2016 Error Message(If you get one):- Description: After i complete install of the game and update it properly, i can't start the game, when i press the " Play" button, it just does not work, it d [..] View

Solved need version.ini

10:03 pm, August 3, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Source file was corrupted Description: Need the file version version.ini which can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\GameforgeLive\Games\GBR_eng\TERA\Client\version.ini [..] View

server merge character slots

10:03 pm, August 3, 2016 Hello people, sorry about asking this, but I didn't had the issue the last time it hppened, so I'm not sure vether it'd happen again or not. Last time Tera had a servermerge (Icaruna) I only had no ch [..] View

Hello! greatings from a 4story player who wants to join tera, experiencing some stumbles please HELP

12:03 pm, August 3, 2016 So i played tera a few years back (i was just fooling around didnt acomplish so much since i got lost and ran out of money at lvl 16) and I have now decided that i want to try TERA again, this time m [..] View

TexturedFonts.gpk need

10:03 pm, August 2, 2016 today there was a new patch to coming but when i try to download i get same error always. source files are broken it says. and i actually know reason. i need that file but i mean the original one -- T [..] View

Need HSC_A_4042.gmp

10:03 pm, August 2, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Source file corrupted Description: Ran a debug after i encountered the "Source file is corrupted" error on the launcher and it stopped patching around 36% when [..] View

ErrorMessage: Unable to load metafile

12:03 pm, August 1, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): The TERA launcher is unable to open en. ErrorMessage: Unable to load metafile Description: After installing the launcher from any source (Direct download, Steam, or Hap [..] View


10:03 pm, July 31, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): Description: Hey ! I've got a problem. My TERA and the support, is in English. But i'm a french girl and i can't change that. My laucher is in french but when i'm in the [..] View

cant log in with 2 of my chars

12:03 pm, July 28, 2016 hello i hope you can help when i logd in today i cant log in with 2 of them 1 whas lvl 26 so i deleted her made a new just half hour ago and did the starting qst now she is under way to veilka but the [..] View

Launcher is a piece of ... only a dung beetle would love to roll around

12:03 pm, July 27, 2016 After longer absence tried to start tera again. Original launcher did seem to stay in some sort of endless loop. Deinstalled Tera. Downloaded TERA-Minimal-Setup.exe Because not everybody can download [..] View

Wtf ... how is this still a problem???

10:03 pm, July 25, 2016 Error Message(If you get one): I don't get an error message. Description: After 15 attempts at downloading and applying latest patch I am still stuck during applying of patch. Computer specs(if needed [..] View

Tera installer re-downloading the game?

12:03 pm, July 24, 2016 Description: So I started installing Tera and it downloaded the (first?) patch and started to apply the patch. After it got to around 79% and had the text retrieving manifest I thought it was normal, [..] View

source file corrupted DefaultEngine.ini

10:03 pm, July 23, 2016 Error Message: Corrupted source file (D:\TERA EU\Client\S1Game/Config/DefaultEngine.ini) (283e23b6c85a7753dea01411fea34c6d31d10482:6032da9179a404e72ae164b7e0554768d8f434f7) If anyone can help me PLE [..] View

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